Left lane evangelists


Becareful what you admit in public.
I learned to drive screaming across the open desert at 125 with my hair on fire.

darthtang aw

Active Member

Becareful what you admit in public.

I learned to drive screaming across the open desert at 125 with my hair on fire.
That is nothing knew.......everyone in arizona experiences their hair on fire.......140 degrees.....but. it is a dry heat.
Darth (smoke if you got em) Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists#post_3379322
That's fine if once someone realized I've wanted by and then moves over if it's not been some great length of time. But when I've seen these people check their mirrors, notice me, and still not moved, my frustration begins to build rather quickly.
Yea, I know the cop was pretty close. I was more so eluding to the fact I, myself, may not be much better, depending on how much more like the latter example I used, the idiots are. Therefore I personally can't criticize him too much.
From what I come to gather, I believe it's more of a "the speed I drive at is fine for me, and therefore should be fine for anyone else" mentality. I'm def. not gonna say males don't do this too, but notice who the first ones who general call anyone going slower a moron, and anyone going faster a maniac, esp. if it's just a couple MPH difference. The only real caveat I've notice about women behind the wheel, is their ineptness to pass 18-wheelers (talking about on a multi-lane highway, not some backroad). Esp. if the conditions are not good (bridge, rain, etc). They'll drive right up to one to the 18wheelers blindspot, and just stop. Then take 2-3mins to "build up their confidence," I guess, as cars begin stacking up behind them. Then as SLOWLY as possible, just creep by sometimes shadowing the 18wheelers speed along side. I don't understand it. If they just pass with some type of speed/authority, it would be over and done with.
I can't say that 'shoot 3 lanes across into the #1 lane" maneuver is exclusive female. Seen a lot of males to it too. You answered you're own question though, "training." There is just not enough of it, and the effort, or there lack of, to get a license, is a joke.
You hit the nail on the head. I ran into one of the "18wheelerphobes" just this morning. Glad to hear it's not just isolated to my neck of the woods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists#post_3379328
HAHA...I'd hit the brakes
intimidation does not work with me.....BUT....rarely do I go under (or over) the speed limit
Now meowser, that's one of the easiest ways to get into a road rage incident - 'hitting' the brakes on someone who tailgates you. If you're watching the vehicle behind you long enough to think 'tapping' the brakes will get them to back off, then you obviously know you're impeding the flow of traffic and should be looking at a way to move over into another lane instead. I've seen too many instances of this same scenario on the road, and almost everytime a car brakes on a tailgater, then next thing you see is the tailgater flying around the slower driver, getting in front of them, then slamming on their brakes. Unfortunately, there's some poor slob two or three cars behind the pack that isn't paying attention, and ends up rear-ending the car in front of him because of the "brake chain reaction".
The solution is simple - you see someone coming up behind you at a faster speed, find the earliest convenient time to pull over into another lane and do it. If you have this strange desire where you must drive in the left/fast lane, then go right back once all the faster traffic passes you. It keeps the traffic flowing smoother, and allows everyone to get to their destination safely.


Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379397
Now meowser, that's one of the easiest ways to get into a road rage incident - 'hitting' the brakes on someone who tailgates you. If you're watching the vehicle behind you long enough to think 'tapping' the brakes will get them to back off, then you obviously know you're impeding the flow of traffic and should be looking at a way to move over into another lane instead. I've seen too many instances of this same scenario on the road, and almost everytime a car brakes on a tailgater, then next thing you see is the tailgater flying around the slower driver, getting in front of them, then slamming on their brakes. Unfortunately, there's some poor slob two or three cars behind the pack that isn't paying attention, and ends up rear-ending the car in front of him because of the "brake chain reaction".
The solution is simple - you see someone coming up behind you at a faster speed, find the earliest convenient time to pull over into another lane and do it. If you have this strange desire where you must drive in the left/fast lane, then go right back once all the faster traffic passes you. It keeps the traffic flowing smoother, and allows everyone to get to their destination safely.
LOL....You do realize I was kidding......I HATE TAILGATERS....BUT if they want to speed, they can go for it....yes I would move if I could....BUT tailgating is NOT going to make me move any faster

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379397
Now meowser, that's one of the easiest ways to get into a road rage incident - 'hitting' the brakes on someone who tailgates you. If you're watching the vehicle behind you long enough to think 'tapping' the brakes will get them to back off, then you obviously know you're impeding the flow of traffic and should be looking at a way to move over into another lane instead. I've seen too many instances of this same scenario on the road, and almost everytime a car brakes on a tailgater, then next thing you see is the tailgater flying around the slower driver, getting in front of them, then slamming on their brakes. Unfortunately, there's some poor slob two or three cars behind the pack that isn't paying attention, and ends up rear-ending the car in front of him because of the "brake chain reaction".
The solution is simple - you see someone coming up behind you at a faster speed, find the earliest convenient time to pull over into another lane and do it. If you have this strange desire where you must drive in the left/fast lane, then go right back once all the faster traffic passes you. It keeps the traffic flowing smoother, and allows everyone to get to their destination safely.
Been on this planet for countless years, drove for over half of them and still have never been involved in a road rage incident. What is it like to live in fear?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379547
Been on this planet for countless years, drove for over half of them and still have never been involved in a road rage incident. What is it like to live in fear?
Fear? Naw. That's what a good Louisville Slugger is for. If I'm not mistaken, is it you or reef that lived up in Montana, South Dakota, or whatever part of the Frozen Tundra that is? If it's you, then I can understand why you never got into road rage incident. There's never anyone driving around you to get mad at.

darthtang aw

Active Member

Fear?  Naw.  That's what a good Louisville Slugger is for.  If I'm not mistaken, is it you or reef that lived up in Montana, South Dakota, or whatever part of the Frozen Tundra that is?  If it's you, then I can understand why you never got into road rage incident.  There's never anyone driving around you to get mad at.
Wasn't me....always lived in cities since driving age.
What's your louisville slugger gonna do to all those gun weilding road ragers in your city you have been spoouting about?
Darth (consistant) Tang

bang guy

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379593
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Fear? Naw. That's what a good Louisville Slugger is for. If I'm not mistaken, is it you or reef that lived up in Montana, South Dakota, or whatever part of the Frozen Tundra that is? If it's you, then I can understand why you never got into road rage incident. There's never anyone driving around you to get mad at.
Wasn't me....always lived in cities since driving age.
What's your louisville slugger gonna do to all those gun weilding road ragers in your city you have been spoouting about?
Darth (consistant) Tang
The slugger is to be evenly administered across all of the glass and plastic of the tailgater after they pull into the parking lot next to you. Tailgaters should be put in jail for negligent attempted homicide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379593
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Fear? Naw. That's what a good Louisville Slugger is for. If I'm not mistaken, is it you or reef that lived up in Montana, South Dakota, or whatever part of the Frozen Tundra that is? If it's you, then I can understand why you never got into road rage incident. There's never anyone driving around you to get mad at.
Wasn't me....always lived in cities since driving age.
What's your louisville slugger gonna do to all those gun weilding road ragers in your city you have been spoouting about?
Darth (consistant) Tang
Depends if I get get a swing in first. I do also carry a taser with me. Both my girls carry one as well. The 'gun toters' only hang out on the Southside. I don't hang down there much, so it really doesn't affect me.

darthtang aw

Active Member

Depends if I get get a swing in first.  I do also carry a taser with me.  Both my girls carry one as well.  The 'gun toters' only hang out on the Southside.  I don't hang down there much, so it really doesn't affect me.
Good to know I can induce road rage on the northside safely.
Darth (I miss natural selection) Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379642
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Depends if I get get a swing in first. I do also carry a taser with me. Both my girls carry one as well. The 'gun toters' only hang out on the Southside. I don't hang down there much, so it really doesn't affect me.
Good to know I can induce road rage on the northside safely.
Darth (I miss natural selection) Tang
The northsiders don't get mad at one another because they're afraid they may ding their Hummers, Porsches, and Benz's..


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379397
I've seen too many instances of this same scenario on the road, and almost everytime a car brakes on a tailgater, then next thing you see is the tailgater flying around the slower driver, getting in front of them, then slamming on their brakes. Unfortunately, there's some poor slob two or three cars behind the pack that isn't paying attention, and ends up rear-ending the car in front of him because of the "brake chain reaction".
To expel on this, I've seen the shoulder used. Stuck behind 2, I dunno what to call them, cars for at least 5mins, doing 5-9mph under the speed limit side-by-side blocking the highway. Some brainiac in an F-250/F-350 comes darting up and then swings around the car in the right lane onto the shoulder. All it would have took was him to be fractionally to the right, to hit the grass and then lose it, and wipe out 10+ cars.
Personally, I will admit to using highway on-ramps to get around similar idiots who shadow the car next to them and block the highway.... As far as 'road rage,' only once and it was just a shouting match, at a campus parking garage. Me and him both got out, but never moved beyond the doors. First week of school, so everyone's there, and UCF was seriously short on parking spots, so everyone is jockeying for spots. He didn't realize that cars coming into the garage have the right-of-way (he was driving around in the garage).


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379712
To expel on this, I've seen the shoulder used. Stuck behind 2, I dunno what to call them, cars for at least 5mins, doing 5-9mph under the speed limit side-by-side blocking the highway. Some brainiac in an F-250/F-350 comes darting up and then swings around the car in the right lane onto the shoulder. All it would have took was him to be fractionally to the right, to hit the grass and then lose it, and wipe out 10+ cars.
Personally, I will admit to using highway on-ramps to get around similar idiots who shadow the car next to them and block the highway.... As far as 'road rage,' only once and it was just a shouting match, at a campus parking garage. Me and him both got out, but never moved beyond the doors. First week of school, so everyone's there, and UCF was seriously short on parking spots, so everyone is jockeying for spots. He didn't realize that cars coming into the garage have the right-of-way (he was driving around in the garage).
Ah, the old parking lot vultures. I alway shake my head when I'm looking for a parking spot, and someone is sitting there like a vulture waiting for some lady to pack her groceries, strap her kid in the car seat, then get into the car and leave. Meanwhile, there's an open space just 5 spots back. Heaven forbid the person has to walk another 20 feet!
As far as 'parking spot stealers'? That's why I carry a pair of large wire cutters with me. Someone 'slides in the backdoor' and takes a parking spot that I was patiently waiting for, then gets out of their car and looks at me and gives me attitude (or even goes as far as flipping me off)? I just smile and move on to find another spot. However, if the car is still parked there when I leave, I simply take my cutters and snip off the end of one valve. Sucks having to put a spare tire on in a tight parking spot.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/385342/left-lane-evangelists/20#post_3379722
Ah, the old parking lot vultures. I alway shake my head when I'm looking for a parking spot, and someone is sitting there like a vulture waiting for some lady to pack her groceries, strap her kid in the car seat, then get into the car and leave. Meanwhile, there's an open space just 5 spots back. Heaven forbid the person has to walk another 20 feet!
As far as 'parking spot stealers'? That's why I carry a pair of large wire cutters with me. Someone 'slides in the backdoor' and takes a parking spot that I was patiently waiting for, then gets out of their car and looks at me and gives me attitude (or even goes as far as flipping me off)? I just smile and move on to find another spot. However, if the car is still parked there when I leave, I simply take my cutters and snip off the end of one valve. Sucks having to put a spare tire on in a tight parking spot.
You are just a regular vandal aren't you? What are you? 12 still?
Darth (The Adult) Tang