

has anyone used Kick-Ich? I had a really bad case of Ich, and my LFS said to treat my tank with that. I had already lost 6 fish by this point and had 2 left. They were covered in spots by the time i added Kick-Ich in. The treatment was 15 days long, and i have already finished it, and all the spots are GONE! and they are eating again and acting normal.
I was just wondering if anyone else has used Kick-Ich with good luck?


Active Member
Slap the guy who sold you that crap!! LOL...
IMHO its snake oil.. It has seemed to work for you but Im intrested to know if it comes back..


ahah Well it seems to be doing fine now. He told me that he uses that in his tanks at the store if he gets any Ich, and his fish are pretty darn healthy.


Active Member
+1 to being junk.
with the life cycle of ich it will be on the fish for 5-7 days then drop off to breed and multiply.
this takes a couple weeks then bam hundreds more and the fish have no chance.
from reading other posts about people trying kick ick it seems the stuff will prolong the breeding and take longer than usual.but it has always come back.
look in the search there was someone who posted a trial with this stuff ,it was pretty day by day.he also said the stuff worked at first then i think it was around three weeks later the ich was back.


Well-Known Member

I have used it..if you can keep your fish ich free for the next 8 weeks, then it is gone..Do not redoes your tank with this stuff if it isn’t gone. It will kill your fish. (it did mine) Do your water change as instructed.
As a last resort, I had all but given up. I decided to try the following and it worked.
I fed my very ichy hippo tang, and friends a chunk of shrimp soaked in fresh garlic juice. I upped the temp to 82-84 and I have had no more problems.


I've used it and it says right on the bottle may have to go through cycle twice for bad case's. I'm not sure if it worked for me or not been about 3 months too scared to add a new fish. I used the Rally with it and it made my tank nuclear green but saved some of my fish. Lost an Anthias to most likely ich and a Dragonet to some kind of fungus or bacteria.
Still have my Tang, coral beauty, yellow watchman goby, false perc. Corals still don't look totally healthy though.


Hi I too am a tangaholic and had ich. I bought 2 gallons of kick ick(350 gallon) I followed the directions to a tee and it did work for me. 12 weeks now with no signs of ick. In all fairness I did add a cleaner wrasse. I am confident I have the upper hand on the situation as I had no losses.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by outsdr2
Hi I too am a tangaholic and had ich. I bought 2 gallons of kick ick(350 gallon) I followed the directions to a tee and it did work for me. 12 weeks now with no signs of ick. In all fairness I did add a cleaner wrasse. I am confident I have the upper hand on the situation as I had no losses.

I hate ich, I rarely add new fish because I hate the QT. If you got rid of it…YEAH!

Whatever works, it is a nuisance to beat. Truly an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
I had done the second cycle of kick-ich and my fish got a fungus…I lost nothing to ich but my Royal Gramma and about 3 other fish to the fungus stuff.
That’s why I said what I did about redosing, it made things worse.


Active Member
From what ive read, kick Ich can work it just takes about a month of still dosing the tank even after signs of ICH are gone. Ive never had to use the stuff but im sure one day ill have my own battle.
Ive read reports that if treated early this can help, but you have to continue using it for at least a month after the fish show no signs. Ive also read reports that it has about the same effect as a freshwater bath treatment. Don't know keep us updated.
Also try adding a cleaner shrimp or two they have been rumored to help in the process of preventing Ich especially in tangs.


Active Member
I found it also to be garage a long time back -- if your LFS uses it and his fish look great and it works... umm then how did you get ich from him?
Cleaner shrimp like the above post says they are rumored to prevent ich -- not true but they "may" clean some of the parasites off of the fish.
Ich goes through a cycle... and if they go through the egg stage and no visible signs of ich are present... the treatment gets all the credit -- many times wrongfully so.
Best of luck to you -- hope the best and you do beat it but if you don't.... QT and don't put any fish back in that tank for 10-12 weeks until the life cycle of ich is over.


Sorry to hear you got ich, but sometimes it comes with the hobby. I had a small case of ich, one or two spots would show up on my firefish gobies every few days then leave. I was afraid to add any chemicals, I decided to do a 50% water change and jack the temp up to 86 for a month, worked perfect. Its been weeks with no signs of anything.
Instead of telling the "what to do", I will explain the "why" also, to better the understanding. Ich likes colder temperatures, it has a longer life span (about one month) the colder the water is, thus, more time to find a host and reproduce. But if you up the temp, to my recommended temperature, it will weaken the specimen and will likely not succeed in finding a host. Their life span averages about 3 days in temperatures around 86, its the equivilant of us being stranded in the desert, chances of survival are slim. But your fish should be fine at that temp, I would leave it at that temp for about 1 month after symptoms are gone.
Under ideal living conditions conditions, only roughly 5% of the ich succeed in finding a host, the rest fade away.
Also, with a 50% water change, (you can't take all of the water, there is an established ecosystem, but under conditions as severe as ich, it can be necessary to take half the water) it will help eliminate the ich burrowing in the substrate, which is where they reside for a good portion of their life cycle.
Before you add chemicals, I recommend doing something that doesn't involve chemicals, they can be stressful on the life in the tank. That information goes for all who read this. Good luck

al mc

Active Member
Personally, I would go to the 'Disease' section of the forum and read Beth's archived thread on the life cycle of Ich and how to have the best chance of eliminating it not just reducing the numbers that you might see on your fish
for a short period of time.


Jackri - the reason why my BH Tang had it was because my LFS got her in and he said he would watch her for a week to make sure she was healthy, but me being impatient (i know in this hobby you must be patient...lesson learned) took her hom after he only had her over night, so he never really got to check her out. Then 4 days later she showed signs of Ich. So it was my fault.
But im done dosing with kick-ich and everything seems to be going great, I have a cleaner shrimp and hes taking care of my Green Chromis, and i had a cleaner wrasse, but it got stuck in one of my rocks and died. So i'm thinking the kick-ich is going well. and from now on i'm going to be QT everything.
Although, i only have a 10g to QT is that big enough?


I just got done dosing my tank with kick-ich and it seemed to help for me as of now. Today was my last day dosing for the second time. All signs are gone...for now...but we'll see.


Originally Posted by lietz06
I just got done dosing my tank with kick-ich and it seemed to help for me as of now. Today was my last day dosing for the second time. All signs are gone...for now...but we'll see.
Just out of curiosity, I see you say for the "second" time.....Why did you have to do it again?


Originally Posted by meowzer
Just out of curiosity, I see you say for the "second" time.....Why did you have to do it again?
it recommends on the bottle that if you have a bad case to go ahead with treatment twice...and my case wasn't horrible..but i had 3 fish with it and i figured i'd just go ahead with a second dose just to be on the safe side.


i had a really bad strain and it killed many fish before i could treat it. I did the "heavy dosage". How is your tank doing with the second treatment?


Originally Posted by vsecret
i had a really bad strain and it killed many fish before i could treat it. I did the "heavy dosage". How is your tank doing with the second treatment?
All the inverts have done great. I had 2 fish die in the last month...but i guess i never figured it was the medicine...for some dumb reason. but one of the fish, a blue powder tang, had a pretty bad case of ick so i'm assuming i was just too late for him. He had been sick since we got him...and the other was a purple psuechromis...that mysteriously died. Like i said...everyone else(carpet anemone, bta, condy anemone, snails, hermits, urchin, spotted hawkfish, 2 ocellaris clownfish, purple tang, yellow tang, & hippo tang) are doing fine.


Originally Posted by lietz06
I just got done dosing my tank with kick-ich and it seemed to help for me as of now. Today was my last day dosing for the second time. All signs are gone...for now...but we'll see.
Hello did you raise your temp? I also agree with dsmccain that temp must play a role in whether kickich works or not.


I use 'Formalin 3' by Kordon. It worked like a charm and it addresses numerous diseases. My LFS told me about it. Works pretty fast