Kimberly's 14 Gallon Biocube

My wonderful husband, knowing I always wanted to try my hand at keeping a nano tank, surprised me with a 14 gallon BioCube tank for Christmas.
All I've got in it right now is sand, liverock and, of course, water, but I'll keep you guys posted on my progress. Here's a few pictures. It doesn't look quite this blue in person. The color is a little off in the pictures because I'm still learning to use my new camera.


Left Side

Right Side



Nice rock work, I love that you have a back opening for more water the circulate and more swimming room...
Thanks everyone! I'm really excited about getting this tank up and running.
I love the black sand... it really adds a different look to the tank. And I tried very hard to make sure that the rockwork would allow for good circulation since I know that the smaller tanks can often have circulation problems. The Biocube has a naturally circular flow because of where the output is, so I tried to make the aquascaping work with that... hence the cave and the opening in the back.


Ugghhhhh black sand. Just like a black car, it is asthetically pleasing when clean. However the tiniest bit of dirt, or in our case detritus, will become painfully noticable.
Originally Posted by NanoMantis
Ugghhhhh black sand. Just like a black car, it is asthetically pleasing when clean. However the tiniest bit of dirt, or in our case detritus, will become painfully noticable.
That did occur to me, but I'm trying to just look at it as good motivation for keeping the tank properly maintained and clean.
After two years out of the hobby, I am experiencing a little "newbie-itus" as I get back into it and find myself wanting to rush things. But then I just think back to the hard lessons I learned when setting up my first tank back in 1998 and it helps curb my enthusiasm into something more constructive. RESEARCH!

Since I have such limited space, I want to be VERY selective about what I put in there, so research is key for me. The cycle is done, so I'll probably be off to the LFS this weekend for the beginnings of my cleanup crew.


Active Member
Good that you realize how small the tank is early on. I have the same tank and refuse to add mushrooms, xenia, kenya, star polyps(although I did get some as hitchhikers on my lr.) The tank is just too small for those invasive corals. Best to do your research find out what you want and then add them slowly. Good luck to you but it sounds like you are headed in the right direction.
I thought I'd post an update with some new pics of my tank and its inhabitants for those of you following along.Ocellaris Clownfish

Emerald Crab



Eagle Eye Zoanthids

Full Tank

There's also some nassarius snails and a new small zoa colony that I don't have pics of yet. And if anyone can identify that ricordea, it would be appreciated.


Active Member
Wow, I really do like your rock work. The caves are cool. I just rearanged my rock and by doing so it added a cave I didn't really notice, but my clown did. He keeps swimming through both caves it's funny to watch him. He thinks he all cool now.
Wow Kimberly. What a beautiful tank! I love the rockscape, the sand, how you've already started perfectly placing the corals... it just looks great!
Keep us informed!