kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Here it is about three months ago... in the interests of those with dial-up I'll stop there with the pics for now...
Does this hobby kick ars or what... anyway thanks SWF for the nano forum...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Top down shot showing my green nepthea, orange center zoanthids, and squamosa clam, and hitchhiker feather duster among other things...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
He's paired up with my watchman goby that's like 5 pictures up. Originally he scared the S out of him but now they are paired...


Active Member
DUDE!! NICE!! What kinda lights do you have on that tank?? Nice yellow watchman, I almost named him George too! lol... Mine looks a little more like a grumpy old man. My 29 is also in the kitchen, right on the bar. How may gallons is yours?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks fellas...
Zack I don't spot feed anything in my tank. I originally spot fed my brain and fungia, but had to play defense from my shrimp for about 20 minutes after that. I slowly weaned away and noticed no difference. It's one of the benefits of having a nano as the food I add is immediately thrown throughout the tank feeding everything.
Fishkiller it's a 10 gallon with 2 36 watt PCs, one 10k and one actinic. I use no skimmer as I have the refugium which handles all of the wastes and then some like a champ. I've registered no nitrates since just after cycle. Protein skimmers remove organics before they break down, but in my system it's simply not necessary as the wastes are all handled despite my heavy feeding which benefits many of the organisms I have.
I am very against any type of mechanical filtration (sponges, flosses, etc.). I run carbon once a month for two days. That's it. My refugium throws many goodies into the aquarium for everyone to feed on, and I add phyto every other day... any mechanical filtration would quickly remove those beneficial organisms...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
If by growth Steve you mean the coralline development that did all come from the live rock... I cherry picked the pieces and it has taken off... As I've said don't skimp on your rock. I've added plenty of goodies but no live rock since the tank was set up... Thanks by the way...


Active Member
Hi, Nice tank.....but isn't it a little too close to the stove heat????
Even if it only raises the tank 10 degress it could be a real problem.
How do you deal with this issue? Lesley


wow I'm speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats amazing. But I have one question about the pistol and the goby, will any goby pair with a pistol? I'm thinking of getting a pistol and goby for myself.


Active Member
Hey Johnny, you swayed my opinion on your lighting quite a bit with the before and afters.....I thought you might like this forum.:) Nice pics.......


Amazing tank. You have a lot of variety and color in that little space... very nice work! Quick question for ya, if you don't mind... How did you drill the Aquaclear 150 to get the minijet 404 to pump to your fuge? Can you explain that? Could you also post some pics of that as I must see things to fully understand them. Thanks hoss. Have a good night.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks all!
Lesley, the temperature of the tank never rises more than a degree or two when we cook. We turn on the oven fan and place a cookie sheet between the tank and the stove. I have a digital thermometer on the tank that alerts if it ever goes above 83. This has happened about a half dozen times (not as a result of cooking) and all we do is drop the AC down a bit. Originally when the tank was set up there was a heat issue from the lighting. I installed the clip-on fan over the fuge and that was more than enough. Now the tank temp fluctuates between 80 and 82. Air circulation does plenty.
royalshrimp, any goby WILL NOT pair with any pistol. The Gobiidae family (which includes gobies) has more species than any other marine fish family. There are , however, MANY possible combinations. Investigate these and see which you like, and also try and buy the two already paired, although this isn't necessary (as in my case they were bought seperately).
Sammy thanks! I really appreciate that! I am very happy has the nano forum now. It deserves it's own forum as many ideals are different, and you avoid the "nano-naive" people that say "You can't really keep a coral in a 10... try a hermit crab!":D
Peanut... I will take some pics this week to demonstrate, although it is very simple. The ACs have that plastic cover, which is what I drilled. The Minijets fit in the filter empty with no adjustments. I just had to drill the plastic top to fit the outlet of the powerhead, which is 1/2" silicone tubing...