Large fish died and I can't get to it.


Active Member
What if you used the suction side of a pump with a hose that would fit through the cave and pulled out the dead fish.


I know you don't want to move all the rocks, but if it were me, that's what I'd be doing.
We're not talking about a small fish like a clownfish or anthias dying, this is a Hippo Tang and a larger one at that. I don't think that small brittle stars and a couple hermits is going to be able to keep up with the rate of degeneration. Also, the fact that this is in such a closed in area is going to work against you, it probaly doesn't have such great flow which will just make the rotting process worse.
I would do some hefty water changes, keep that RO unit running for the next few days, you're going to need it. But honestly, just move the rocks and get that fish out. This is a new tank, right? Why take the chance of fouling it up right away.


Get a handful of Nassarius snails and some peppermint'd be surprised at how fast the carcass is eaten between them and the bristleworms you no doubt have in residence.


Active Member
I have been watching the critters and none of my snails or those new bristle stars did a thing. I dropped the stars right on top and some hermits too. I came in this morning, and it was still there, you could clearly see the body. scales, fins and all.
Meowzer I tried your flow idea and I stuck the power head in all the cracks and crevices but it didn't work either. He really wedged himself in rock. Like actually.
So I moved the rock.
Took a while and a lot of rock moving but I got him. Of course, the body is completely intact and no one even took a bite out of him. Nice job, CUC members. lol
Thanks for all the replies.
Now I am just trying to figure out what to do with him. I think he's too big to flush and I feel bad just putting him in the garbage...


Wrap it up in a paper towel, and put it in a ziplock baggie and toss it....This way you won't ever see it again....
Sorry you had to go thru all that trouble....maybe the starts were too new
I was wondering if the stars would eat right away after being thrown into a new tank. I can't believe your hermits and other crabs didn't go after it though?! I have no idea why they wouldn't.


Active Member
Sorry about your fish, they do make good ferilizer if you bury him in the garden, I mean this sincerly.


Active Member
I can't even find them anymore. lol I'm gonna go hunting after the lights go out and see if they're still around.
It was very sad but thats okay. Atleast there was no scary aftermath like a tank crash or something of that nature.
This is kinda messed up but now I don't have such a big bioload and my tank is no longer maxed out on critter space. I dunno... just trying to see the birghter side I suppose. I do feel so sad that he is gone. That tang was so beautiful and big and had nice color. such a good personality too. :(
Thanks for all the suggestions and support. You're the best!


I didn't see my serpent for months once....IDK if you remember when I reaquascaped the 225G or not, BUT we took the tank apart...and there it was....LOL
every so often I see a leg
same with the brittles.....they will not roam in the open in bigger the ones in my 29G and 54G I see all the time....LOL...


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/379751/large-fish-died-and-i-can-t-get-to-it/20#post_3302718
I didn't see my serpent for months once....IDK if you remember when I reaquascaped the 225G or not, BUT we took the tank apart...and there it was....LOL
every so often I see a leg
same with the brittles.....they will not roam in the open in bigger the ones in my 29G and 54G I see all the time....LOL...
agreed. I rarely ever see my brittles