LARGE Plywood Tank Build


Active Member
well i thought i'd start filling today, but bought the wrong size T for a drain so i can empty the tank if have to go back to lowes tomorrow...but all the returns from the OM are set to be finalized in...and then i made tunnels for a blue ribbon eel, which in time i think I'm going to attempt...and i finished up the drain for the closed loop...i used black foam for ponds...couple bad pictures, but pictures none the less.



Active Member
If you don't want white pvc ends sticking up out of the sand, you can attach small pieces of LR rubble to the ends. I did this by drilling small holes around the edge of the elbow fitting and then tied on the rubble with fishing line. I think it made the tunnel entrances much more realistic. Pics are in my 180 thread if you're interested. Dave


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413 http:///forum/post/2755905
If you don't want white pvc ends sticking up out of the sand, you can attach small pieces of LR rubble to the ends. I did this by drilling small holes around the edge of the elbow fitting and then tied on the rubble with fishing line. I think it made the tunnel entrances much more realistic. Pics are in my 180 thread if you're interested. post #279. Dave
thanks, i actually put epoxy around them all and put sand on it, to blend in with the sandy bottom..and if needed will add the rock, but i think the sand will help hide it


Active Member
and in goes the sands!! I of course need more sand, but its a start

here is how the sand covered pieces look..some others need a bit more sand on it.


Active Member
wow - looks cool! That will be quite a network for an eel. Are you going with just one blue ribbon or more than one?


Active Member
I've never seen anything like that (extra plumbing for an eel). Way to think ahead. With sucha cool setup coming online this cycle is going to be extra painful, lol. Are you going to torture yourself with daily param checks during the cycle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GreenReefer
I've never seen anything like that (extra plumbing for an eel). Way to think ahead. With sucha cool setup coming online this cycle is going to be extra painful, lol. Are you going to torture yourself with daily param checks during the cycle?
You should gone on a four week tip to the cribbean and come home and have you tank cycled completly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GreenReefer
I've never seen anything like that (extra plumbing for an eel). Way to think ahead. With sucha cool setup coming online this cycle is going to be extra painful, lol. Are you going to torture yourself with daily param checks during the cycle?
lol, no way, i'll just give it 2 months and secretly start thing within without telling anyone here so you can be in more pain :p I like the 4week trip though,haha.
Originally Posted by fishkid13

So what fish are you going to put in there besides the eel?
thus far I'm looking at the ribbon eel...MAYBEa couple pair of clowns, really depends on the eel...but then i will have a school of bannerfish, an achilles tang...i'd like to have some other tang, not sure which yet though. Maybe a school of anthias....a pair of flasher wrasses, not sure what type...and then a pair or leopard wrasses...pair of bangaii cardinals...pair of firefish, butthat is doubtful with the eel..but thats ok.


Active Member
I've still got 5 Bangaiis growing out. I'm hoping to be able to come up with an pair for myself. Lets keep our fingers crossed, that we get 2 pairs out of the deal. They are growing really well and eating frozen.
My males getting ready to spit out another batch. Hopefully I'll have another "gang of bangers"....


Active Member
very cool doc!!! hopefully the next batch will do even better for ya!
here are some more pictures, got more sand, and the water is pouring, so far maybe 1/4 full



Active Member
haha, that darn cat loves to jump up there now, and try to sneak into the garage...had to block all entrances
the wife isnt doing that bad actually...once the tank is filled and what not I'll start working on the inside and getting that finished up