KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by jerrit03
I go to Blue Planet all the time too, I used to work right over there on Jonesboro rd. and went at least 2 days a week. I also go to Aquatic pets. I just went to Marine Fish and Reef in Marietta for the first time last week and it is huge compared to most that I go to. I just recently bought a house right on the henry-spalding county line, but I go to school in Marietta at Southern Poly. Where did you buy your 29gal?
Maybe I've run into you at Blue Planet because I go there about twice a week too!
Tiffany, Joe and Sean know me very well and I love that because they know the kinds of things that I am looking for, and when they get something in that I might like, they e-mail or call me.

The first time I went into Marine Fish, I was like a kid in a candy store because I had never seen frags before. I've always bought regular sized colony's and they would cram into my Biocubes. I saw all of those frags and they were sooo cute!
I was missing out!
I got my 29gal from Marine Fish and the new 14gal Biocube that I set up, I got that from Einstein Aquatics. Chris has both of those tanks along with the stand on sale right now. I know that Blue Planet has the 8 and 14 gallon Biocubes in stock. If they don't already have the 29 in stock, I know that they could order it in for you.

You ought to check out Cappucino Bay, which is about 5 miles from Marine Fish. I've never been there before, but heard that it is verrrrry nice!!


Well, whatever the problem was this morning, it has resolved on its own. I started with plugging the skimmer back up and nothing showed up in the tank. Next hour, I rinsed and added back the Chemi-Pure Elite, nothing showed up in the tank. I added the Purigen back in and still nothing, so who knows what that was this morning....


This tank is going to undergo some "restructuring"....

Going to add a new coco worm like the one in my 14 to it on Friday, and then I'm going to halt on progress for a little while until I get my 14 stocked and ready for "status quo" so that I can come back and work on this one. Working on 2 tanks at a time is very time consuming, so one project at a time for me...

Gonna clear out my xenia and zoas from the top middle rock and use that rock for something else. Gonna clear out the old ric remnants from the ledge and utilize that space for something else.... rock work will most likely stay the same.
Stay tuned at a later date....


Wow your tank is awsome!!! Thanks for the kind words on mine. I love your fungia. I saw two in an earlier pic did you get rid of one? I am subscibing!!!


Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
Wow your tank is awsome!!! Thanks for the kind words on mine. I love your fungia. I saw two in an earlier pic did you get rid of one? I am subscibing!!!

Yeah, I originally had 2 fungias. I traded the pink one in to my LFS. The one I have now, not sure what's going on with it, it won't fluff up during the day anymore, just at night.



I got the skimmer made for the for 29 gal biocube!
It has made my tank sooo mcuh better!!!
I have like 0 algae!
btw awesome tank!!!
The fairy wrasse is really striking! really stands out!


Do you still have your possum wrasse? What is your opinion on them? I was thinking about getting one for my 65g. But everyone tells me they are very shy & that I would either never see it or the other fish would bully it.
I have a 12g nano that is currently empty. I can't decide whether to do seahorses or fish. If I went the fish route I could always put the possum in there...
Anyway, could you post some pictures of him sometime?
Your tanks are amazing!
- D


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
I got the skimmer made for the for 29 gal biocube!
It has made my tank sooo mcuh better!!!
I have like 0 algae!
btw awesome tank!!!
The fairy wrasse is really striking! really stands out!
Thanks, jamiegrl!~
I loved that fairy wrasse, it truly was a gorgeous fish, but somehow it got stuck/wedged between two rocks and died a couple of months ago.


Originally Posted by Acrid
Do you still have your possum wrasse? What is your opinion on them? I was thinking about getting one for my 65g. But everyone tells me they are very shy & that I would either never see it or the other fish would bully it.
I have a 12g nano that is currently empty. I can't decide whether to do seahorses or fish. If I went the fish route I could always put the possum in there...
Anyway, could you post some pictures of him sometime?
Your tanks are amazing!
- D
I do still have my little possum wrasse and I absolutely love him! I definately recommend getting one, but not for your 65g. They are very small wrasses, smaller than I thought, and initially, when I first put him in the tank, he was shy and mainly stayed in the back, but not anymore. Now, he's all over the place. Up front, curious about everything. I read that possum wrasses are very peaceful and that they cannot tolerate "boisterous" tank mates. This is certainly true of the one I have. It shares a tank with a pair of n-a-k-e-d clowns, a bicolor blenny and an aurora/pinkbar goby. When I feed my fish, I have to keep an eye on him and make sure that he gets enough to eat because he is so "peaceful" and non-aggressive that when he sees food, he starts to go after it, but if he sees another fish go after it, he will just give up and move out the way and swims to the back and settles for whatever pieces happen to float back there. The other fish eat like pigs and by the time I put enough food in there to make sure that the little wrasse has eaten enough, I look at the clowns and their bellies are about to bust!

If you get one, put it in your 12g for sure.
Also, if you get one, let me know, 'cause I'd love to see pics of yours!
I love this little fish so much that I asked my LFS to be on the look-out for another one for me so that I can put it in my 14 with the Picasso's.

Hmmm... lemme see... these are all the pics I can find of my possum wrasse on photobucket.
During acclimation



Active Member
WOW His eyes are bigger than your blenny's are LOL. I guess they dont call them Possum Wrasses for nothing heh... LOL.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
WOW His eyes are bigger than your blenny's are LOL. I guess they dont call them Possum Wrasses for nothing heh... LOL.
PD!!~ THERE you are!!

Ummm... I'm still waiting for that pic of your tank taken from further back with the light over it that you're supposed to take standing on your head, with one eye closed, two feet back and 6.2352 inches to the left and I believe peef asked you to sing Hakuna Matata when you take it.



Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
PD!!~ THERE you are!!

Ummm... I'm still waiting for that pic of your tank taken from further back with the light over it that you're supposed to take standing on your head, with one eye closed, two feet back and 6.2352 inches to the left and I believe peef asked you to sing Hakuna Matata when you take it.


Ohhh crap your right... I forgot. I will take it this week for ya... LOL sorry.


Active Member
Hey kat74, Im sorry to hear your zoos are disappearing in this tank of yours. Mine are disappearing in my aquapod but thriving great in my nano cube. Dunno whats up with that. I do same amount of water changed each week in each tank. Everything else is doing excellent in there. Well i just wish i could figure it out. Well my paly is dying in my nanocube that i ordered from someone on here. It was doing pretty good but then it got this brown stuff on it :( I pull it off everyday but it gets on it again


Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Hey kat74, Im sorry to hear your zoos are disappearing in this tank of yours. Mine are disappearing in my aquapod but thriving great in my nano cube. Dunno whats up with that. I do same amount of water changed each week in each tank. Everything else is doing excellent in there. Well i just wish i could figure it out. Well my paly is dying in my nanocube that i ordered from someone on here. It was doing pretty good but then it got this brown stuff on it :( I pull it off everyday but it gets on it again
Weird how things can be sooo different with tanks that are being taken care of pretty much the same way.

Sorry to hear about the paly in your nanocube.


Well, I've neglected this thread and I've neglected this tank. I gave away some things and now, I'm going to focus on fixing it back up since I've gotten my 14g pretty much to my satisfaction.... for now.

Updates: Gone are all of my xenia. They started to not do well all of a sudden, so I removed them all before they died. I moved a couple of my little zoa frags to the middle on a "shelf" and they seem to be doing well there. I can just about give up on my beautiful brain because my critters just won't leave it alone and it hasn't puffed up in over a week now. The blenny and goby perch on it, the blenny nips at it, the clowns rub their faces on its mouth, and the crabs pretty much walk all over it.
My frogspawn has bleached into an interesting color. It's like a glow-in-the-dark turquoise/green color.
I think I'm gonna take it back to the LFS to see if they can nurse it back to color. I got a large coco worm like the one in my 14g for this tank and it's doing really well.
I think it's about time for a bulb change since it's been a little over 8 months now.

Slowly... I WILL get this tank back on track!~


Went to the LFS and got some goodies!~

Took my frogspawn in to see if they can get it to color back up. May just go ahead and let them have it.

While I was there, I picked up a really niced sized pink bubble and two zoa rocks. One is a pink-ish color and the other a blue-ish color.
I also ordered replacement lights since it's about that time. I've noticed that my actinics are not as bright as they usually are. They should be here next week.
Slowly... I *will* fill this tank back up!~

Pics tomorrow!~


Well, it's official... I have a bulb out! One of my actinics blew and I stopped by my LFS and luckily they had one in stock and I picked it up, so I'll put it in tomorrow. My daylights are not as bright, so they ordered me one of those and it should be in next week. I brought my brain to the LFS for some TLC since it hasn't opened in almost 2 weeks and I was afraid that the constant picking by my blenny and other critters was going to kill it.
I took the fox coral out of my 14 and put it in this tank, but it looks "out of place" up there on the top middle rock and I'm not completely happy with the placement of my bubble coral or the coco worm. The coco worm's tube is SOOOOO long that you can see it in the back part of the cave and I don't like that.
My elegance is doing really well in my 14... I may get an Aussie elegance with pink tips for this one... just not sure yet.
Anyway, some updated pics... I'm sure everything will look happier and the colors will be better once I replace my bulbs.
Bubble, coco worm and new zoas

New zoas

My torch is growing!~

My male clown likes hanging out here

Today's FTS *You can see how loooong the coco worm's tube is in this pic!~

STILL a work in progress.... it'll get there...


OMG! That tube is so long, LOL! I love your tanks so so much. My husband and I just bought a house so I'm waiting until we move in (October, it's being built) to set up my first SW tank. Both of your tanks are such an inspiration. You made me want an elegance!