kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)


New Member
Thanks Johnny,
YES, that helped big time! Don't worry, I'm looking for good books on the subject and will talk to the guys at my local LFS so my curiosity does not wear you out! It's just that I value your opinions more than most, because of the quality of your nano and your natural approach.
Best Regards,


Active Member
uhm - well - I'm not Johnny - but your welcome.
Johnny's approach is just like a lot of people's in the aspect of being natural.
Also - would prefer you ask a thousand questions here then go out and waste time and or money ....


New Member
Thanks Overan...
I'm happy to have stumbled onto your BB in my quest for info. Everyone has been great. I'm now armed with enough knowledge to be dangerous. Too bad I have to remodel the Kitchen, Master and Bathrooms before I start the reef. I can't have the electrical down for hours and all that dust flying with a new tank. Then again this forces me to better prepared for my new addiction. I should be good to go by the fall and will post photos of my progress. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by StephenHughes
Too bad I have to remodel the Kitchen, Master and Bathrooms before I start the reef. I can't have the electrical down for hours and all that dust flying with a new tank.

Stephen - we are right in the middle of doing that all throughoutthe house - that s why I set up the nanos - those rooms were done and I missed having fish!!
Good luck and hang around!!


Hey Brooklyn,
You planning on fragging anything in that tank anytime soon? I am just getting started and could use somebody relatively close from whom I could purchase frags. Just a thought. Thanks.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Stephen keep us updated and let me know if you have more questions.
Overanalyzer thanks for the help!
Peanut you're welcome to stop by if you want some weekend. I have a couple of things I could frag... No charge... I really recommend you join the local reef club and you will have your tank filled with frags... many of them gratis...
fishkiller I have 2 36 watt PCs with one 10k and one actinic. does not sell PCs, and the website I got them at ONLY sells PCs, so I think I could list it... No metal halides on this setup.
Thanks again all I'll have some more pics soon...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
If you mean the frogspawn I'll keep you in mind in the future if you want to pay the shipping overanalyzer. It'll be a while on that guy though... and the fact that my wife doesn't want me using a jigsaw in her kitchen again!:D


Active Member
yeah that's what I meant!! and shipping from teh East Coast (VA) to KC would be about the same as what I could buy a small one for locally ..... now if you are ever driving this way .....


I think you are my new hero Johnny... once I get this thing up and cycled I am going to have to come see you. Saltwater setups are rare around here, and LFS with saltwater ANYTHING are even more rare. I'll shoot you an email in a few weeks when the tank is ready to go and maybe i'll make the trip up there. Have a good Monday! Take it easy.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
excellent tank and discussion here. I was kinda wondering though, with the refugium above the tank, doesn't that make the tank a sump?

LOL - though I think a sump is an area designed for mechincal filtration!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Beaslbob I know what your asking and the answer is yes. By sump you're referring to the lowest container in the system where the water level fluctuates? I drip the kalk solution nightly and so even though the water level fluctuates it always stays above the lip of the tank and is never visible. Not a problem at all...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Here are some updated shots... I divided up left and right to add more detail. Latest major changes are my 4 newe ricordeas and the addition of another photosynthetic gorgonian to replace the Swiftia...