Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish



I HATE the word "tomorrow". This word can ruin your life if you let it. I have a huge project to get done... oh no worries because there is always tomorrow. Test coming up, why not study tomorrow? I have some bills to pay... I'll just worry about it tomorrow.
If this word didn't exist, I'd actually get this crap done TODAY!!

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Huh, What we're you saying something?????
My wife=

Myway I saw you're work! very nice

Thank you, I try my best. Oh by the way I get a full body massage when I drive, needless to say I drive alone 99.999999 % of the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
How about people who brag about how drunk they are/were? Pretty annoying when some immature person tries to impress me by saying, "I got SOOO drunk last night!" or "I started drinking first thing in the morning". Not to say there's anything wrong with drinking but some people talk like the drunker they are, the more impressed people will be.

OH man I'm so wasteddddd I drannnnkkk likeeee eeeeeeiiighteeeennn offf themmm.
Uh that was nonalcoholic beer
Oh it must have been the weed, yea it was the weed.
Uh yea that was pencil shavings .
I never get tired of that skit. its so fitting.


Active Member
When 7-11 doesn't have there doughnuts stocked By 3:30 in the morning. Come on not everybody gets to sleep in till 5 or 6. Or when they have six slurpee machines and not one good flavor in them . Or the act like its such a pain for the to ring you up.
They forget they are a convieneance store .
Or how about this one and don't get me wrong I'm not racist.
But I was in taco bell one night and well I'm a bit picky, not bad but I have to special order some things. anyways The employes start talk crap about me in spanish thinking they are in the clear because why would a white kid understand spanish. Oh big mistake . I made it clear in both english and spanish that I understood . They got the hint and we got our meal free.


okay two more these both just happened to me...
1) People that ride the elevator up one floor i.e. from floor 1 to floor 2, come on walk up some stairs big butt! No this doesn't include people with health problems they are allowed.
2)People that touch you... ie this guy in my office pinces my cheek... WTF? DO NOT TOUCH ME! and who pinches cheeks anyway!? He is just about going to get a slap on the face... :mad:


lmao... i agree with the smoking in non-smoking areas. I hate it when you drive by someone, and they have their 2-year-old girl in the back seat, and the window's cracked ever so slightly, and they're smoking... GRRR DO THEY NOT CARE FOR THE HEALTH OF THEIR CHILD???
actually, no offense to anyone on here that smokes... but smoking at all pisses me off. I understand being addicted, i really do, but why did you start in the first place? 75% of people will say peer pressure, or to be cool... you're not cool, it's just dumb!!! Hey kid, how'd you like to start doing something 5x's a day that will most likely give you cancer, cause your lung capacity to decrease by 50%, and will make you smell awful? SURE, WHERE DO I SIGN UP??? Ok, no i change my mind... all drugs make me mad!!!
I was at a concert the other week, and there were people actually smoking in the stadium (enclosed). WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??? It all goes back to rudeness. They certainly know it's rude to smoke in a non-smoking area, but they do it anyway. I believe all public buildings should be smoke-free. I know it's like that in some areas, but certainly not in mine. There's actually a chinese restaraunt around here, and their smoking section is the same as their food bar... WTF??? I don't want smoke to be soaked into my food!!! and i don't want to have to walk through a cloud in order to get food... that's why i don't go there anymore!
and truely i don't mean to offend anyone on here, so please please please don't be offended!


oh yeah, and people who stare at you, and then you look them in the eye, and they continue staring! Why? You're supposed to look away when i look at you, that's why i looked at you! I have one guy in our shop that'll come into my office (i share an office room with my father) to ask my dad questions, but he'll sit at the chair on my side of the office. When he's done asking my father questions, he'll just sit there in my chair (which is to the side of my desk), and just stare at me doing my work... WTF? I cannot stand it. So finally i just looked at him and said "bill, is there something i can help you with?" that got the point across... now i keep my jacket and my purse on that chair, so he won't sit at it... It's creepy!


Originally Posted by jdragunas
lmao... i agree with the smoking in non-smoking areas. I hate it when you drive by someone, and they have their 2-year-old girl in the back seat, and the window's cracked ever so slightly, and they're smoking... GRRR DO THEY NOT CARE FOR THE HEALTH OF THEIR CHILD???
actually, no offense to anyone on here that smokes... but smoking at all pisses me off. I understand being addicted, i really do, but why did you start in the first place? 75% of people will say peer pressure, or to be cool... you're not cool, it's just dumb!!! Hey kid, how'd you like to start doing something 5x's a day that will most likely give you cancer, cause your lung capacity to decrease by 50%, and will make you smell awful? SURE, WHERE DO I SIGN UP??? Ok, no i change my mind... all drugs make me mad!!!
I was at a concert the other week, and there were people actually smoking in the stadium (enclosed). WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??? It all goes back to rudeness. They certainly know it's rude to smoke in a non-smoking area, but they do it anyway. I believe all public buildings should be smoke-free. I know it's like that in some areas, but certainly not in mine. There's actually a chinese restaraunt around here, and their smoking section is the same as their food bar... WTF??? I don't want smoke to be soaked into my food!!! and i don't want to have to walk through a cloud in order to get food... that's why i don't go there anymore!
and truely i don't mean to offend anyone on here, so please please please don't be offended!

I completely agree! I really don't like it when people stand right outside of a building like my office building and smoke and I have to walk through it to go in and out. And I understand people can smoke in their car, but I hate it when the person in front of me is smoking and it travels into my car through the vents and then my car smells like smoke!


I KNOW!!! I think all public places should be smoke free... but that's just my opinion... i actually can't believe it is still legal to sell cigarettes... they ban the use of other things that are known to cause cancer, why not tobacco too?


Active Member
Ahh... smoking.. good one.
I HATE it when people throw their cigarettes out the car window when they are done. Your car has an ash tray, use it!!!


I KNOW!!! everytime i see someone do that, i wish i had a beater car, so i could just hit them from behind!!!

darth tang

Active Member
I smoke to keep the Tobacco picker in Kentucky employed. If I quite he loses his job. I am helping the economy. And also helping my government by adding to their tax revenue. Deal with it. My smoking does more good for this country than quiting would. I am a proud american. I support my country.
Oh and I like it! I don't smoke around anyone...I go outside. I only smoke in my car by myself.


well, that's ok... it's just those people that insist on smoking in a crowd of people, or in a concert, or in a small enclosed room, etc...


Active Member
nothing piss's me off more than smokers. Actully at best buy, i refuse to help smokers...if i walk up and they smell like smoke i walk away....not because im rude...or anything...but because i get massive head acbes from the smell....
god there nasty little things.... (not the cig's, but the people)
yuck how could you be more trashy!


Originally Posted by jdragunas
oh yeah, and people who stare at you, and then you look them in the eye, and they continue staring! Why? You're supposed to look away when i look at you, that's why i looked at you! I have one guy in our shop that'll come into my office (i share an office room with my father) to ask my dad questions, but he'll sit at the chair on my side of the office. When he's done asking my father questions, he'll just sit there in my chair (which is to the side of my desk), and just stare at me doing my work... WTF? I cannot stand it. So finally i just looked at him and said "bill, is there something i can help you with?" that got the point across... now i keep my jacket and my purse on that chair, so he won't sit at it... It's creepy!
mimzy, would this fall under the 'creepy' category? if so, you can rest in peace knowing that i am not like that at all.
jd. if i am having a conversation with another, usually a competitive discussion of affairs in the world of financial, and if i feel a little threatened, i stare right into his eyes and i don't let up as i talk. i'll stare until he diverts.


Active Member
Caveat, JER! If ya ask a question like "How could you be more trashy?", you might not be prepared for the answer!! :scared:


oh, don't get me started on best buy!!! That's the worst store in the world (at least the one in mentor, oh)... every single person that works there (with the exception of 2 people) is so rude, i just want to bash them over the head with the movies i'm buying!!! No "how are you doing today", no "have a nice day"... all i get when i check out is "would you like 8 free issues of entertainment weekly or sports illustrated"... "no", "your total is ..." and all of this is with the snobbies most stuck up attitude ever... Best Buy is the epitomy of rudeness and bad customer service!!!


yeah, office, this guy isn't staring because we're deep in conversation... i'm not even talking to him... and when i'm talking about other people staring, i mean when you're talking to someone, and a person across the room is staring at you. you look them directly in the eye, and they're supposed to look away, and get the hint that i know they're staring... i can't stand it when they keep staring, and then there's that awkward staring, but you don't want to look away first...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
nothing piss's me off more than smokers. Actully at best buy, i refuse to help smokers...if i walk up and they smell like smoke i walk away....not because im rude...or anything...but because i get massive head acbes from the smell....
god there nasty little things.... (not the cig's, but the people)
yuck how could you be more trashy!
Coming from someone that has admitted to enjoy getting high and staring at his tank...I find your view point very hypocritical........You think you smell better than I do after your joint? LMAO!!!