Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i've seen a few of you mention not replacing an empty toilet paper roll... well it bothers the crap out of me when they replace it and put it on the wrong way. It's supposed to go toward the toilet, over the top, not under the bottom. They put it so it loops underneath, and then you have to roll it around trying to find the beginning, which takes like 5 minutes. Then it turns out you've been spinning it the wrong way, because you assumed they put it on the right way... grrr!!!!
I thought I was the only person that thought about this. I can't leave toilet paper or paper towels dispensors alone if they are backwards and another thing put the seat and the lid down when you are done, they're there for a reason. Ok I'm on a roll now, how about when something you've been involved with all you life suddenly becomes mainsteam and every idiot is now involved or wearing it. Like all the "Von Dutch" crap going around. And don't get me started on "Pimp my Ride" what a bunch of hacks! Ok I'll step off the soapbox, now that my blood pressure just went up 300 points. :mad:


Originally Posted by Gamedawg
*People that think that just because a dog has animal agressiveness, it means it has human aggressiveness too. NOT TRUE! My dogs HATE other animals, but they LOVE people!
The Cockapoo, Labradoodle, etc dogs: THESE ARE NOT RARE!! You don't need to spend $1000 on these backyard bred dogs, when you can adopt the SAME THING, from your local shelter!!!
2 very good points.


Active Member
You go game dog. I hate the anti pitbull drama . Half the people that own them don't know anything about them. Prime exapmle MY brother. for 15 some years I have corected his LOCKING jaws speaches. Shown him many facts and still to this day with the locking jaws thing.
As far as people hitting there kids. I have spanked my daughter but its not untill she is doing things that can cause her harm and she's been warned about it. i.e Plug outlets When I have to keep telling you no for 30 minutes strait then its a swat on the butt. But to back hand a child is un exceptable neither is screaming at them .
My son passed away when he was six months old . He passed from sids. Yesterday was his 8th birthday. SO you'll have to forgive me if I get out of control a bit.
But about six months after he passed I was in walmart Looking for starwars collectibles in the toys . I saw a lady tear in to her kid he was about a year old and wanted a toy. She screamed at this baby that couldn't even talk yet. "I said no" "your not getting anything" I thought she was talking to an older kid. once I realized that she was talking to the baby . IT WAS ON! I tore her a new hole sewed it up and retore it. I told her that BEing a parent is a gift and she should treat her child better because some day she might just wake up and have that gift taken away . I told her she didn't have any right to be screaming at her kid like that and that if she felt so tough to give me a shot . I'm 6'1" and 200lbs . Needless to say she changed her tune. she looked at me with that deer in the headlights look. I swear that I must have looked like the devil him self . because she was gone in a split second.
Thats not the only time I have let go on somebody in public.


Active Member
Mitzel-I am completely with you as far as the spanking. We spank, but with one swat on the butt reserved for when the kids are doing something that will put themselves in danger. Then we sit down and explain to them what they did that was wrong and re-itterate the rules regarding it. Of course, to borrow my hubby's phrase re: my spankings-"if a fly was on their

when I spanked I wouldn't even harm the fly much less have the kids feel it".
OK, I'm a whimp. I do believe though that a spanking doesn't need to hurt to be effective, it just gets their attention and let them know you are serious. I believe kids need limits and rules along with unconditional love that is expressed at all times. I do have a pet peeve though of parents who don't use any discipline at all. Their kids run wild, do as they please, and they are the first to blame society, the schools, or anyone else they feel they can get by with blaming for their kids problems instead of taking a close look at themselves. We are all imperfect as humans and parents and gosh darn it, kids need limits and need to know what is safe and that they have someone on their side who will help them but also let them know when they are wrong and how to make the situation better. We are their parents, here to guide them, help them grow and become responsible human beings, not be their buddies. OK, I am stepping off my soapbox now, sorry....


what about when people talk in the movie theatre? That's one of my major ones!!! If you want to hold a conversation, don't pay $8.25 for a friggin movie ticket, pay $8.25 for a few cups of coffee... it's the rudest thing ever when you're carrying on a full-blown conversation about your nails or underwear or something in the middle of a movie!!!


i don't go to movie theater anymore.
i don't feel like paying $10 to sit through 30 minutes of commercials before getting to the real thing. i also don't like strangers sitting next to me. i hate annoying kids saying "omg" every 5 minutes on something that's totally not omg-ish. i don't like baby crying in the middle of a --- scene. i don't like sticky floor.
i know i am not alone there. yet they blame piracy for lackluster theater sales.


i don't mind all of that as long as people shut the hell up!!!
the other week, i was watching pride and prejudice with the hubby, and there were 5 people sitting behind us... they were the most obnoxious people i've ever encountered in my life. In the one scene, it shows a buch of statues (looked like michaelangelo - sp?), and the one had a

butt, and the women behind us started laughing their asses off... i was like wtf? at one point, i turned around and stared directly at one lady that was talking... a look that could kill... shut her up pretty quickly. After the movie, i turned around and was astonished to see they were all like in their 30's - 50's. I looked at joe and said very loudly "look, they're actually adults, i thought we were sitting in front of a bunch of 5-year-olds here..." that also shut them up pretty quickly... grrrr!!!


... oh yeah, i mentioned i can't stand rudeness... well some people don't know they're being rude, so that doesn't bother me as much, but then you get those people that know they're being rude, and they could care less... they're the worst!!!
also, one time i was at the movies with my sister and my cousin, and these three girls (about 13 or so) were sitting right behind us, and they were spitting popcorn in our hair!!! I was like what the hell are you doing... i asked them to stop several times, and they wouldn't, so i turned around and poured my entire large drink on them... they stopped. And you get free refils on large drinks, so i didn't miss out on anything...


i did something like that once. some teenagers were a few rows in front of us. there were three of us and maybe half a dozen of them. they would've kicked our asses if we got into an altercation.
so they were being annoying. i don't know how annoying they were as there was no measurement against it. i had a very short fuse back then so i grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it over. i acted like nothing happened when they turned around, and my two friends sat stone-faced staring straight ahead


i was at the movies once, and it was one of those where the seats slope down all the way to the front. I was trying so hard to open my m&m's, but the wouldn't budge! So i ripped them open, but they went flying everywhere! and because of the way the floors were sloping down, they rolled all the way to the front of the theatre, you could hear them all the way... it was really funny


How about people who brag about how drunk they are/were? Pretty annoying when some immature person tries to impress me by saying, "I got SOOO drunk last night!" or "I started drinking first thing in the morning". Not to say there's anything wrong with drinking but some people talk like the drunker they are, the more impressed people will be.


Active Member
Teenagers that have a after market exhaust system and whale tail on their 1982 honda and think its a race car! On top of that they consider themselves a car mechanic! Noise does not equal speed! Get a small block, rip it down, doc and blueprint, pump it to at least 350+ ponies and then we'll talk.
Also when I can feel the bass coming out of the car into my chest and I look around and your three cars back TURN IT DOWN!!!!!!
Don't get me wrong I love cars, any car that is nicely done is worth a look. but please!!! That carbon fiber gas cap looks great with the primer hood, fender and the rest civic orange + rust!
Get off the phone and learn to DRIVE!!!
Sorry on a rollllll......


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i don't mind all of that as long as people shut the hell up!!!
the other week, i was watching pride and prejudice with the hubby, and there were 5 people sitting behind us... they were the most obnoxious people i've ever encountered in my life. In the one scene, it shows a buch of statues (looked like michaelangelo - sp?), and the one had a

butt, and the women behind us started laughing their asses off... i was like wtf? at one point, i turned around and stared directly at one lady that was talking... a look that could kill... shut her up pretty quickly. After the movie, i turned around and was astonished to see they were all like in their 30's - 50's. I looked at joe and said very loudly "look, they're actually adults, i thought we were sitting in front of a bunch of 5-year-olds here..." that also shut them up pretty quickly... grrrr!!!
Totally with you on this one.
Went and saw Brokeback Mountain (AMAZING!!!!!!!!) and originally had sat further in the back. Well we get the drunk chicks and the guy.
Why did the dumb drunk girl ask what were they watching and the other drunk girl say "Ain't this a Gay cowboy movie and them being Gay?"
First of all we are in a movie theater that is in an area that is mostly the gay community and the theater is packed with a lot of couples.
Why are you at a movie and have no clue what the movie is about?????? Then they proceeded to conting about GAY things.......WOW.
So when my friend came back from the concession stand i told him i wanted to move of course he asked why......

So i said quite loudly that "Couldn't handle idiots that talk through movies as well as have no idea what the movie is about that they are about to see" "As well as people who are drunk and can't control their ignorant remarks."
As we are leaving i can hear one of the girls asking "Was she talking about us???"
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh DUH They were the only people by us. WOW


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Teenagers that have a after market exhaust system and whale tail on their 1982 honda and think its a race car! On top of that they consider themselves a car mechanic! Noise does not equal speed! Get a small block, rip it down, doc and blueprint, pump it to at least 350+ ponies and then we'll talk.
Also when I can feel the bass coming out of the car into my chest and I look around and your three cars back TURN IT DOWN!!!!!!
Don't get me wrong I love cars, any car that is nicely done is worth a look. but please!!! That carbon fiber gas cap looks great with the primer hood, fender and the rest civic orange + rust!
Get off the phone and learn to DRIVE!!!
Sorry on a rollllll......

Sorry about the Bass!!
I may be 33 but I still like the the boom.


First of all we are in a movie theater that is in an area that is mostly the gay community
??? is that true? ...maybe I missed last week's newsletter?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madison
??? is that true? ...maybe I missed last week's newsletter?

Where in California are you?
Cause if you aren't near me we only send the news letter out locally


Speaking of Bass, how about the people that drive down a quiet neighborhood with their windows down, volume all the way up, thinking they are bad

, AT 3 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gamedawg
Speaking of Bass, how about the people that drive down a quiet neighborhood with their windows down, volume all the way up, thinking they are bad

, AT 3 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!

Sorry next time i will make sure that it is 2 am instead............
pahlease my butt is in bed by 9


Where in California are you?

Cause if you aren't near me we only send the news letter out locally
I have been gay for years and years and I was never told to hang out at the movies