Killer Cbs


Active Member
It is already too big for the 29 if it is picking off your fish stock. If you really need to keep it, put it in the sump of the 225. Make it a display sump of sorts. Find a nasty crab, sump it. Find a nasty coughdamselcough put it in the sump. Crazy coral banded shrimp to the sump!!!!!!!


Active Member
It is already too big for the 29 if it is picking off your fish stock. If you really need to keep it, put it in the sump of the 225. Make it a display sump of sorts. Find a nasty crab, sump it. Find a nasty coughdamselcough put it in the sump. Crazy coral banded shrimp to the sump!!!!!!!
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Active Member
No... I said in the future :) He will actually grow larger than the dimensions of a 29. Ours would have his antennae touching both the front and the back of the 55g at the same time. He was HUGE.... But if you want small fish, he's gonna have move being it's such a small environment.
What do you have in the big tank?


Originally Posted by Cranberry
No... I said in the future :) He will actually grow larger than the dimensions of a 29. Ours would have his antennae touching both the front and the back of the 55g at the same time. He was HUGE.... But if you want small fish, he's gonna have move being it's such a small environment.
What do you have in the big tank?
1 sailfin tang
1 yellow tang
1 blue hippo tang
4 green chromis
2 black 3-spot damsels
1 yellow tail damsel
1 pseudochromis
2 Clowns (percula)
1 Yellow clown goby
1 bicolor blennie
1 lawnmower blennie
1 Cortez ray
1 coral beauty
1 dwarf flame angel
1 sandsifting goby
1 spotted mandarin
1 red spotted sand perch
1 Flame Cardinal
3 pajama cardinals
Nassarius Snails and more snails
4 fighting conch
4 Little bear conch
3 cleaner clams (I think)
Some blue leg hermits
2 Sally Lightfoot crabs
8 emerald crabs
1 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp


Active Member
He might nibble on those shrimp a little....
And that yellow clown goby and anything similar in size.
Do you hand feed him? That's how I "tamed" mine. He was much less aggressive when fed.


NO....I just throw some mysis soaked in garlic and selcon (vitachem...zoe...zoecon) alternated
and they go at it


I happen to have 2 NASTY damsels....I tried to catch them again the other day....not happening
I am going to have to get some sort of trap or something


Active Member
Give him his own hunk of something. Hand deliver. Then he doesn't even get involved in the feeding time war and it seems to keep some of the competitive fight out of them. At least that what worked for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I happen to have 2 NASTY damsels....I tried to catch them again the other day....not happening
I am going to have to get some sort of trap or something
didnt you say damsel are nice?