kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Here's a summary Krunk... any specifics I can elaborate on...
Set up is as follows... lighting is a 2x36 watt retrofit, with bulbs from (one 10,000k and one actinic). Above the tank is a 7 gallon refugium (critter keeper) with two 15 watt NO "Lights of America" kits from Home Depot that cost about $7 a pop. I run those 24/7. In the tank I have two Minijet 606s at each corner (upgraded from original 404s) and I have an Aquaclear 150 on the back, drilled to fit another Minijet (404) that pumps up to the fuge. The fuge then gravity feeds back to the tank. I have another powerhead in the fuge for circulation, which helps grow the macro. I have an ebo-jager (I think 150 watt) in the fuge. I now drip about a half gallon full strength kalk (1 tsp per gallon) every night, and on top of that have been recently adding about 8 mLs of B-ionic as the kalk cannot keep up now. Calcium stays between 400 and 450 and I try and keep my alk around 3.0 meq/L. I do just over a one gallon water change a week, and dose 10 mLs DT's every other day.
Now some zoos...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
My acropora yongei, common name green slimer, that started as one branch... this is him a few weeks ago and I may end up fragging him soon... a great fast growing acro...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
My purple tip digitata when I first got him... take a look at the top and full tank shots to get an idea of the growth...
Digitata is the weed of the sps world... but not a weed I'm going to pull...


Active Member
very sweet update photos Johnny!! Was wondering if you were going to show up over here eventually :D
Question - did you keep your refugium flowing while you were out of town??

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks overanalyzer... I've been busy lately with business travel to Hawaii and Norfolk VA just last week... I'm excited to see the new forum...
I left the tank under the care of my retired father who lives 15 minutes from us. Yes I left the refugium on.
The only mishap came last week when my father left the kalk dripping accidentally, and my wife got home to find the tank overflowing and the pH at 8.9! It was saved in time and all is well thank God :D. This beat the previous record of pH 8.7 from the forgotten kalk drip while I was in Hawaii (although it was not really forgotten, just dripped too much). My Dad now fortunately knows my tank pretty well, and quoting from him, "Nanos are harder!" :D
Here's an oldie but a goodie of my yellow cup Turbinaria at night with polyps opened...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I have different sponges growing everywhere... this is the only one that didn't come as a hitchhiker... it came back from the dead a while back... red ball sponge...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
A top shot of it today, again encroaching in on it's neighbors... it may be jigsaw time again soon, which is good news for my club members but bad news for my wife and her kitchen (it got messy last time):D...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
When looking through old pictures I found these guys... here's my tank with it's first inhabitants all of which I still have, including the frogspawn in the center...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
My tank with it's first addition of live rock...