KAT74's 14g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by MaTT B
Man! I would call you a crazy clown lady but those are AMAZING!!

Thanks, Matt, for holding off on that comment, but you're just as bad as I am!!~

You have 2 pairs of different clowns and I have 2 pairs of different clowns, so I say we're even.


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I cooled down the livingroom as well by turning on the ceiling fan and turned the MH's off, our first 80 degree day was the other day and I saw the temp in the tank slowly creep to 82.4 and that's when the alarm went off.
My diatom dusting started in the front in a small spot, then got another on the back side (have a see-through setup) and day 3 there were little spots here and there but luckily it's just a mild dusting and my big turbo snails are having a party. Anything that I've seen on the larger rock pieces has been cleaned up quickly. Also the dusting in the sand bed stopped 2 days ago and tiny spots started showing in the glass, here and there.
We had a fish food party at our reef club yesterday and I was wondering if I should start a phosban reactor or even a diatom media in a filter sock and they all told me to save my money and that the diatoms will be in a week or two. So I'm following them and not doing anything differently :)
I think you've got me convinced that Picasso Clowns will be my next clowns and will get them for the 150 when we get it up and running. I'm going to move my False female and True male to the 75 next week when it's time to start taking the 55 down.
Aren't the local reef clubs nice?? I love mine! And they give us nice membership cards too that are made of hard plastic (like credit cards) that has our names on them and an expiration date. We have TONS of LFS sponsors that give us great deals and discounts for having that card!
Definately get yourself a pair of Picasso clowns and share pics of yours when you get them!


Active Member
nice clowns! I want some black and white ones. They had some misbarred ones they were amazing, they were 69.99 a piece though
go check out my 30 gal tank and look at the new frags!!!!
What model tank is yours? I bought my girlfreind an oceanic biocube 14 gal tank. Is that the one you have? if so what MODS did you make with tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Getting this thread ready for me to set up my new 14 gallon Biocube this weekend.

I'm keeping my 29g in my office at work, and going to start this one at home.
Plans for this cube...
20-25lbs cured LR from an established tank (mixed Fiji, Caribbean, Totoka, and Tonga)
20lb LS
Remove bioballs and put LR rubble in the middle chamber
50w Visi-therm stealth heater in chamber 1
Biocube skimmer in chamber 1
Strip of filter floss over drip tray in chamber 2
Purigen and Chemi-pure Elite in chamber 3
Starting with Koralia Nano for extra flow
I'm wondering if I should put the Purigen and Chemi-pure Elite in chamber 2 on top of the LR rubble, or if I should just leave it in chamber 3?

Also... wouldn't adding water from my 29 and putting in cured LR cause me to not really have much of a cycle?
I'm not planning to "rush" things and will certainly be keeping up with my parameters before adding anything, but it was just a thought.
I'm planning on moving my n-a-k-e-d ocellaris clowns into this one and will try Picasso's once again (ordering them from here) for my 29.
I want to do my aquascape in a "U" shape because I really, really, really want an Aussie elegance to go in the middle to be my centerpiece.

NVMD. What kind of bio cube skimmer did u get and from where?
What kind of filter floss did you use and whered u get it? And pics of the chemipure and purigen lol...


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
NVMD. What kind of bio cube skimmer did u get and from where?
What kind of filter floss did you use and whered u get it? And pics of the chemipure and purigen lol...
There is only one kind of Biocube skimmer, and it's made by Oceanic and fits the 14 and 29 gallons. I got mine from my LFS. For filter floss, I use MarineLand Rite-Size bonded filter floss and just cut it into strips to place on top of the drip tray in chamber 2. I don't have pics of the chemi-pure elite or the purigen, but they both come in their own media bags.


Originally Posted by KAT74
They're just little babies too!
The Picasso's from here are pretty much the best price you will find anywhere on them, and I believe they are on sale for $94.99 too.
That bandit angel in your avitar.... I will NEVER be able to afford him!~
That is one gorgeous fish!!~
Haha I wish I had the money right now!!!
Oh, and the bandit is not mine! lol I would die if I could have one of those!


Another day and the babies have yet to leave their beloved brain.

They act like they're hungry, but they won't eat. When I put my frozen mixture in (mysis and brine plus soaked in garlic plus and AminOmega vitamins) they start swimming around, but it's like they don't recognize it as "food". They are hit and miss with the ORAGlo. Sometimes they will catch it midair, but if it touches the sand, that's it, they won't touch it. They have hardly eaten much of anything for me to be satisfied that they are getting enough to eat.
I know that it's only "Day Two" and maybe I should give them more time... but, you know.... they're babies, so I want them to eat and stay healthy!~


Well, one of them got kicked out of their comfy home and they are now doing their dominance fighting. One is staying in the brain and the other in the top front corner. The older one (with the black outlines) seems to be the dominant one because when the other one gets close, it does the shiver thing.

It'll be interesting to see what happens when the lights go out....


Active Member
Very nice Kat!!! did you say they are 99.00 each ???? If so..wow thats allot but they sure are nice


Thanks for your comment on my thread! It meant a lot because i've been viewing your beautiful tanks for a while! Inspirational! I actually gave a freind a 20 gal that she is planning on turning into a reef in the next few months (i tried to give her a list of things to get, along with this website), and showed her pictures of your 14 thus far. She loved your brain coral, as do I...along with the rest of the tank/beautiful purple rockwork! I am excited to see the long awaited elegance coral!


and can i ask, what is purigin and should i get it? currently i am running 2 filters, one with chemipure and a biological plastic filter thing, the other with LR rubble and a phosphate reducing agent. I have the chaeto right in the tank. cheers!


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Very nice Kat!!! did you say they are 99.00 each ???? If so..wow thats allot but they sure are nice

Well, they were on sale, so they were actually $94.99 each. It actually wasn't too bad though because I had a $60 credit to use from winning 3 of SWF.com's photo contests.


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
they are so sweet looking i want another tank and i want clowns in it=P
There ya go! You definately need a tank with some Picasso's in it!

Can you imagine how sweet your tank would look with some Picasso's and a pair of Harlequins???

Do it!!~~



Originally Posted by alexa11
Thanks for your comment on my thread! It meant a lot because i've been viewing your beautiful tanks for a while! Inspirational! I actually gave a freind a 20 gal that she is planning on turning into a reef in the next few months (i tried to give her a list of things to get, along with this website), and showed her pictures of your 14 thus far. She loved your brain coral, as do I...along with the rest of the tank/beautiful purple rockwork! I am excited to see the long awaited elegance coral!

awww, you are soooo sweet! I appreciate your comments and support to my thread and your tank is just coming along so nicely!

Oh, I am excited about getting my elegance coral this weekend too!!~ I've waited long enough!
So, I am picking that up, as well as a 3 head frag of Aussie Duncans.

Definately get some Purigen too. It comes in its own little mesh bag that you rinse and then dump in. From the Seachem website: Purigen™ is a premium synthetic adsorbent that is unlike any other filtration product. It is not a mixture of ion exchangers or adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water at a rate and capacity that exceeds all others by over 500%. Purigen™ controls ammonia, nitrites and nitrates by removing nitrogenous organic waste that would otherwise release these harmful compounds. Purigen’s™ impact on trace elements is minimal. It significantly raises redox. It polishes water to unparalleled clarity.



Originally Posted by MaTT B
May I please have a FTS?

Check ouy my baby thread

Here's your 3/4 FTS.

You know I left off the left side because there is absolutely nothing but rocks there because it's waiting for a very special coral coming this weekend. I'm giving it plenty of space.

... going over to check out the proud papa's thread.