Lakers win NBA Championship and not ONE accolade?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Truefishman
whoa whoa whoa this is going to be intersting.
first off nascar until recently was not considered a sport now look at it nascar is growing.but only growing in the us.look at basketball it is growing more than any other sport even out of the country.
now arguing about a nascar driver.ya it takes alot to have to sit in a car for 3 or more hours but what are they doing........driving a car. they can drive on the freeways of L.A. or new york and call that practice. it just seems hilarious that they are sometimes considered better athletes that others sports.i mean they have pit crews that do practically everything for them(besides driving their car).basketball players football players soccer players and about every physical endurance athletes do physical training to their im not trying to bash nascar because i not very often will watch 20 min of it but.
but as for the first couple of post every sport team and organization is like a buisness the more people they attract the more money they will get which means the higher prices.
spoken like a true...
cuz everyone travels at 170 mph on the freeways in LA!!! yup anyone can do it!!!

Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr

Ive been to homestead Raceway here in 05, had a better time drinking the beer.. but hey thats just me.. Thank god I took a date, but she was a trooper even tough I could tell she wanted to leave.. It just not my cup of tea, too each his own.. I will never go again even though I had free tickets and was invited. I love all sports, FB,BB,BaseB, MMA, EVEN World Cup Soccer, Im not a Nascar or Hockey fan.. What? people can't like one sport and not like another sport without being judged? Ridiculous.

i didnt judge you... i simply asked who the "Lakers" are... then you busted my chops with a "BORING"... its all good brada we need to take this out on the 360!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
spoken like a true...
cuz everyone travels at 170 mph on the freeways in LA!!! yup anyone can do it!!!

i didnt judge you... i simply asked who the "Lakers" are... then you busted my chops with a "BORING"... its all good brada we need to take this out on the 360!!!

Im not talking about youuuuu, dont be vain... hahahahaah


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
This is what I love about athletes and them getting special privileges. Stallworth gets drunk, runs over a guy and kills him, and gets a whopping 30 days in jail, 1,000 hours of community service, and can no longer drive. If that were me or you, we'd be in lockup for 15 years minimum...
That is absurd, if that happened in AZ no chance he gets off that easy. Is it not a crime to kill somebody in Miami?


Active Member
Cool, Now I see this thread turning to the only subject that matters, POLITICS!!!
(posted in honor of RU)


Active Member
Basketball has gotten bigger in eastern Europe over the last 20 years or so but has decreased in popularity here so I doubt it is the fastest growing world wide. I still think MMA, which I don't watch for whatever that is worth, is the fastest growing.
By the way, NASCAR holds races in Mexico and Canada and I think Japan is interested but that will never happen in this economy. If BMW or Mercedes ever gets involved you could see a international Stock Car circuit if the Euros follow the manufacturers into the sport.


Originally Posted by ruaround
spoken like a true...
cuz everyone travels at 170 mph on the freeways in LA!!! yup anyone can do it!!!

i didnt judge you... i simply asked who the "Lakers" are... then you busted my chops with a "BORING"... its all good brada we need to take this out on the 360!!!

yes thank your for stating the obvious nobody travels a 170mphin traffic and i never said traffic. haha im not talking about speed, im talking about order to move while in the race


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Two other examples would be, go watch a WRC or F1 race for some international flare...
Amen! It's always bothered me that people are so limited sometimes on sports, and being 'all-about' one sport, but hate everything else. Sure you can have a favorite, but sports are all the same basic principle, a competition between opposite sides.
Spoke just like someone who's never been remotely close to the seat of a race car would.....
amen to that brotha haha. just seems weird that everybody loves it


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Ive been to homestead Raceway here in 05, had a better time drinking the beer.. but hey thats just me.. Thank god I took a date, but she was a trooper even tough I could tell she wanted to leave.. It just not my cup of tea, too each his own.. I will never go again even though I had free tickets and was invited. I love all sports, FB,BB,BaseB, MMA, EVEN World Cup Soccer, Im not a Nascar or Hockey fan.. What? people can't like one sport and not like another sport without being judged? Ridiculous.

No, I meant actually behind the wheel, not just sitting at a race. Having had the opportunity to do some very minor racing myself, there is a whole new respect level.
It's just like someone whose played football in HS or college, and how they watch a pro game. Instead of just blindly cheering 'get some points' they know the plays being called, who blew their routes, etc. Just like watching a race. Instead of just cheering stupidly 'go faster' you understand the different lines the driver takes, the changes the crew makes to the car, etc.
I was at the 2005 Homestead Sprint race. Where'd you sit? I was at the start of Turn 1. That was the year that two helicopters crashed that they stopped traffic from exiting the parking lot for over 3 hours. Did you leave early and get out? It got nasty, fistfights in the parking lot, cars hitting each other...


Active Member
Yep that was the years, Earnhardt won I think? I left after 2hrs and we sat in the general admission, free tickets with another couple.. I heard about the crash on the way home..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Truefishman
yes thank your for stating the obvious nobody travels a 170mphin traffic and i never said traffic. haha im not talking about speed, im talking about order to move while in the race
that doesnt make sense at all... if your talking about learning reaction time at 65 mph and traslate it over to 170 mph then youre crazy!!! let alone in a traffic jam speeding up to 15 mph and then to a complete stop maybe changing a lane at 10 mph with your signal on and your horn honking... thats like saying that by being the best on your beer league city rec baseball team you are ready to hit a 90 mph fastball and go pro...

tank a holic

Active Member
are we even talking about basketball anymore?

53 post and so far we have talked about the heat, cavs and suns lol
I'll give this a shot
My Titans need to trade Vince Young for a couple receivers and start thinking about how they're going to replace Albert Haynesworth


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
that doesnt make sense at all... if your talking about learning reaction time at 65 mph and traslate it over to 170 mph then youre crazy!!! let alone in a traffic jam speeding up to 15 mph and then to a complete stop maybe changing a lane at 10 mph with your signal on and your horn honking... thats like saying that by being the best on your beer league city rec baseball team you are ready to hit a 90 mph fastball and go pro...
Dude, he's 14


One comment,
If NASCAR is so well know all over the world and everyone wants to be a NASCAR driver, why is that it is not a "sport" in the olympics? Oh wait, basketball is in the olympics (a place somewhere in the world where athletes come together to compete, huh no NASCAR drivers weird).


Active Member
Originally Posted by locoyo386
One comment,
If NASCAR is so well know all over the world and everyone wants to be a NASCAR driver, why is that it is not a "sport" in the olympics? Oh wait, basketball is one.
Why is it if basketball is such a dominating sport in the US, the US has to pull in overpaid professional players into the Olympic team in order to win? Tell me what motorized sport, if any, is in the Olympics?


Hi there, I think you are just enforcing my point.
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Why is it if basketball is such a dominating sport in the US, the US has to pull in overpaid professional players into the Olympic team in order to win?
For 3 reasons;
1.) The other than NBA players, that are just as good but are not in the NBA are either in prison or on crime related activities (sad to say but true).
2.) The USA only alllows collegete and professional atheletes to compete.
3.) The rest of the world is into basketball as much as it is here and they are getting better everytime, think of all the players from around the world that now play in the NBA. This was not so back when I started playing and watching (early 1980's). It never crossed my mind that I would see a Mexican play in the NBA (granted, he played college ball in the states) in my life time.
Tell me what motorized sport, if any, is in the Olympics?
You just enforced my point, they are not sports. Sure it takes some practice and ability, but they are not sports.


Active Member
Originally Posted by locoyo386
Hi there, I think you are just enforcing my point.
If you don't think sitting in a car that can hit speeds over 170 MPH for almost 3 hours straight isn't physically demanding, you'll never understand what the true definition of 'sport' is.
Badminton and Curling are Olympic events. You gonna claim those as sports as well?
When the last time the US Olympic Basketball team had college-level players on it? Oh that's right, that's the Olympics where they only got the Bronze.

tank a holic

Active Member
basketball is the only olympic sport that allows pro athletes to play
not complaining just sayin

besides why all the arguing about what is and isn't a sport

lets see the definition
(n) an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.

so how does that not cover nascar, basketball, football, golf, golf, badmitton, curling, rythmic gymnastics, chutes and ladders or hop scotch?