Lets Get to Know McCain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
One could possibly argue that, however the mood of the war is based off polling for the most part. One copuld argue the huge democratic switch in the house reflects war views yet those representatives have therefore failed in their job to oppose this war and bring the troops home as their constituents desire.. .....This was an actual vote held in Arizona regarding the holiday. Therefore based off voting McCain cast his ballot as Arizona desired.
This is what every elected official is suppossed to do. THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!
I do agree with this to an extent. However, isn't it also the duty of our elected officials to lead and show the electorate where they are wrong? When and if he is the leader of this great country is he going to defy the will of his constituents and remain in Iraq or even invade Iran? What do you think about that?
I am curious about his "evolution" He has evolved from what to what?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I do agree with this to an extent. However, isn't it also the duty of our elected officials to lead and show the electorate where they are wrong? When and if he is the leader of this great country is he going to defy the will of his constituents and remain in Iraq or even invade Iran? What do you think about that?
I am curious about his "evolution" He has evolved from what to what?
Creating another national holiday isn't exactly a matter of national security. On feelgood type of legislation a representative should do just that, represent the will of their constituents.
As far as McCain's evolution he now says he regrets voting for the original holiday. Sellout position as far as I am concerned. He was right to oppose an additional holiday even if it would offend black folks. Sorry but there is no right to not be offended.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Creating another national holiday isn't exactly a matter of national security. On feelgood type of legislation a representative should do just that, represent the will of their constituents.
As far as McCain's evolution he now says he regrets voting for the original holiday. Sellout position as far as I am concerned. He was right to oppose an additional holiday even if it would offend black folks. Sorry but there is no right to not be offended.
Well, the Civil Rights movement might not be a big deal to you but the vast majority of Americans view MLK as a great American and someone we should take immense pride in.
I'd imagine if you think MLK day is a waste you'd hopefully think that all days minus the 4th and Memorial are also fluff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Wow, this thread hasn't been locked or deleted yet what a surprise! ....
for the record, SWF Mods do not delete or edit threads based on opposing opinions. Nor do we single out posters for unfair prosecution.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I do agree with this to an extent. However, isn't it also the duty of our elected officials to lead and show the electorate where they are wrong? When and if he is the leader of this great country is he going to defy the will of his constituents and remain in Iraq or even invade Iran? What do you think about that?
Are you seriously comparing matters of national security and global policies with a decision on whether someone should get a day off from work?
No one complained when the federal government did away with Lincoln's birthday and Washington's birthday and combined the two into president's day.....shouldn't these great men each have their own day in our nations history?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Ok on to the next point.
"2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain “will make Cheney look like Gandhi.”2"
Once again, do some research to understand further.
First I will address Buchanon's statement. This is a personal opinion and has no factual basis. it was taken on a liberal media outlet and they were discussing how all candidates need to make themselves not look like another bush. Pat Buchanon at the time he said that gave his endorsement for Ron Paul, a republican that want's nothig to do with the global world. it was a statement made to help assist his candidate he chose to endorse.
as far as more hawkish, try reading the whole story. It is a crap claim.
In a nutshell, he said Russia's election appearred to be rigged and were pulling away from democracy and heading back down the road of KGB style leadership.
On Iraq, from the onset he disagreed with how the wr ws being conducted and said we needed more troops on the ground....Which makes sense, had we went in harder we might not still be there.
On North Korea he disagrees with giving them nuclear fuel in return for their promise to shutdown their goal of a nuclear weapon. This is like promising a repet DWI offender we will give you alcohol if yopu promise to stop driving drunk....how retarded are we in this country. I would think we would have learned after Clinton "talked" with them and suppossedly got them to stop their nuclear program by giving them money.He disagrees with this approach is all.
On China, he has said he will make it clear to the government that the U.S. is unhappy at the weakness of the currency and the ``repression of democracy.'' He also vows to oppose any effort by China to force reunification with Taiwan.
McCain has not ruled out the use of force in Iran or North Korea. He also will not sit down with these countries unless certain conditions are met. Most of these conditions include human rights issues that these countries ignore.
Explain to me why these concerns of his are bad things.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Well, the Civil Rights movement might not be a big deal to you but the vast majority of Americans view MLK as a great American and someone we should take immense pride in.
I'd imagine if you think MLK day is a waste you'd hopefully think that all days minus the 4th and Memorial are also fluff.
yeah, pretty much, except maybe vets day. and thanksgiving and christmas, everything else is just an excuse day off. Not that I have a problem with it.


Active Member
oh my lord
these are politicians , politicians!!! i think if you look that up there will be liar, cheat and general scoundrel in the definition


Well personally I love skimming through these threads. I actually learn a lot, even if they are opinions, they seem to me to be educated opinions.
I have to admit though, from what I've seen, the best argument to support Obama has been... "Well, McCain believes THIS!, or Bush did that!"
It reminds me when I fuss at my daughter for leaving her shoes in the hallway. If she were to come back with "Well Chase left his right in the doorway!" I'd hafta say, she would get triple punishment. 1 for leaving her shoes, 2 for passing the buck, and 3 for just being, or trying to be, evasive about the issue.
Keep the arguments coming. I am sure a lot of people choose or rechoose their candidates based on this info here.

Course I moved to Florida and I'm scared to death to see the ballot. I heard it was all confusing like.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Well personally I love skimming through these threads. I actually learn a lot, even if they are opinions, they seem to me to be educated opinions.
I have to admit though, from what I've seen, the best argument to support Obama has been... "Well, McCain believes THIS!, or Bush did that!"
It reminds me when I fuss at my daughter for leaving her shoes in the hallway. If she were to come back with "Well Chase left his right in the doorway!" I'd hafta say, she would get triple punishment. 1 for leaving her shoes, 2 for passing the buck, and 3 for just being, or trying to be, evasive about the issue.
Keep the arguments coming. I am sure a lot of people choose or rechoose their candidates based on this info here.

Don't forget, Change...
You have stumbled across my biggest gripe with the democrat party. (now you libs don't take this wrong although I know you will) their arguments are soo soo juvinile. Personally I can't stand McCain, I don't know if I can vote for him after some of the stuff he says because he uses some of the same arguments, but for the most part conservative pundits at least have excellect arguments for their case. (hannity and savage not included) but listen to the guys who put together good debate team (not prez debate) quality arguments, without the salacious language, they win every time. But use this site for example. Minus a couple of people, most of the more liberal posters don't post facts, they use anecdotal evidence, partial facts (like the post about McCain not voting for a healthcare proposal) as not caring about children. When in reality it was a bill that raised an already in place healthcare system from the age of 18 to 25 and increased the max earning of those who qualify to 75,000 dollars. Or they just post salacious talking points that slice and dice the info to fit the sound bite. Personally that leads me to believe there are NO GOOD ARGUMENTS, for their policy beliefs. But that is just my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Well, the Civil Rights movement might not be a big deal to you but the vast majority of Americans view MLK as a great American and someone we should take immense pride in.
I'd imagine if you think MLK day is a waste you'd hopefully think that all days minus the 4th and Memorial are also fluff.
I actually am not a great admirer of MLK. I think it is mainly because he is singled out as the grand pubah of the civil rights movement. You think what he did took more guts than what Rosa Parks or even Jackie Robinson did? There were a lot of others who worked just as hard as he and paid just as great a price for their efforts. No one should be singled out. You think King was a greater American than Lincoln or Eisenhower? Neither of them have a Holiday. Hell Eisenhower should have an international Holiday based on his WWII performance.
I have no problem with a day to honor civil rights. I do have a problem with one person being singled out for what many achieved. I also have a problem with another federal holiday being created where the federal workers get yet another day off while 90% of those employed in the private sector have to work. Had they wanted to redesignat labor day or columbus day civil rights day I would have been fine with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I actually am not a great admirer of MLK. I think it is mainly because he is singled out as the grand pubah of the civil rights movement. You think what he did took more guts than what Rosa Parks or even Jackie Robinson did? There were a lot of others who worked just as hard as he and paid just as great a price for their efforts. No one should be singled out. You think King was a greater American than Lincoln or Eisenhower? Neither of them have a Holiday. Hell Eisenhower should have an international Holiday based on his WWII performance.
I have no problem with a day to honor civil rights. I do have a problem with one person being singled out for what many achieved. I also have a problem with another federal holiday being created where the federal workers get yet another day off while 90% of those employed in the private sector have to work. Had they wanted to redesignat labor day or columbus day civil rights day I would have been fine with it.
Well, the way society works they NEED a figurehead. So I don't have to much of a problem with that. It isn't as if I actually get a day off on MLK day or bonus pay. I just don't get mail that day so I'm fine with it.


Active Member
I do wonder what is the significance of not supporting the MLK day measure? Unless you are going to insinuate that McCain is a racist. I guess we can check that one off the typical arguments that Dems use. He is a racist, oh and don't forget the doesn't care about the children, and wants to destroy the planet. All we got left is the one targeted at old people, (he is going to take away social security) and the doesn't care about minorities or poor people. And we'll have us a typically run democrat campain. Now that is *change you can't bank on*
Obama and his suragates aren't any different than any other democrat who has run for prez.

nano reefer

Active Member
Yeah but McCain was on the SNL season finale so i will vote for him. jk, i dont vote. I made a pledge that i would only vote for an honest president, and i have yet to see one, and i dont think that will ever happen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
Yeah but McCain was on the SNL season finale so i will vote for him. jk, i dont vote. I made a pledge that i would only vote for an honest president, and i have yet to see one, and i dont think that will ever happen.
lol, I think bush as much as he has screwed up is about a boy scout as you are going to get.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i freakin love it!!!
but then again no political thought is original... so that statement is kind of an oxymoron... if one cant cut n paste from the news/information medium that he/she sides with there is not going to be a post...

1. No problem with not voting for another federal holiday.
2. Good.
3. Good; I'm all for 30 seconds of scaring a terrorist into selling out his buddies
4. Good.
5. Don't know anything about the "Children's Defense Fund". They related to the WWF?
6. So being successful is a bad thing? Not in my book. McCain says get another job mAybe we should listen he has 8 houses apparently he did something right, Obama hires a Countrywide exec.
7. If they don't like him they should have backed a Conservative
8. Obama talks about lobbyists, yet used his own PAC to bribe Superdelegates. Seems like a wash to me.
9. Whole statement is full of inaccurracies.
10. Not my biggest priority atm
I used most of yours journey thanks for taking the time so as I can cut and passte it lol.

darthtang aw

Active Member
2 days of .............................................. posted by Jmick, where did you go? I was enjoying debating each concern you had about McCain, we only made it to point 2 and you have already let the thread die..........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
2 days of .............................................. posted by Jmick, where did you go? I was enjoying debating each concern you had about McCain, we only made it to point 2 and you have already let the thread die..........
McCain is a moron. So now he is talking about making us drill again. Which is fine, except, two days ago he was saying how speculators were driving up the price of oil. there is just no continuity with his message.