Lawnmower Blenny Question


Active Member
I added a LMB to my 55g tank a couple weeks ago, and was happy to see he started to eat algae quite well. Now, to my surprise, although he is still eating, he appears to be getting thinner. There is no shortage of algae in my tank.
What should I do? Tomorrow I'm going to try feeding nori (tried and failed in quarantine, and resulted in the quarantine being cut short).
As I mentioned, my tank has plenty of algae. However, much of it is in the 1/4" range length wise, and I know blennies prefer shorter stuff. While I have seen him eat the longer stuff, would it be a good idea to try and remove some of the longer algae so he can eat the shorter stuff that grows back?
I am hopeful that the nori works, as he eats off the rocks, and my hope is it will view the nori as food I stead of some weird thing in the tank.
Thanks for the help in advance!


Well-Known Member
My LMB seems to really love the Spectra Thera pelets that I put in the tank. The moment I put em in there he is all over them now that there is no hair algea to chow on. He/she also likes muching on the algea sheats. Seems to be in good health too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
My LMB seems to really love the Spectra Thera pelets that I put in the tank. The moment I put em in there he is all over them now that there is no hair algea to chow on. He/she also likes muching on the algea sheats. Seems to be in good health too.
How did you get him to eat the pellets and algae sheets?
I think I'm just going to keep putting it in until it eats it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
Lol, okay.
I'm not too worried yet. Like I said, he's eating constantly.

A little coral food will make algae grow faster for him to eat naturally. Be careful so you don't pollute the tank and mess with water quality..LOL.. we get the LMB so they eat our algae and it MAY seem strange to make algae on purpose but critters have to eat, and algae is cheap fish food.
I let it grow on the back and sides of my tank for my algae eaters, like my urchin, a Hippo and Kole Tang, Lemonpeel Angel, LMB and snails and crabs, as you can tell…I have QUITE A FEW hungry algae eaters..
I don’t know what you have besides the LMB in your tank, so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
How did you get him to eat the pellets and algae sheets?
I think I'm just going to keep putting it in until it eats it.
That's all I did was put it in there...he started eating it on his own. It's kind of funny to watch him skip around with a pellet in his mouth the size of his head but he seems to like it. He's usually a little bit skidish of the algea sheets at first because I think the clip freaks him out or something. But after a little while he gets up the nerve to get himself a couple of bits and then he just digs in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

A little coral food will make algae grow faster for him to eat naturally. Be careful so you don't pollute the tank and mess with water quality..LOL.. we get the LMB so they eat our algae and it MAY seem strange to make algae on purpose but critters have to eat, and algae is cheap fish food.
I let it grow on the back and sides of my tank for my algae eaters, like my urchin, a Hippo and Kole Tang, Lemonpeel Angel, LMB and snails and crabs, as you can tell…I have QUITE A FEW hungry algae eaters..
I don’t know what you have besides the LMB in your tank, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
All I have in the tank right now are my two clowns, but I plan on a dwarf angel.
Believe me, I have plenty of algae in the tank, the back wall is covered.
The blenny basically has an all-you-can-eat buffet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
That's all I did was put it in there...he started eating it on his own. It's kind of funny to watch him skip around with a pellet in his mouth the size of his head but he seems to like it. He's usually a little bit skidish of the algea sheets at first because I think the clip freaks him out or something. But after a little while he gets up the nerve to get himself a couple of bits and then he just digs in.
My algae clip refuse so stay attached to the side of the tank, so I'm forced to rubber banding to rocks.
But that should work too. It's just more work. But that is okay.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
My algae clip refuse so stay attached to the side of the tank, so I'm forced to rubber banding to rocks.
But that should work too. It's just more work. But that is okay.

I threaded my clip with some clear fish line..So I could retrieve it and I used a small ceramic octopus as a weight and just drop the line in half way in the tank. Those suction cups never work. I tried the rock idea...too hard to retrieve it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

I threaded my clip with some clear fish line..So I could retrieve it and I used a small ceramic octopus as a weight and just drop the line in half way in the tank. Those suction cups never work. I tried the rock idea...too hard to retrieve it.
That sounds like a good idea. I'll have to figure out a weight.
Or maybe I can just tie the line to the rock, and have a feeding rock.


Well-Known Member
That is a pretty niffty idea. I have the same of these days I'll get around to ordering one of the magnet clips, I always seem to forget it when I make orders to add one of those in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
That is a pretty niffty idea. I have the same of these days I'll get around to ordering one of the magnet clips, I always seem to forget it when I make orders to add one of those in.
I know, I'm going to try it.
Also, this way I won't have to stick my hand in the tank, which will be better. The blenny doesn't like me yet.
It has to learn to like my hand, like the clowns do. Their line of thought is "hand means food."


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
That is a pretty niffty idea. I have the same of these days I'll get around to ordering one of the magnet clips, I always seem to forget it when I make orders to add one of those in.

LOL...They have a magnet clip???


Well-Known Member
Yeah they're a little bit pricey but the cool thing about them is they won't come off the glass and you can move them around without sticking your hand inside the tank. There's one that even has an extension wand on it for getting the algea out towards the middle of the tank.


I'm gonna order one...I still have not ordered my new cpr pump yet, so I think I will order one with that

what do I have to lose...another 20 bucks LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
Indeed...they do! Check out MD's selection.
Hmmm, I plan on ordering from them soon, maybe I'll order one.
I remember seeing a magnet somewhere designed to replace a suction cup, it fit in the little notch.
I can't remember where though.


Originally Posted by yannifish
Hmmm, I plan on ordering from them soon, maybe I'll order one.
I remember seeing a magnet somewhere designed to replace a suction cup, it fit in the little notch.
I can't remember where though.
I just ordered one