Lagoonal Reef

bang guy

I'm able to get some good growth rate on some of the low light (relatively) SPS corals. Even a nice Turquoise Acropora has done well. I believe it's because of the extra food the Lagoon produces. 90% of SPS physiology is geared toward Zooplankton capture. There must be a reason for that.


Thanks for the reply.
What are your overall water parameters and have you found that you've needed activated carbon or a phosphate sponge/Phosguard?
Also, in your early pictures, the cynobacteria was plentiful. Did you find it in your display tank also.

bang guy

I use Carbon occationally to remove caulerpins, I should probably use it more often.
The Cyanobacter blooms in the Laggon never occured in the Display. I did recently have a Dinoflaggelate outbreak. I don't know what caused it and I don't know why it went away. I'm just glad it's gone.

bang guy

I add more corals every week. I've taken the mangroves out temporarily to see if they are the reason my Magnesium keeps dropping.


Bang, you need to write 2 books--one on this project and a second on reef bugs. I think if you just did some home publishing on your bug notes a lot of people here would be happy to pay you for them. Just a thought for when you are less busy:thinking:
Edit--just saw your post in fish room--you have more than one book to write, you are now at three! I'll take Dr. Bang over Dr. Ron any day.


Active Member
that's awesome and i'm glad i finally saw it. i always saw "lagoon" on your tank size but never actually saw the lagoon. also, that's pretty cool how you built that skimmer, as well as everything else for that matter :D


Its cool and all but isnt this kind of overkill for a sump/fug?


Active Member
i think there should be a faq section where posts like this could stay forever. or at least make it a sticky


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen!!! What is the water temp in that thing????? Do you even have to feed your corals at all????? That is amazing, sorry I dont think that there is a word out there to describe that lagoon and everything else you have done......................You are the MASTER of the saltwater aquarium world.....keep it up!!!!!!!!
P.S. You have some really :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish

nemo lover

I am speachless
By far the best diy I have ever seen. Please keep us up to date on your journey. Can't wait to see how great you progress on raising fry. You have definately masterd "the home aquaria".


:) That is awesome bang guy.... Very Very Very good work
Thanks for sharing this.
Bump for the few people that havent seen it :)
~ Nick