KAT74's 14g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by regina13
Your back!!!: Sorry about you loss, and hope you find a good home for the 29. and n aked clowns.
and I found the perfect home for my 29 and clowns.

Originally Posted by touchthesky00
first of all, awesome tank
second, do you have the standard 14g biocube lighting? which would be 48 watts? if im right...?
Thanks for the compliment, and yes, I still have the standard stock lighting.
Originally Posted by m33flah24
wow..your gettng rid of your 29g...man i wish i was local to you...i would love to take your nakedclowns...i fell in love with the nakedclowns through your 29g and pics of them...now i'm waiting for my lfs to get them in...get better with your sickness and good luck with your tank...it looks awesome ..
Thanks! Those clowns are the best. Such sweet dispositions and they will eat from my fingers. They'll be going somewhere where I can visit them whenever I want, so I'm happy.
I hope your LFS gets in a pair!
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm

Sorry to hear that Kim, My blennie was attacking my clam it had to go to the QT. Came home today he's dead
Oh, no!! Sorry to hear that!

Originally Posted by SilverDak

I think the lights are 24 watt... thats what the ballasts say on them

Originally Posted by touchthesky00
hmm jw, cuz i saw she had a lot of corals that i thought needed much more light
The frogspawn is at the top of my tank and the torch is also near the top; both doing great thus far. The open brain is absolutely healthy and doing fine on the bottom of the tank and the Aussie elegance doesn't need more intense lighting. No worries... anyone who knows me knows that I stay on top of everything in my tank and if anything ever looks like it is not doing well, I do something about it.

Originally Posted by nwdyr
Sorry for you'r loss Kim!! I lost my new little Maroon clown today
I saw a group of snails and crabs brawling and I knew there was trouble...sure enough I saw what they were fighting over and it was my new buddy
It was obviously way to late to save him, I just got him on fathers day. That's what I get fro buying myself a gift

Wow, sorry to hear that! It's always sad to lose a fish.

Originally Posted by touchthesky00

What do you feed your tank?
I feed ORAglo, mysis, brine plus, and marine cuisine soaked in garlic plus, AminOmega vitamins and zooplex, as well as Arcti Pods, Phyto Feast and Roti Feast.


Active Member
hey are you having any overheating issues in your tank? and what is your light schedual??? I am trying to figure out if I will need a chiller and what not. thanks!!!!!!!
PS you are basically the reason I wanted a 14G Bio-cube, so thanks!!!


Originally Posted by SilverDak
hey are you having any overheating issues in your tank? and what is your light schedual??? I am trying to figure out if I will need a chiller and what not. thanks!!!!!!!
PS you are basically the reason I wanted a 14G Bio-cube, so thanks!!!
Nope, not having overheating issues at all. In the very beginning I did; temp was running about 83-84, but that was because I had the room temp up above 80.
Room temp stays about 72-74 now, so no heating issues.

My lighting schedule... actinics run from 12pm-10pm and daylights from 1pm-9pm.
Thanks for the compliment and good luck with yours!


Wanna see something cool?? Caught my pom pom crab in the middle of a molt. He was totally separated from his bottom half... working on the top when I took this pic. Then he went into the back of the cave....

My duncan is growing extremely fast and it seems like everyday another little bud pops up! It's hard to take a pic of the little buds showing unless the big heads are eating and closed up somewhat. But you can easily see all the little buds coming out from the main 2 heads.

and I told you how well my Picasso's and the possum wrasse were getting along. They all have such sweet dispositions and are very peaceful towards one another. The possum wrasse follows the clowns everywhere; I think he thinks that he IS a clownfish too!
He goes into the brain with them too! You can see on the female clown that she is starting to get darker between her bars.



Originally Posted by fish2
your daylights are on later than actinics?
Noooo.... that was a typo. You'll have to forgive me, I'm still on some heavy duty prescription cough syrup with Vicodin in it!

I corrected my typo... actinics run from 12pm-10pm and daylights from 1pm-9pm.


Active Member
Love the new pics but come on show sum fts, and HAVE YOU SEEN my threads lately ? i have added all kinds of new stuff and havent seen you say anything about it in ages. But i love how your clowns and all swim together. My Bi Color Blenny and Hectors Goby swim together alot picking at algae.


Active Member
ok one last question for you Kim, do you have the lights on timers? as in having the switches on top always in the "on" position? and that isnt bad for the cube??


Active Member
so when are your going to work for the nature channel
really the pic's are crazy cool
And all three together.... come on those are not real....that's like trick photography right?? Well like I said if not , you are in the wrong field of work!


Active Member
we are all very worried about you!!! please just stop by to say you are ok! don't make me come out there
for real Kim you and you'r family are in my prayers xoxox


Awesome tank Kat!!! I'm in the process of getting a nano myself. I havent decided which size yet. I'm looking at the 14g. Right now I have a 180g w/75g sump. What kinda of lighting is under your 14g hood? I've found a dual 24w, dual 27w and a Deluxe 2-dual 24w. Which is yours? Thanks


Hi Kim.. gorgeous tank.I love how you put everything in your tank. Looks perfect. Would not change a thing..I have been on these boards for awhile and have not met you yet.. so hello..