Lets see pics of your aquascaping.



75 Gal Reef start out. Up for a little over 7 months. I have a 125 fish only tank that really hasn't anything in it.



Here's my kids tank. This tank is in my bathroom. Kids did it start to finish. It's just finished cycling.



DeMartini wish I could keep something that small. I'm just addicted to all aquatic life. Live right here on the beach. Have an aquarium in every room. Even the bathroom. My living room has 4 tanks alone. 2 30 Gal and 2 20 Gal. both fresh and salt. 4 In my room. One in the kids room. One in the kitchen sectioning off the kitchen and dining room. That's the 125. And 1 in each other bedroom in the house. Maybe if I stuck to one small tank mine would look just as beautiful as many of yours and just as colorful. I dunno. I put a little in one tank then the other tank then I'll do something to another tank. Good thing I made a setup underneath my house for water. I guess just looking at one tank just doesn't do it for me. (sighs)


My 19 gallon nano. I'm a little worried about the clown, he's been on the bottom of the tank for some time! Seems like whenever he goes up, he's right back down on the bottom again......



Active Member
This is my 30 gallon about 6 1/2 months in...
I know it could use a cleaning and a top-off.. I will be attending to that later tonight.
Also, Please excuse my crappy camera (it has been dropped a few too many times
I'm hoping to get some better lighting soon. However, my being a broke college student tends to, err.. interfere



Active Member
here is my tank last month,and now after some new stuff cam in.I will have to take some more I got more stuff last week to



Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
I know you guys are all going to be jealous, but keep in mind, with enough work and creativity, you can have your tank looking just as good as this beauty...



Here's some pics of my 5 week old tank. It's a start....I got a little bit of a head start from a friend who pulled a few pieces of LR right out of her tank for me....pics with all lights on and one with just my blue acintics on



Active Member
ccampbell, I love your 180. I would like to have a large FOWLR, so I can have an Imperator (my favorite fish) and maybe some Triggers. That will be my next project.