kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)

in the first picture of your zoo's what is the green thing in the center of the frame is it a plant? or something else? its neat looking, nice pics overall, great tank
sorry if you already answered this im kinda late and didn't notice how many pages


johnny as always nice tank. it was your tank that inspired me to do a nano. welcom back from your trip. i hope my tank will look as good as


Yo Brooklyn... sorry for the bump but I came across this thread while doing a search and just had to say WOW. Hard to believe you've got all that beautiful life in one small nano. Very nice!!!


I've kept 2 SPS corals under 2 55W pcs in a 29G for a few months with no probs, but gave them to a freind with MH after reading that they would not last long under PC. I am really glad to see yours under PC lighting and have renewed hopes for SPS again in my tank. What brand of PC are you using?


New Member
I also live in Loudoun County. I live in Leesburg. A friend told me about your thread because I am very interested in setting up a 10 gallon nano in my kitchen as well. (I don't use the kitchen for cooking anyway). I am new to the SW boards. I joined in hopes of contacting you, after reading your thread about your beautiful tank, especially since we are both in the same county. Not to sound too weird. :rolleyes:
Do you trade with folks from WAMAS? I am a WAMAS member and would be interested in chatting with you about trading corals and such. Also, what LFS do you shop at? Can you share with me off line where you live? Please feel free to PM me. I am really interested in seeing your tanks and welcome you to see mine as well.


New Member
Hey Johnny,
I just realized you can not PM on the SW boards, unless my profile is set up wrong. Anyway, do you mind PMing me through WAMAS. My user name is the same on their site as well. Look forward to hearing from you.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Technik, my PC bulbs are from hellolights. Be aware that my bulbs are very close to the water, the sps are up high, and there are many other important factors that determine healthy sps. Good luck!
Hi Rebecca... we are actually having a house built in Leesburg, and both my father and brother live there. We currently live in Sterling. I'll PM you on the WAMAS board with more info. Thanks for the interest!


New Member
Thanks for your fast response. I was actually in Sterling shopping at the new Wegman's this afternoon. They have a great sushi section. Yes, I still love to eat raw fish. :D If you have not been to Wegman's yet it is awesome. (sorry for going off topic)
Look forward to your PM.


sweet tank, what kind of lighting do you have for it? how many watts? Were did you get it? And if you dont mind me ascking how much was it?
Thanks Aaron

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks Aaron... lighting was purchased from for $63, plus the cost of the bulbs, which are one 36 watt 10k and one 36 watt actinic. 2x36 watt power compact...


Active Member

Originally posted by avbryce1
another bump for all who say no SPS under PC lights

Its possible but BrooklynJohny also has like 13 years of experience and keeping sps corals goes far behond lighting.



Originally posted by FLATZBOY
Its possible but BrooklynJohny also has like 13 years of experience and keeping sps corals goes far behond lighting.

......a master of the obvious.......
I know I just think its funny how many people on this board say that you CAN'T do this or that. when under the right circumstances and with some reasearch it is possible.


I have read that thread.....a few times .
and you can't say that you dont know what I'm talking about.
If I posted a thread saying that I was going to keep SPS under 72wPC you know how many replies I would get that say you CAN'T .....I think you know what I'm saying
oh all I meant was that its obvious that brooklyn johnny has lots of exp. and that there is more to it than lights .