kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Guys I appreciate the interest but please try to keep back and forth arguments to a minimum or start another thread discussing the issue.
This was covered earlier in the thread. I DO NOT recommend reefkeepers keep clams or sps under PCs, and it will only work under a very small percentage of circumstances under the care of experienced reefers...
Yes it can be done but it is not ideal and not what I or anyone should recommend... just because I do something does not mean I recommend it to everyone. If I had PCs on my 65 gallon the sps and clams would not last long at all.
Thanks guys...


Active Member
I agree johnny. Nice tanks. In my next house I am looking to do the same thing you are with a fish room. I am looking foward to seeing some pictures when you set that up..


I showed my girlfriend your tank and she loved it, until she came across the pics of it taking up the room on the counter and the cabnets. Good luck with transplanting eveything into the new aquariums

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
cliffrouse I'll provide pletny of info when the times comes for all of that. A fish room was necessary in the house... I am firm believer in the presentation of displays being very presentable... I just ordered one of Takashi Amano's plant books as I am going to set up a freshwater plant display in the new house... he is a master of presentation... On my recent trip to Japan I hit a few stores and was amazed by the attention to detail...
Liverock thanks bud... make sure you lay out the conditions of your reef addiction before you get married


What all do you have growing in your sump. I am about to start cycling my 10g nano and I have a 20L that is acting as my sump/refug and the refug is about 12-13g of it. I am going to use southdown sand plus acouple of cups from a few of my buddies tanks and my 30g, but i was wondering about the plant life that you had groing in it. Thanks



Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny
Guys I appreciate the interest but please try to keep back and forth arguments to a minimum or start another thread discussing the issue.
This was covered earlier in the thread. I DO NOT recommend reefkeepers keep clams or sps under PCs, and it will only work under a very small percentage of circumstances under the care of experienced reefers...
Yes it can be done but it is not ideal and not what I or anyone should recommend... just because I do something does not mean I recommend it to everyone. If I had PCs on my 65 gallon the sps and clams would not last long at all.
Thanks guys...

Duely Noted :
I really was not trying to start any argument, or even a discussion for that matter. I was simply trying to note the FACT that under the right circumstances it can be done. In this hobby( and especially on this board ) where there are so many opinions and very few facts I think there are too many people that are to quick to say "you can't do that" instead of telling someone that its not recommended or something of that nature. I, like many others am the type of person that does not like to hear that I can't do something unless I know for a fact that it is physically and/or scientificlly impossible.
furthermore brooklyn johnny I feel that you are one of the most benifical people to this hobby and this board I've seen and I continue to look forward to reading your future posts, and I hope to one day have just half of the reefkeeping knowlage that you have.


Thanks for the pics, this is a truly inspiring tank. How hard is it to frag your frogspawn? I'm trying to decide on either a frogspawn or a hammer coral. Does the pistol shrimp stay pretty much in one place?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Liverock, I have all types of algaes in the refugiums, including Chaetomorpha (spaghetti algae) and various types of Caulerpa algaes. I really like the chaetomorpha, but I really have had many different types with success. I really just let nature take its course and in different refugiums different algaes flourish...
Originally posted by avbryce1
In this hobby( and especially on this board ) where there are so many opinions and very few facts I think there are too many people that are to quick to say "you can't do that" instead of telling someone that its not recommended or something of that nature.

avbryce I completely agree with you... especially there. I try to base my advice on firsthand experience. When I base it on general knowledge I try to mention that. Unfortunately those who argue the hardest and say things cannot be done are usually those with the least experience. I realize there are five million ways to do something right in this hobby, but just one or a few I PREFER. I give that opinion...
Manji fortunately frogspawn is relatively easy to frag, especially the branchy types like mine. Ideally it should be done with a Dremel by cutting branches with their flesh seperated, but you could really use any tool to break apart any part and tey heal relatively quickly. For the most part any piece with flesh left behind will grow into its own colony...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by ManjiSann
Thanks for the pics, this is a truly inspiring tank. How hard is it to frag your frogspawn? I'm trying to decide on either a frogspawn or a hammer coral. Does the pistol shrimp stay pretty much in one place?

Oh and the pistol is now in my 54 gallon... he's always on the move but does have a home base. He has tunnels throughout about half of the 54 corner and occupied all of the nano when he was in there...


Johnny- I agree that Mr. Amano's attention to detail is great. I have tried to replicate some of his artistry, with a small amount of success on my FW tanks. And to add my compliments to the rest, it truely is a great looking tank, along with your others.


I may have missed this while I scanned this thread, but can you tell me how much lr you have in the 10gal alone? I been wanting to add more lr to mine before I added any corals, and I like the proportion that you have for the space. Thanks and sorry if this has already been addressed.


Not to answer for him, but I think earlier in the thread he says that it doesn't and that he puts a cookiesheet between the aquarium and the stove when he does cook


hi Johnny,
your tank is awesome!!! i want to add a Refugium for my tank too. well, what kind of powerhead you are using for your refugium?(the name of brand and type please). and there is only one powerhead is needed,right?(maybe it's a stupid question, but i've never done refugium before). what about the water flow back?(one more powerhead or just let water flow back it self?) how does it work? the refugium must abovt the main tank,right?
hope you can answer my questions. thank you very much.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks Caryn! I'll keep you updated when my freshwater planted tank comes to fruition...
7 days I believe it was about 15 lbs. or so... With a small tank like that it's more important to look at individual pieces rather than "poundage" like you would on larger tanks.
dragonboy, Liverock covered it. The temp would rise a couple of degrees sometimes, but never too bad...
ireven, the powerhead that pumped up to the refugium was a Minijet 606, with it gravity feeding back to the main system. The refugium does not have to be above the tank, it just happened to be convenient for me in this instance...
Check out some photos of one of my larger systems ...
Thanks again guys...


What suppliments are you adding to your nano and how much, how often? Your tank is BEAUTIFUL! Pictures of your tank put my current 58 gallon reef ready tank to shame!


I would also like to know about if you dose anything. Also when did you add the plant life to your refug? During the cycling or after?


YOUR TANK DESERVES AN AWARD!! My only concern is about the stove. BE VERY careful when cooking on the right side of the stove, about the temperature. I love the six line wrasse, the watchman goby, the black clown fish and the Open brain coral!! I see that you propogate too. I see most of what you propogate is sps. Very cool. If you live In Eastern Ohio, would you be interested in trading?