Lawnmower Blenny Question


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Meowzer...I should have told ya to shop around. Just seen the same clip on another site for $14.


Originally Posted by 2Quills
Sorry, Meowzer...I should have told ya to shop around. Just seen the same clip on another site for $14.

I did though.....
....Oh well...i also had to order the acella pump, and I ordered the bak pak (in tank) bubble diffuser

SOOOO I got them all at the same place....DO you have any idea how hard it is to find all the stuff you need at ONE place


Well-Known Member
That works, you saved on seperate shipping.
Yeah you should have seen when I was trying to order my Loc-Line fittings for my one site had everything that I wanted because they were either out or didn't carry it, so I almost ordered all my pieces from 3 different sites. Ended up ordering from Loc-Lines site itself, had to order certain fittings in pairs that I didn't need but it still turned out cheaper.


Active Member
I hate paying shipping. Especially over night.
That's the only reason I don't buy frozen foods online, the $30 shipping.
But it is hard not to have to buy online without a LFS, you know what that's like meowzer. The closest fish store to me is 90 miles.


Originally Posted by yannifish
I hate paying shipping. Especially over night.
That's the only reason I don't buy frozen foods online, the $30 shipping.
But it is hard not to have to buy online without a LFS, you know what that's like meowzer. The closest fish store to me is 90 miles.
I'll tell you this, buying frozen foods, and livestock online is not bad. I buy my food in bulk, so I get a discount that way, and.. you pay no if you figure what you would have spent in gas, tax, and dinner out LOL.....buying online is cheaper

only drawback is you do not get to see the livestock in person, BUT I trust SWF, and always have gotten great stuff


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I'll tell you this, buying frozen foods, and livestock online is not bad. I buy my food in bulk, so I get a discount that way, and.. you pay no if you figure what you would have spent in gas, tax, and dinner out LOL.....buying online is cheaper

only drawback is you do not get to see the livestock in person, BUT I trust SWF, and always have gotten great stuff
I agree, I prefer ordering than driving, I just wished I had a LFS to go to.
Oh well.


Active Member
I saw my blenny eat nori today!

I'm very happy, and relieved.
I'm just glad it's eating something I can go into a store and buy!


Active Member
I'm very pleased.
It is starting to get a little fatter, it was very thin for a while, you could see it's ribs.
But all is well now!
He's still a little shy, but that will go away. The clowns are used to him as well now, although he completely ignores them. It's quite funny, the clowns follow the blenny around.
And I got a Royal Gramma yesterday!
Life is good.

gill again68

Active Member
Well I always learn something reading these threads. My LMB was fat as a pig and the last few months has been shrinking in the belly department. The competition for the algae sheets is also a problem. I have tried to target feed with the algae sheets as much as you can target feed with them. I think its working as he has put on a little weight. I need to look into one of those magnet clips. Seems to be the answer I am looking for as well. I too have a LFS that is "spitting" distance from my house. They are having a club meeting there today and I may go.
I should just mail my LMB to meowzer and let her train him to eat frozen


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Well I always learn something reading these threads. My LMB was fat as a pig and the last few months has been shrinking in the belly department. The competition for the algae sheets is also a problem. I have tried to target feed with the algae sheets as much as you can target feed with them. I think its working as he has put on a little weight. I need to look into one of those magnet clips. Seems to be the answer I am looking for as well. I too have a LFS that is "spitting" distance from my house. They are having a club meeting there today and I may go.
I should just mail my LMB to meowzer and let her train him to eat frozen

Lol, meowzer and her carnivorous herbivores...
I need one too. I'm gettin tired of putting my hand in the tank everyday. Although the blenny has now recognized what I am doing, an once I pull my hand back out of the tank immediately swims over to the rock.

gill again68

Active Member
Have yall ever tried one of these? Keeps my hands out most of the time. A little difficult to handle stuff from time to time but gets most stuff in and out for me.