Lets see pics of your aquascaping.


Active Member
Ok, I'll post mine...
My first pic is of my 46gal reef, the second is my 37gal seahorse tank...



MonaLisa, how does your seahorse do in your tank? My wife REALLY wants one, but I was under the impression that they required a species-specific tank with a low amount of flow. Looks like you have a gorgonian in there, which I was told required moderate-to-high flow b/c it's a filter feeder. Just wondering how those two did together, and if you have any tips. I'd love to surprise my wife with one, but I thought I couldn't have them with my current setup. Thanks!


New Member
That is really nice Lisa!!! I love the seahorses. Nice idea of the "sunken treasure" look. Never thought about something like that.


New Member
Just got this up and going in June. Still a work in progress

Love these little guys!

Any suggestions are welcome


Active Member
eyebedam - very nice tank.....
Love your rock work that look just great. Are you planning on getting any corals?? I love it just as it is.
MonaLisa - Those sea horses are just beautiful. Looks so peaceful, just beautiful......

The rest of the tanks look great too, awesome work all of you.......


Active Member
ok, i`ll join in. here is my 55 when i first set it up ...

and here is what it looked like back in june ...



Active Member
Originally Posted by eyebedam
Ill start heres some of my 180. Its been up for about 3.5months.
That is amazing aquascaping! Awesome!


Active Member
Right after cycle finished. Not sure if I consider this aquascaping, more like a tank full of rocks.

And now:


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Teen, lets see it as of now. I really want to see your tank.
heres one, click to make it bigger.


Active Member
I know you guys are all going to be jealous, but keep in mind, with enough work and creativity, you can have your tank looking just as good as this beauty...


Active Member
I managed to drop my camera into the tank tonight while taking a picture (thank god it's waterproof), so I'll throw on an updated pic tomorrow when I can take a picture that doesn't suck with the lights on since I can't access the USB port right now, anyway