Lagoonal Reef


Active Member
Well i relooked at your pictures and i think i see what you did.... You lined the box with 2x4 beams? How did you secure those?

bang guy

I have short 4X4 posts at each corner that the 2X4s are bolted to. I'll go down & take a picture for you.... hang on ;)

bang guy

here ya go. The bottom 2X4 is screwed to the plywood from the inside. The middle (not so much pressure) is just sitting there.


Active Member
Ha, that'll do it alright. The first picture is kind of confusing but that one clears everything up. Thanks.


Active Member
Thats the thing. This isn't a refugium. Its a seaweed bed/ lagoon style reef. Fully functional salt tank just plant based. There are alot of corals that should only be placed into a lagoon style tank, or i think should, like goniopora and elegance, and i want to see what happens with them in this tank when he gets the halides kicking all around. Or i should say i hope he sees my views too :) He's already trying anemones. I imagine they would do well in that setting too.

bang guy

Here's the Rose. It's only been about a month since it split from its parent (still lopsided, eh?). It has already doubled in size but I've only recently seen it eat anything (Thank you RYE & SPSfreak!!!).
It seems to really enjoy the tide going in & out but has been avoiding the Iwasaki for some reason.
Anyone know why it doesn't just kill the coral sitting right next to it?


Active Member
Is this your idea of a joke.... No pic? :) You just love that dramatic entrance :)
EDIT stand corrected. No idea why the aren't killing eachother. What is the coral?


Active Member
Ok going through sprungs invert and coral books i've come up with 4 contenders
Contender one is a form of anemonia which is a subset of anemones. I say that because of the tip of said specimen. I personally don't think its that
The next three are corals
1) Cladocrora which i also don't think it is.
2)Diploastrea which is possible but i can't see the base
3)Duncanopsammia which i really think it is. Similar to tubastrea but different color and in need of light.
The key is does it have a stuctured base like the tubastrea? Those are my guesses.
EDIT: if i had time i'd go through bornemans corals book but i don't sorry :(

bang guy

It has a calcareous base so I believe it's an LPS. Think Cup Coral with much larger polyps.
It definately appreciates light and will gladly eat chunky meaty foods.


Active Member
What is the temp of that thing at?? Would make a nice home for a pair of clown fish .... which would probably bred like crazy knowing you ...... but with your bangaii's in there that might not be for the best.....
I would love to have a 400 or so gallon lagoon but I'd need the house for it first.


Active Member
Bang Guy check out my options for the coral 1,2,3 going in reverse order for which i think they are....