Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


New Member

I have had the tank 2months it was 2 years old and then I got it rock, fish, I have added a few fish and the leather. This is a pic. of my buddies they are also friends. Thanks for the nice comment. have a blessed day


Active Member
guess what guys... tuesday...
but i have been having the same problem so i decided not to go back and get my puffer


Active Member
Originally Posted by dougai
guess what guys... tuesday...
but i have been having the same problem so i decided not to go back and get my puffer

why didnt u get him?


Active Member
hopefully i can get some good pics of the crap forming on my sand bed and post them here to see if anyone knows whats going on, il also check with my trusty LFS


Active Member
i get this crap forming at the bottom of my tank and i thought it was from too much fish crap but now im thinking not enough flow
i got an algae blennie but it still comes back
i scoop it out with the net, then what do i see the next day when i come home from school


Active Member
Hi yall! Jenn u didnt offend me when u called me a bugger goblin. Yesterday my computer was broke.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Hi yall! Jenn u didnt offend me when u called me a bugger goblin. Yesterday my computer was broke.
Understandable, what was wrong with it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dougai
nope not in the past
set up for 14 months
wow that is a buttload of retartedness...try another powerhead or something-that would be my first attempt.