Lets see those tanks!


Active Member
old pic, will get new one tomorrow of nems out fully with my halides on..... hows it look for 2 months? STILL WAITING FOR SKIMMER! UGHHHHHH


Active Member
MY CLOWNS//// also have 4 chromis and a diamond goby...PLEASE GIVE TIPS on how to get them to host my nem? no luck so far....
Weird ik....i love my nems...so amazing


Those are tank bred so it may take some time or it may never host.
What I have seen what some people do is force it upon them.
Which is when you do a water change, get a 5 gal bucket, fill it with water then put the anenome and the clowns together and soon enough they will host it.
I think it's the pressure or the hostile environment or whatever but that seems to work.
Try it. oh... I would put a air bubble on that 5gal bucket just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Siptang http:///t/391365/lets-see-those-tanks/40#post_3473031
Those are tank bred so it may take some time or it may never host.
What I have seen what some people do is force it upon them.
Which is when you do a water change, get a 5 gal bucket, fill it with water then put the anenome and the clowns together and soon enough they will host it.
I think it's the pressure or the hostile environment or whatever but that seems to work.
Try it. oh... I would put a air bubble on that 5gal bucket just to be safe.
I have never heard of this...nor does it make any sense to me. A 5g bucket couldn't possibly have the high lighting an anemone needs to even open up and as soon as you put them back into the tank the anemone will travel to where it wants to go....the clowns as usual will return to the corner where they will stay until the end of time. MAYBE if the anemone settles in the same corner the clowns are they will bond. Mine were more likely to just wallow corals to death, and bond with the output and intake hoses of my canister filter.
If you got a clown because you actually like the fish, GREAT! However if you got them because you think it's cool to watch them wallow in an anemone....you will most likely be disappointed. JMO


I seen this happen before in m buddy's lfs.
What he will do is put them in a small cubicle together with not enough room and voila, it hosts.
Then he bags it together and sells it together. yes, anemone will move around but clown will follow usually if it's already hosting it.


My saddleback clown hosted my nem took him about a month. Now he just beats him up and gets all mad if he closes up. Somedays Jerry (the clown) will take his nem food, other time when we feed nem, he takes food away from him, which is turning into a problem . He is very protective of his nem though doesn't like when other fish get to close. Sticks his but in the "air". Ive had jerry for 4 years now , the nem tor a year. Hosted on their own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391365/lets-see-those-tanks/40#post_3473047
What would you do about the clowns, Kiefers?
Clowns whether tank bred or not can be finicky. Clowns don't host, the corals host so it's a ssymiotic relationship. I have had clowns that got hosted by Zoa's, the brains, and frogspawn.
My two now are being hosted by my hammer coral and the other by the frogspawn.
Yours will do something, just givem time.
I have heard some trying to be hosted by a powerhead. Lol


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391365/lets-see-those-tanks/40#post_3473078
LOL....Yes, just about anything besides what you want them to. Mine killed a flowerpot coral, it was a hard coral to keep to start with, but mine was growing great and had been in tank for a year...then they found it and wallowed in it so much the coral couldn't open to feed.


Thanks. It's 72g bowfront.
if you go to recovery thread in the picture section of the forum, you can see it in depth and closer shots and progression.


All urchins do that... it's annoying.. I took mine out because it was messing with my sps too much..