Lets see pics of your aquascaping.


New Member
All this aquascaping is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep coming back to this thread to get ideas for my future tank!!! Keep the pictures coming!!!!!!!!! I love to see the "before" and "after" pictures too!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
ccampbell, I love your 180. I would like to have a large FOWLR, so I can have an Imperator (my favorite fish) and maybe some Triggers. That will be my next project.

Thanks AZFishgal. These guys are definitly a fun bunch. I am considering some new additions. I'll post a thread soon on it.
Originally Posted by lil_dozer
DeMartini wish I could keep something that small. I'm just addicted to all aquatic life. Live right here on the beach. Have an aquarium in every room. Even the bathroom. My living room has 4 tanks alone. 2 30 Gal and 2 20 Gal. both fresh and salt. 4 In my room. One in the kids room. One in the kitchen sectioning off the kitchen and dining room. That's the 125. And 1 in each other bedroom in the house. Maybe if I stuck to one small tank mine would look just as beautiful as many of yours and just as colorful. I dunno. I put a little in one tank then the other tank then I'll do something to another tank. Good thing I made a setup underneath my house for water. I guess just looking at one tank just doesn't do it for me. (sighs)

Hey Dozer, I'm in Jacksonville as well! I'm glad to hear there are other tank-freeks here in town. Where do you do your shopping here as far as LFS? Do you go to Bio-Reef off Beach Blvd? I'm just curious if there are other stores in town that you enjoy. By the way your tanks look great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Thanks AZFishgal. These guys are definitly a fun bunch. I am considering some new additions. I'll post a thread soon on it.
Sounds great, I can't wait to see more!


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Here is my 180 and Nano
Just curious do your Angels fight at all? I always thought it was difficult to keep 2 angels together. This site wont even sell a person 2 unless they say there going in seperate tanks. Your tank looks nice btw. I like them all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by eyebedam
Just curious do your Angels fight at all? I always thought it was difficult to keep 2 angels together. This site wont even sell a person 2 unless they say there going in seperate tanks. Your tank looks nice btw. I like them all.
Thanks for the shout out EyeBeDam - The angels don't fight at all. They get along like a pair. They definitly rule the tank and do a lot of damage to all my inverts
These guys are pigs and just like to be fed. The Emperor is more aggressive than the Blueface. But both let everyone know who the boss is.
I used to have a French Angel in the tank too and she got along as well, but took her out cause she started to eat my coral when she was a juvie (stupid mistake cause they all ate it LOL).
The worst fighter I have ever had was my powder blue tang. We named him Bruce (after the shark in Nemo) cause he was psycho. He would chase around my Hippo all day long. He also chased my puffer


im not the best aqua scaper!! but heres my 75 gallon now with a sump/fug
but here are some pics of my tank going for a little over a month
and the others are as is today after finishing with " turning tims"
help my 55 gal sump/fug
been up and running since 03/24 of this year
animals are still getting used to the extra new water and volume im sure they will be ok though



Originally Posted by eyebedam
Your purple tang looks really good. It has awesome color & looks fat & happy.
thanks alot!
i know i shouldnt have him in a 75 but in a few years im upgrading to a 150 then he will have all the room he wants


75 Gallon its been up for a while now i just have two clowns 1 anemone brittle stars hermits emerald crabs cbs and flame scallop... waiting for my coraline to grow o yea and i have about 90 pounds of live rock


thanks man i appriciate the comment i was kind of worried about the aquascaping thinking it looked to packed