Lets Go Retro...


Since you all like the toy thing..I got some, not much but interesting..none in mint condition, but very good-except the childs tumbler and pitcher set-acro agate co. The 8mm western reels are silent black & white movies with sub titles-those are in excellant shape-made about 1920. The doll someone trimmed her hair but everything else in good shape-the guitar has never been played with-it only had a tear in the celophane-so I taped in back up.



Here are a few others:The bottles are, Dr Kennedy's favorite remedy Kingston NY (town near where I was born and raised) the food bottle is Mellin's Food Co Boston. Cast iron toilet, pretty neat. The horse is Lil Joes horse from the Bonanza series-has rollers on the feet. The Top is really neat, steeplechase. and works. Childs real iron-still heats up[/B][/COLOR]



I'll be getting it rewraped-here shortly. My mom gave it to me so I'll keep it for my girls, they collect mostly Briar horses, so they have a head start in collecting. But thanks for asking. little iron-it's an international Baby iron-it's used to iron baby clothes. Reg size handle but the iron itself is tiny. I realized, just now I put childs iron-really ment child's clothes iron. I love the little guitar-absolutely perfect-never been out of the box. I ripped the celophane when it was being transported from the auction-like a dummy. I collect mostly flow blue dishes, only mint-although I do have some that other people picked up at yard sales that are in ok shape/cracks or chips. I do have some childs flow blue dishes-very nice. I love collecting-anything!


Active Member
Scuba-I know these aren't really antique but I was wondering... My uncle has collected every holiday barbie for his girls along with any rare looking barbie. They are all in their boxes and are up on shelves in his house. Are they worth alot? He's not really sure. He also has every one of the denim days figurines from Home Interiors, all with boxes. Know anything about these?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
Scuba-I know these aren't really antique but I was wondering... My uncle has collected every holiday barbie for his girls along with any rare looking barbie. They are all in their boxes and are up on shelves in his house. Are they worth alot? He's not really sure. He also has every one of the denim days figurines from Home Interiors, all with boxes. Know anything about these?
I do not know much regarding Barbie dolls. A good place to check would be that large auction site in completed auctions.
I do know the Barbie and Ken Munsters edition will sell in the 200-300 range with the Barbie and Ken Addams Family set lower on that big auction site.



Originally Posted by rberhow
Scuba-I know these aren't really antique but I was wondering... My uncle has collected every holiday barbie for his girls along with any rare looking barbie. They are all in their boxes and are up on shelves in his house. Are they worth alot? He's not really sure. He also has every one of the denim days figurines from Home Interiors, all with boxes. Know anything about these?
Home interiors are good sellers there too!


rber.. i hate to admit it, but i collect barbies... They're really not worth that much, except for rare ones... like look up coca cola ken on ----.... that one's worth quite a bit (for a barbie)... if you want a really good investment, collect comic books! The first issue that superman was in is worth about $100,000, and amazing fantasy 15 (the first appearance of spiderman) is worth about $10,000 or so...


Active Member
jd-nice avatar!!! That sucks about the barbies. I know he's got a ton of them too. I never did understand the whole comic book thing. Of course, if I had one of those you listed, I would think it was the coolest hobby there was.