Lemon Juice


Active Member
I started a thread a week or two ago, lime juice, was told it was lemon juice that kills aiptasia and that thread died. I have one question, How much lemon juice does it take to kill an anenome?


Active Member
I didn't have any luck with the lemon juice. I tried 1ccs, 2 ccs, all the way up to a full syringe. It got ridiculous!
Hope that you have better luck. You can also try the boiling water, or hot lemon juice.


LOL...I didn't have luck with any of that stuff either. Joe's Juice is what finally worked for me, and I only had ONE aptasia


Active Member
Ive tried boiling water in the tank, should i take the rock out squirt the water on the anenome and put the rock back it?
Also the reason i asked about lime juice is because my parents friends son owns a pet store up in big rapids and he specializes in saltwater fish, he saaid that when he get aiptasia he uses lime juice and they shrivel upand you never see them again. What do you think?


Active Member
Ok tommarrow ill do an expirement, Ill take out a small live rock and put it in a bucket of tank water(for a more controlled environment) Ill locate 3 anenomes and take pics before anything is done to them. Ill then squirt equal ammounts of boiling water, lime juice, and lemon juice. (ill post pics during all of this) Ill record and post the resaults.


Active Member
that would be interesting... lets see those results. Although you will have to observe over a few days. The apps will go away and they will come back if it doesn't work. It usually takes up to a week before you will know if they are really gone or not.
experiment and do let us know!


Active Member
Ill post results probably over the period of two weeks, ill post what i see daily.(with pics of coarse)


Active Member
Should i use the lemon and lime juice from the plastic lemons and lime containers or should i use fresh squeezed juice? (i have both)


Active Member
fresh squeezed may be more acidic, which I think may be key to using it to kill an aptasia. I think the stuff in the bottle may be watered down.


Active Member
I've never had kalk bombing fail. A few tablespoons of kalk in a whiskey glass, mix in some tank water till you have sort of a watery oatmeal/paste. Then use a larger syringe, like the type for marinating meat, and then blast the buggers. The best part is that the aiptasia will close on itself, usually injesting some kalk paste, so it's a guaranteed kill. Then cover the hole on the LR the aiptasia was with some more kalk. It will stay put.
Just be careful with smaller tanks you don't do too much and throw pH off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I've never had kalk bombing fail. A few tablespoons of kalk in a whiskey glass, mix in some tank water till you have sort of a watery oatmeal/paste. Then use a larger syringe, like the type for marinating meat, and then blast the buggers. The best part is that the aiptasia will close on itself, usually injesting some kalk paste, so it's a guaranteed kill. Then cover the hole on the LR the aiptasia was with some more kalk. It will stay put.
Just be careful with smaller tanks you don't do too much and throw pH off.
I dont have kalk paste, and i want to see wich of the less effective ways work best, because all i hear about kalkk is its definantly going to work.

Originally Posted by Chrisb430

why not get a peppermint shrimp???
I have a valentini puffer, and i hear those arnt really reliable, i cant get a copperband butterfly because my tank is to small(the guy at the LFS said i would be able to getaway with a small one, but i dont want topay 30.00$ for something ill have for only a few weeks. I dont want to spend the money on berghia nudis either.

small triggers

Active Member
OMG those things are HUGE... looks like they would take out a great white!!!
I myself have had only good results with aptasia X which is basically kalk paste, lol


LOL...I love the litle fish in the right corner
For aptasia that size...good luck....I'd really think about using Joe's Juice for them