Lagoonal Reef


Active Member
I'd say its rare only because i've NEVER seen one for sale anywhere. Reading Bornemans book they are really ony available in the Australia area. I guess treat it like tubastaea but give it some amount of light. How did you get it again? I saw it started from ONE POLYP???? Dang. Its very cool looking.
Please step away from the anemone.....

bang guy


Originally posted by bdhough
BTW how many times have you run into those 2x4 endposts :)

All the fricken time!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
I want to build shelves on them & steps for the kids so I haven't removed them. They are definately at an ummmm inappropriate height :rolleyes:
jedininja - I do change water. I can't afford 10% a week but I export a significant amount on a monthly basis.

bang guy


Originally posted by SquishyFish
how much for a couple of scoops of the sand from that bad boy!:D

I love trades :D
e-mail me & we can set something up.


Active Member
I was wonderin' about the posts too. OUCH!! :eek:
So Barbie lost her spot on the beach?
Squishy......look at his info under his name. Email right under it.:)


Bang -- you're an inspiration to us all! I am finally setting up my new tank and am DIYing a fuge underneath. Thanks for walking us through your set-up -- it sure helps!
hey man just like mnreefman, i live in minnesota also, if ur gunna be down in mn already for mnreefman, wanna help me set up my 300 or so gallons, id be happy to pay ya.
just kidding.:)


Now if this lagoon is connected to your display tank, I am sure you don't have to do water changes ever right?.
:notsure: :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
I do change water. I can't afford 10% a week but I export a significant amount on a monthly basis.



awesome job bang think i finally clean out that basement like the wife wants me two just so i can build me a lagoon. Thanks again for the awesome pics......

bang guy


Originally posted by JBSTUART
Is there any risk to your lagoon's base with the Mangrove's roots?

They can't penetrate the EPDM.


Looks like with that project you've pretty well knocked out every DIY project available. Whats next?