Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
Sorry about the terrible pics though guys, this is what you wanted!?!?! This was my first time using the camera and posting pics so it will take some practice.


Active Member
Sorry about the pics guys. Learned my lesson, dont zoom in, on my camera it makes them too blurry-I might take more tomorrow and post better ones.


Active Member
Yeah, all of my pics are pretty blurry, so I will just post them and take better ones tomorrow. Just gotta not zoom in apparently.


Active Member
could, but camera is charging. I took it off the charger to upload, and my sister needs a lot of juice for the homecoming dance tonite.


Active Member
I am SOOOO sorry guys, all of my pics turned out sooo bad.
I will take better ones either later today or tomorrow so you guys can see my tank not super blurry.


Active Member
GRRRR...dougie, how do I copy and paste the IMG from photobucket, do I highlight it first? When I do that it just posts the link!


Active Member
<img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b315/schmiggelywiggelywormenheimerjunior/Fish055.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">