Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


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i am saying can i get 1 black clown and mix it up with my 3 percs in my 29gal tank. My name mean vietnam boy


Active Member
ooo i would say no because if you look in the clwonfish forum... and look at some thread about mixing clwons almost everuone is strongly against it......................... butit also depends on the fish .. you might get lucky but rarely : )


Active Member
i saw some thread and say i can mix them cause they are the same species only different color. none of my clownfish is aggresive


Active Member
well as they mature and pair up they will become more aggressive.. it could take them years or months to mature


Active Member
i guess you can do what you want to do and experiment i guess if you really wnat to .. just go ahead and do it ... : )


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Hey Guys...
Sry 4 the late response....I was at the homecoming game last night and stayed there until like midnight...I had to help clean up and I WAS FREEZING. I had been there since 4:30 and I WAS SOOO COLD. Michigan IS FREEZING at night at midnight. Molly, my sister, took the camera with her to a party-she isn't back yet but it still has all my pictures on it. So she gets back-I will upload them to here and post them. HEY VIETBOI, I checked the camera and I was able to retrieve those photos!!!!! YES!!!! By, the way congrats on the 1,000 post mark...not to be rude, but most of those were like 1 or two word posts...


Active Member
Thank you!!! I will be posting pics hopefully sometime today....like I said-these were taken a couple of days ago now, and they were taken at night, so the corals were starting to close up, and the water level was down(now its up) and I have brown algae on a couple of rocks.(my protein skimmer broke, and it took a week for me to fix it, and while I was, nutrients kind of bloomed and I had a brown algae issue, now most of it is gone except for those two rocks)


Active Member
Oh, and by the way, about the clowns-my male is a regular percula, but my female is a TRUE black onyz percula. They get along because they are both a form of percula. I had a pair of black onyx clowns-expensive!! But my male died during a power outage, but the female lived so I kept her and just bought a regular percula, and within about 6 weeks-they were a mated pair!!


Active Member
this is pitbull pics he said i can post some question the clown on the left is that a onyx clown? i know the pic is blurry.