lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form


very very nice squidd my favorite is the croc. fish i wanted one really bad but realized a 90 is just to small what does he eat and how is his temperment?


Active Member
Waldo is cool...Should hit 20"...
Ambush Predator, mostly "hides" on the bottom, waiting for "prey" to swim by...
I hand feed him cause most of the food never makes it to the "bottom"...:D
Wiggle a shrimp in front of the glass and he "comes up" and wiggles like a puppy dog (per pic) waiting to be fed...:D
He does have teeth..and he has "bitten me" ... But I forgive him...:)



Originally posted by Squidd
Whole tank shots are hard due to the location of the tank..
It's visable from three sides but tucked in between the Reef and the bookcase..
Hard to get far enough "back' to get a full view..(on film)
Here's one but it's not a great "shot"...

does yur puffer bother yur lionfish at all?


Active Member
Here's a C&P on "How and Why" I'm doing it...
Interesting thread and one I've responded to a number of times...
I have two Triggers (Humu Humu and Niger) a Pork Puffer and PV Lion (with a Panther, clown and a couple Tangs) in a 210...
Before I introduced this combo I did a lot of research, developed a stocking/size/order of introduction plan, AND I implemented "plan B"...IE: it's not...I'm "gonna" get a bigger/another tank...I HAVE another large tank set up...
Here's a C&P from another thread
>>>rememberme wrote:
I like the Picasso. Want one for my fo but a little worried it will beat my lion or porcupine up <<<
That's a possiability...but so is the chances of the Porky nipping the Lions fins...or the Lion "poking" the porky with his spines...
I have all three...
I also have a "back up" plan/tank (125) if there are any aggression issues...
A lot of them can be avoided by proper feeding and not over stocking or crowding the fish...mine are in a 210...
Some of it just depends on the individual temperament of the fish, (hopefully we got some of the laid back ones... ) and sometimes they can just "go nuts" after they get to a certain size...(see "overcrowding" above)
I've read a number of posts going both ways...
Some say "I never tried it/wouldn't try it because..."
Others say "I have all three no problem"... (yet)
And some will say "I have one (of the three) and he want nuts and killed everything in the tank"...
It's something to be aware of and to watch for...to try to avoid and to have a back up plan if it does...
Or just keep Damsels or Angels in your tank...
No wait...Those guys are known to beat up and stress out and kill other fish too...
###, I think I'll just take up gardening...
So far so good...with my "crew"...
Lion introduced first and the largest fish in...13"+ (he also grew the fastest)
Pork Puff next, now around 6-7" (went with Pork rather than Dog Face due to "aggression ratings")
Next a Niger...now around 6"...also "low" on the aggressive scale...
Last in the tank and smallest (for now) Humu Humu...was 3" now 5"...This one can be "iffy" and is being watched...It also took a good bit of "thinking it through" to determine if I was able/willing/prepared to take/minimize that risk...(see plan B)...
Having said this...Have you ever seen a full grown Trigger..???
I've seen them - 9-10" in a 125 and they are huge...big, strong, thick and have a solid looking "bite" to them...
I fortunately have an outlet for large "show" sized fish (same place as above) and while my "goal" is to keep them for life...This is now part of Plan B part 2...
There is no "Easy and Pat" answer...
Unless you just want to keep Angels and Damsels...
No, wait, We already went through that above...
WOW...I guess that's a C&P of another C&P.... Surprised
Pretty soon I won't have to write anything new and just "C&P".... Laughing


hey squidd and others with that crazy cool rock. The rock with tunnels in it and such,, is that live rock?? is it pre-cut?? whats the deal with it,, i would like to get some of those pieces for my eelsto tuck away in the corner

tony detroit

Active Member
Grey Smoothound and leopard, there was a ray in there somewhere too.


Active Member
I've always liked the look of this set-up from the Phoenix Zoo. Just like the rock structure in the back, and the arches for the sharks to camp out under



Originally posted by lilstrup
it says pic it too big how do i make it smaller

go to Paint and use the stretch/ skew options