Lakers win NBA Championship and not ONE accolade?


Active Member
I am far from a Laker fan but at least to any on here I would like to say congrats. I have to admit I DID NOT want to see Kobe win another one without Shaq!
BUT the Lakers got really lucky as well!
#1 If YAO doesnt break foot, when Houston took them to 7 games, a healthy YAO wins the series..
#2 If in game 2 finals, whats his face doesnt miss the lob pass,, Orlando goes back full of confidence with a 1-1 tie.
#3 In game 4 OT loss,, if Dwight Howard doesnt Choke and makes 1 freethrow,, Derrick Fisher's 3 pointer means nothing.. Better yet,, if TOKOGLU make his free throws the Magic win and possibly go up, 3-1..
I know its all, shoulda, woulda, coulda..
What can your Favorite NBA team this off season to go deep into the playoffs next year?
My guys.. just one scoring PG or PF and I can see us going deep into the playoffs next year!


Active Member
My question is - who cares?
A bunch of overrated spolied sports brats that make more in 8 months than 50people do in a year. You can't go to a game with a family of four for under $200 (that's in the cheap seats in a small market like San Antonio), and that's for just 3 hours of entertainment. I used to be a season ticket holder until my 2 seats went from $1,500 for a full season, to $5,000 in less than 3 years (and those were upper-level seats). I have a hard time supporting my home team, much less that overblown team in L.A.


I'm not a basketball fan, but it always makes me sad when the team that everyone thinks is going to win is the team that wins. I like a good upset myself.
My brother is a season ticket holder for the Rockets, so I was disappointed when they lost.
Now we can count down to more important things like college football.

GO CANES!!!!!!


Active Member
Barring LeBron and Shaq teaming up in Cleveland the Lakers will be a force to contend with for a long time. Congrats to the Shaqless Kobe!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
A bunch of overrated spolied sports brats that make more in 8 months than 50people do in a year.
What thats different than ANY OTHER professional sport? Its all about gouging and making a buck... We can judge but can do anything about it.. I still enjoy all of my professional sports!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
What thats different than ANY OTHER professional sport? Its all about gouging and making a buck... We can judge but can do anything about it.. I still enjoy all of my professional sports!
Sure you can. It's called DON'T BUY INTO IT. All major sports depend on the fans as a primary revenue stream to pay these overprices, overrated atheletes. If enough people would take a stand and say, "I'm not paying those high prices anymore", and the owners would get the huevos to tell the players, "Your high-priced ride is over", then it go back the way it should be - for the entertainment and the love of the game. Problem is, if the fans revolt, the owners just threaten to 'break down the tents' and say they'll just move their team to a town where someone WILL pay whatever they want (and buy me a multi-million dollar stadium to boot). If the owners try to force even stricter salary caps on the players, the unions go on strike and vow to sit out and wait for the owners to give in (another reason why unions are bad).
On another note, I see the star of your state rival the Magic, Hedo Turkoglu, is saying he is opting out of his contract next year, and wants to become a free agent. The Heat need a new forward?


Active Member
I am a Lakers fan but didn't watch much of the finals. I am glad Kobe got the Championship without Mr. Ego. Bryant is a hard worker and deserves the recognition in his own right.
But I agree with bring on the College football season. USC is about due for a season not to lose a game they should have won by 3 touchdowns


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
On another note, I see the star of your state rival the Magic, Hedo Turkoglu, is saying he is opting out of his contract next year, and wants to become a free agent. The Heat need a new forward?

Mmmm,, I dont think so.. we are gonna be very satisfied with Michael Beasley for quite some time.. He impress me quite a bit during the playoffs though.. HEDO did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
My question is - who cares?

I haven't heard the worldwide audience numbers yet, but it is staggering, I think comparable to the Superbowl, not to mention a very good 10+ rating here in the U.S.
Lakers got lucky huh
Another eye roller there. The Lakers had another gear nobody else in the league had, they just didn't use it much. They were never in any real danger of losing any series including Houstan.


Active Member
I certainly wasn't going to start a thread, but don't mind posting in one....
Agreed. The series definitely could have the other way. Like you said one open lay up in game 2, and making one of 4 free throws in game 4. But it wouldn't call what the Lakers did luck. With the game on the line, it takes an increbile amount of skill to make a 3 pointer with the game on shoulders (Fish's shot in game 4) and then the Lakers just flat out played the Magic in overtime.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
who are these "Lakers" and what do they do???
Common bro, you know I love ya bro, but you cant actually think that watching cars going around and around all day is either a SPORT or ENTERTAINING can you?



Active Member

Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Common bro, you know I love ya bro, but you cant actually think that watching cars going around and around all day is either a SPORT or ENTERTAINING can you?

Yea, going round and round in tri-ovals no more than 6 inches from the car in front you, sometimes three abreast at speeds over 170 MPH
, can't possibly be as exciting as watching 10 guys run up and down a wooden floor throwing a ball through a metal hoop.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
Yea, going round and round in tri-ovals no more than 6 inches from the car in front you, sometimes three abreast at speeds over 170 MPH
, can't possibly be as exciting as watching 10 guys run up and down a wooden floor throwing a ball through a metal hoop.

Oh so your telling me that you need to be and are in better athlete to drive NASCAR than you do to be a NBA PLAYER???
uffff please save it.. Oh Im sure GEOGRAPHY has alot to do with our opinions.. lol


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Oh so your telling me that you need to be and are in better shape driving NASCAR than you are an NBA PLAYER???
uffff please save it..
I think you have to be in good shape to sit in a car for 3 hours....think of all the restraint required to hold in from peeing...

LOL...I'm not a basketball person..aand definitely not a nascar person BTW


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Oh so your telling me that you need to be and are in better athlete to drive NASCAR than you do to be a NBA PLAYER???
uffff please save it.. Oh Im sure GEOGRAPHY has alot to do with our opinions.. lol
I want to see you drive a car for 600 miles with an average speed over 150 miles an hour and the temp inside the car 90 plus. Not athletes? Yeah, right


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I think you have to be in good shape to sit in a car for 3 hours....think of all the restraint required to hold in from peeing...

LOL...I'm not a basketball person..aand definitely not a nascar person BTW
Fixed that for ya


Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
Yea, going round and round in tri-ovals no more than 6 inches from the car in front you, sometimes three abreast at speeds over 170 MPH
, can't possibly be as exciting as watching 10 guys run up and down a wooden floor throwing a ball through a metal hoop.

It's good that you agree with the rest of America....On Sunday 3 people watched the NBA game for every one that watched the Nascar race

Me I watched both