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Just curious do your Angels fight at all? I always thought it was difficult to keep 2 angels together. This site wont even sell a person 2 unless they say there going in seperate tanks. Your tank looks nice btw. I like them all.
Thanks for the shout out EyeBeDam - The angels don't fight at all. They get along like a pair. They definitly rule the tank and do a lot of damage to all my inverts
These guys are pigs and just like to be fed. The Emperor is more aggressive than the Blueface. But both let everyone know who the boss is.
I used to have a French Angel in the tank too and she got along as well, but took her out cause she started to eat my coral when she was a juvie (stupid mistake cause they all ate it LOL).
The worst fighter I have ever had was my powder blue tang. We named him Bruce (after the shark in Nemo) cause he was psycho. He would chase around my Hippo all day long. He also chased my puffer