KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by subielover
Hey Kat

New pics look great, that is so funny how your shrimp gets his mouth clean like that
I have been reading up on the Biocube 29 like yours, did you ever consider setting up a refugium in one of your chambers? On that topic what do you have in your chambers?
I've seen the shrimp and goby doing that on a daily basis now since the first time I saw them doing it.

I don't have a refugium set up in any of my chambers. And I don't really know if the bioballs are in the middle chamber or not.
Weird, I know... but when I bought this tank, I was on vacation and it was set up at the LFS so they came to my office and set it up for me and when I came back, I moved some stuff from my 14 gallon into it and went from there.
In my first chamber, I have a 100w visi-therm stealth heater and the Biocube skimmer. In chamber two, I have a long piece of filter floss across the drip tray to help trap debris, and in the third chamber, I have Purigen and Chemipure Elite.
I do know that when I set up my 14 next weekend, I *will* be ditching the bioballs for sure and will be using LR rubble and the same things that I have in my 29 (Purigen, Chemi-Pure Elite, Biocube skimmer, 50w stealth heater)



Originally Posted by HaloStalker
wow nice shrimp he looks like the female i got and i got a smaller male lol really tiny. so tiny my camera can't take good pics heheh i need to go get one a new camera bad.
Suckz about the rics, and nice u have a dentist in the tank heheh.
nice feather duster, what about the polyps? not opened yet i think.
hey sub i have alot of LR rubble in the back and so does kat, i also use filter floss that i put ontop of the rubble and it catches large dirt that passes into the sump.
great tank and nice pic's, kate u always beat me at everything heheh

Ooooh.... so I have a female emperor shrimp?? I just hope that when I get to work on Monday I will see it somewhere
It's a tiny little booger, but let me tell you what is TINY.... and that is a flaming prawn goby! I saw two of them today and he had them in little enclosed containers (with holes) within a cubicle, I'm assuming so that he can keep up with them and not lose them, especially for the price he was charging for them!

Those things are extremely tiny. They must be specifically for pico tanks or something. Beautiful, but tiny. I thought about you when I saw them.

Originally Posted by HaloStalker

lmao kat ur brain is fried mine is just wrecked sitting in class's all day is really ridiculous i mean after one class i have a 6 hour math class that is really hard so im forced to use my brain extra hard
anyway im a bit worried i have the female anemone shrimp walking around but i lost the male i seen him yesterday but no sign of him today
but now i have something to look foward to a really big big big coral package i mean it will be super duper :
Oh, no! Well, I hope that you find your male anemone shrimp! I'm sure it's just chillin' somewhere.... or, it's probably camoflauged really, really well.
and I don't envy you one bit for all of those classes and a 6
hour MATH class???? I would die! I HATE math!
Can't wait til you get your coral order innnnnn!!~


wow really they must of been beautiful. i saw a little shrimp goby and it was like a half inch tiny like my shrimp. but then i remembered i wanted the flaming prawn gobys.=P


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
wow really they must of been beautiful. i saw a little shrimp goby and it was like a half inch tiny like my shrimp. but then i remembered i wanted the flaming prawn gobys.=P
I can't even express how tiny those flaming prawns were. I've never seen *anything* as tiny as they were.
Beautiful, yes... I'd be afraid that they would get sucked into something and die. Very delicate little things.


Active Member
I noticed my fire shrimp like to climb on my gobys head when I feed them, I use a syringe to shoot the food into the gobys cave because he is too lazy too come out and get the food! no dental exams yet


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I do know that when I set up my 14 next weekend, I *will* be ditching the bioballs for sure and will be using LR rubble and the same things that I have in my 29 (Purigen, Chemi-Pure Elite, Biocube skimmer, 50w stealth heater)

Hey Kat please post a link here to your 14 gallon build thread if you do a separate one. Thanx


Came to work today and my daisy polyps were opened.

Saw the weirdest thing in the world today.... my coco worm didn't come out all day until about 4pm, and when I turned around and saw him out, I saw my blenny nipping away at the crown. I jumped up and lightly tapped on the tank to get him to stop and he wouldn't. Then I saw what he was really
doing... the coco worm was releasing some ummm.... "stuff" .....
and it looked like smoke and my blenny was sucking up the "stuff".... like he was addicted to it.... just inhaling it, like he was getting high off of this stuff. He wouldn't leave! The look on his face was PRICELESS!! It looked seriously like he was high and couldn't get enough of it! I soooo wish I had my camera on me to take his pic, but my camera was in the Dr's. office!
It was TOO funny!
Oh, and I can't find my emperor shrimp anywhere.
I know that he's tiny, so he might still be in there somewhere
, I just can't find him.


Stopped by my LFS today to pick up my LS and more Nutri-Seawater for my 14 gallon and saw a brain that I could not resist!
I've been having bad luck with brain corals these last two that I got. I traded in my HUGE Wellsophylia about a month or so ago for another type of brain coral and it never did anything in my tank and died. I didn't want to get rid of the skeleton because I was sure I would find some use for it! Then I got another brain coral two weeks ago and it wouldn't inflate very well, but it didn't die.
I saw this gorgeous wellsophyllia in my LFS and I decided to give brain corals ONE MORE CHANCE. As soon as I put it in my tank, it started to inflate.

Here's my new brain coral!~
It's a variety of colors... green, with flourescent greenish/yellow with pinkish/purplish color

This is what I did with the skeleton of the other brain! LOL!~

and wouldn't you know it that as soon as I put the other brain coral in the back of my tank under the cave to get it out of the way for me to put the new one down, it starts getting happy, inflating.

I think my clown is going to try to host it... she's been very interested in it since I put it in there!



Okay.... I think xenia is not going to be successful in my tank. The two stalks that are at the top of my middle rock aren't looking so hot these days. After my water changes, I do put a drop of Lugol's in my tank for the xenia, but, I just don't know....

My fountain feather duster is doing some weird thing with its crown

anyone ever wanna see a fox coral poop?

my wrasse always makes sure to "stop and smell the flowers"....

and.... today's FTS


wow wow ur tank looks so sick

lmao benny is addicted to umm.........
Sorry to hear u lost ur emperor, i actually see mine every day b/c they picked a rock right in front of the tank=P

so far i really don't lose any inverts i even see the smallest one quiet often(bubble bee shrimp).
OH happy new the pom pom i added with the 2 anemone got one stolen lmao=P so its just a matter of time before all of them have them.
Also about the tapping i did hear some tapping but i was thinking it might be my heating in my house but idk maybe the emperor can do clicks.
also love the pictures they are really sweet.


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
wow the new brain looks great!!!

Thanks, jamiegrl!~

I saw that one and a red one that I really wanted and decided to pick that one instead because it had so many different colors in it and looked unique.
I just hope that it continues to do well because the previous two brains I've had since trading my other one in, one died and one, well.... NOW, he's decided to get happy.


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
wow wow ur tank looks so sick

lmao benny is addicted to umm.........
Sorry to hear u lost ur emperor, i actually see mine every day b/c they picked a rock right in front of the tank=P

so far i really don't lose any inverts i even see the smallest one quiet often(bubble bee shrimp).
OH happy new the pom pom i added with the 2 anemone got one stolen lmao=P so its just a matter of time before all of them have them.
Also about the tapping i did hear some tapping but i was thinking it might be my heating in my house but idk maybe the emperor can do clicks.
also love the pictures they are really sweet.
Yeah.... the blenny is addicted to it, alright.... I soooo wish I had my camera on me to take his pic doing it because he was ridiculous with it!

I'm HOPING that the light tapping I hear is the emperor. What else could it be? I never heard it until I added him.

Awww... your pom poms are sharing and splitting anemone's! Soon, they'll all be running around with them!


Active Member
I thought i had the coolest brain
You could not pass that up!! way cool! My xenia is growing pretty good, don't know why your's is not
that fox is beautiful, minus the poop
I don't know how you do it, but you'r tank just keeps getting better!! Can't wait to see the other one from day one! my frag has water in it