KAT74's 14g Biocube Diary


ok thanks..il be watching for those tenticles! my shipment should be getting in tomorow morning so il get pics up as soon as everything is acclimated!


Active Member
Hey Kat,
I have heard from allot of people that Joe's juice don't work at all, but pepperments work or what I do is if I can take out the rock and pick/scrape them off. In my 24 nano I have 2 pepperments I just added to get rid of them, I had allot!! but now that I put the coral banded in the 40 I can't do the pepperment, and of course I just found 2 of those little b%$#^%$ in there. Good thing I don't have much rock in there yet so I can just take the rock out. wow.... sorry for all that
I could have just said joe's juice suck's


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Hey Kat,
I have heard from allot of people that Joe's juice don't work at all, but pepperments work or what I do is if I can take out the rock and pick/scrape them off. In my 24 nano I have 2 pepperments I just added to get rid of them, I had allot!! but now that I put the coral banded in the 40 I can't do the pepperment, and of course I just found 2 of those little b%$#^%$ in there. Good thing I don't have much rock in there yet so I can just take the rock out. wow.... sorry for all that
I could have just said joe's juice suck's

Well, since it's Friday, my usual "grocery shopping" day, I decided that I'm going to pick up some lemon juice and try that method.

I've heard that peppermints eat the aiptasia, but also heard that they can be little terrors in a reef tank also.

I've only spotted 2 of those pest anemone's, so hopefully, that's all that I have. I'm gonna try to blast them tonight.


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
u really have a nice brain

hey sorry to hear about the aptasia but it shouldn't be to hard to get rid of with the juice.


Hey sweetie!! Where in the world have you been??

I gave the aiptasia a shot of lemon juice. Gonna see if it works!~


Originally Posted by AcroShark
well Kat my brain arrived today..i love it! really good color!


Where did you get it???
Loooove it!!~


Got my FedEx tracking number from SWF.com.... my Picasso's are on their way!!~
Estimated delivery is tomorrow before 12noon.
Soooo excited! Just crossing my fingers that I get a healthy, beautiful pair.

I zapped the 2 aiptasia anemone's with lemon juice about 2 hours ago, and so far, haven't seen them come back. Not a success YET... gonna keep checking on them.
Okay... the temperature in my tank is staying around 83-84 and I don't understand why.
I put the heater all the way down to 74 and it still doesn't help. Why is it getting that high?
You would think that I have MH's on my tank or something.... When I feel the water, it certainly doesn't feel like it's that warm... if anything, it feels about 78-79. But when we use the laser temperature "aim and hold" thing, it says the same thing that the Coralife Thermometer says.

Oh, and forgot to mention that I got a cleaner shrimp yesterday that is doing very well. He stays busy on the rocks all day and is a friendly little booger and is already spoiled and handfed.

Can anyone help me with the temperature issue?


Originally Posted by AcroShark
swf.com i was very impressed with it when i saw it! it puffed up straight away! hope it stays healthy forever :)
That IS impressive! Wow, SWF.com has niiiice brains!~
The colors on it look similar to the one in my 29, if you want to go look at pics. Congrats on getting an awesome brain!


I think I answered my own question regarding why the temperature in my Biocube is running 83-84 while lights are on and 79 when lights are out. I BET my fan isn't working!!

I HEAR it like it's running, but it must not be if it's not helping control the temperature, right?

I sent an e-mail to Central Aquatics, who is handling Biocube warranties...

ETA: Fan IS working properly. Turned on the AC and propped open the hood and temp is back down to normal. :)


My Picasso's are here!~

They were packaged very well, but with no heat packs.
The temperature of their water was 71 and the SG was 0.119.

They are absolutely GORGEOUS!
I'm going to be acclimating them for a verrrrry long time to get them used to my parameters. My SG is 0.124 and my temp is now at 79.
It's nearly impossible for me to get a good picture of them in the styrofoam container, but I did my best. Definately more pics when I get them settled in much later.
Cross your fingers for me that these two beautiful babies make it.



They are very very very very nice!!!!

They are going to look great in your tank!
Best of luck with acclimating them!


Thanks for the compliments, everyone!~

Okay, after a 4 hour slow acclimation, the Picasso's are now in my DT! They were ready to get out of that container by hour 3, but I wanted the temp and SG in my DT to match exactly. They're pretty much staying together, swimming alongside each other all over the tank. I thought that they might be hungry because in the container, anything that was a speck and looked like food, they tried to go after it. But when I put food in there, only the cleaner shrimp and watchman goby ate. They didn't pay the food a bit of attention. I put in a mixture of mysis and brine shrimp plus soaked in garlic plus and AminOmega vitamin supplement. I even tried ORAglo pellets and they didn't pay that any attention either.
I'm sure that this is normal for them not to eat for the first couple of days after the stress of shipping, acclimation, etc.. I'll worry after it's been about 3 days of no eating.
Anyway, I can't get a nice, clear shot of them, but figured these were "good enough" to share.

My cleaner shrimp!~

Yeah, I totally cropped out the whole left side of my tank (where my Picasso's are) because there is absolutely NOTHING on that side yet. Next weekend, that will all change! :)
Oh, and the temperature/heating problems I was having, well, I'm not having them anymore! I totally removed the heater, and now, at present time, the temperature is 80.4. Wonder what the problem was?? Probably because the room is a lot cooler today than it has been. Gotta keep it this way!