Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)


Active Member
lol I have to its going to eat everything!!!
How do you do that hypo dip??? hurry before he goes to another rock!
What should the sg be at and will everything drop off the rock when I do it?


Active Member
You have this confused with Hypersalinity water, higher Sg. Mix up a batch of saltwater at 1.031 or higher saltwater and place the rock in it. It is best if you can suspend the rock a little, on an inverted plastic cup or something, so when the critter exit they fall to the bottom of the container. Then you can take the rock out and see whet is left.


Originally Posted by spanko
You have this confused with Hypersalinity water, higher Sg. Mix up a batch of saltwater at 1.031 or higher saltwater and place the rock in it. It is best if you can suspend the rock a little, on an inverted plastic cup or something, so when the critter exit they fall to the bottom of the container. Then you can take the rock out and see whet is left.
SEE...I knew someone who knew would show up

ONCE Again...another lesson learned from SPANKO THE GREAT

(happy birthday)


Active Member
Cant find those ones, It was a different one. For all critters or something like that.
The woirm hasnt fallen out of the rock yet:( am I supposed to leave the rock i nthere for a while? or take it out?


Active Member
You are doing the hypersalinity? What is the Sg and how did you measure it? The worm may not be in that rock, may be some other place now.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
should I go to the store and buy a trap? The one meowzer posted is $20
It worked for me...LOL...Only I paid $10
..although I had to order it
I had a LOT of bristle worms.....and wanted to get rid of some
I actually used it last week in my sump...cause I was beginning to see bunches...