Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by suzi1780
4)My roommates that think that magical fairies come down and clean the house
5)My roommate that doesn't know how to replace a toilet paper roll
6)My roommate that ask me stupid questions such as these all very true:
Amen Sister...my roommate has NEVER cleaned a damn thing, and still cant grasp the concept of a dishwasher...I actually watched him take 1 clean plate out of the dishwasher use the plate then put the plate back into the dishwasher (with the dishes that were just washed) and then run the dishwasher...then have the audacity to tell me he just did the dishes :mad:
:mad: ...I have actually thought about putting up a sign that says either "youre mother doesnt work here" or you no longer live at your moms" :notsure:


Originally Posted by My Way
Suzi, why didn't you tell us you lived with Jessica Simpson!

I do don't I! Thank goodness she has been away for a week and I have had a stupid person break.
She also eats Chinese food at least 5 times a week no joke. Skinny *****!


Originally Posted by ruaround
Amen Sister...my roommate has NEVER cleaned a damn thing, and still cant grasp the concept of a dishwasher...I actually watched him take 1 clean plate out of the dishwasher use the plate then put the plate back into the dishwasher (with the dishes that were just washed) and then run the dishwasher...then have the audacity to tell me he just did the dishes :mad:
:mad: ...I have actually thought about putting up a sign that says either "youre mother doesnt work here" or you no longer live at your moms" :notsure:

sometimes you have to wonder is this worth saving the $?
this girl is going to be the death me.
one roommate is fine, I like her we both can't stand the other girl
and then my boyfriend lives with me as well... he is a whole other list of peeves!


Originally Posted by My Way
Just so You don't feel lonely, Hey Suzi, how do you spell Suzi? :joy:
and this girl is a paralegal!(sp?) scary...


Active Member
Originally Posted by suzi1780
sometimes you have to wonder is this worth saving the $?
this girl is going to be the death me.
one roommate is fine, I like her we both can't stand the other girl
and then my boyfriend lives with me as well... he is a whole other list of peeves!

significant others do have thier own special list huh :hilarious
:mad: his girl friend lives with us...she doesnt pay rent, but comes and goes as she pleases, and she doesnt clean a darn thing either... you should have seen my kitchen after she cooked my roommate a nice spaghetti dinner... I ended up cleaning the mess putting away the left overs and doing thier dishes... :mad:
I guess it wouldnt be so bad (or I wouldnt be soo anal) if I didnt own the house... :notsure:


Originally Posted by ruaround
significant others do have thier own special list huh :hilarious
:mad: his girl friend lives with us...she doesnt pay rent, but comes and goes as she pleases, and she doesnt clean a darn thing either... you should have seen my kitchen after she cooked my roommate a nice spaghetti dinner... I ended up cleaning the mess putting away the left overs and doing thier dishes... :mad:
I guess it wouldnt be so bad (or I wouldnt be soo anal) if I didnt own the house... :notsure:

ugh! This girl did that to us too! Her boyfriend lived here for 3 weeks and when we asked her about it she said he would be leaving so we asked her to maybe have him chip in for water, eletric etc and she threw a fit and complained that we use more eletric then her (this was pre fish tank) because I leave my ceiling fan on 24/7 (on low), so I asked her how she would know if my fan was on or not and she said because she would go into my room when I left to make sure everything was off.... I was like "EXCUSE ME!" let's say she hasn't entered my room since!
I don't know... I am anal and I don't own the house! But I know where my anal cleaning comes from, my mother is a slob (love you mom!) so growing up the house was always a mess so when I moved out I knew I wasn't going to live like that. I guess my mom wasn't that bad not like you see on those shows, but just not as clean as I like it.
Oh and let's see it is only 7:41am here and my boyfriend has already managed to peeve me off! I walk downstairs and he has left dirty dishes and like 5 cabinets open.... why!? Is it hard to shut a door!?!?!?
okay Suzi breathe... calm... think of pretty trees...... calm..... peaceful...


Originally Posted by mitzel
But my pet peve thats killing me today is Parnets. NO ,I'm not a whiney teenager. I'm 31.
I'm talking about when they are grandparents and try to tell you what your doing wrong. Like when my daughter is throwing a temper tantrum in the resturant because her grandparents don't make her go to bed or take a nap and then take her shopping all day even though she's sick. then when I won't let her climb on the table and scream like a murrder victim I'm the bad guy. Or when I say to grandma No she can't have desert she ate no dinner . OH then I'm a real dirty dog . Then they say things like I never would have done that I don't belive in punishment. WHOA YOu sure did when I was little. then they say I never hit you. WHOAAAAA what? Want me to cover the ten page list of the times you never HIT me. :mad: GRRRRR I wanna punch somebody.
I can sooo relate to this - but my Parents are always telling me what my kids should be eating and what time they should go to bed and wake up - I was the mean mommy when 3 days before Christmas break ended I made the kids do to bed at the normal bedtime and woke them up on a school schedule - they said kids should be able to sleep in on school break - But I noticed they werent at my house at 7am this morning attempting to get grumpy kids out of bed and off to school.
I just tell them all the time - Thank God you told me that - I am suprised I havent managed to Mame or Kill the kids yet without knowing all the stuff you do!! - normally that stops the soap box speaches about them - and turns it into a "I didnt raise you to be a smart a@#" speach


Dirty feet! ~ I think they smell like popcorn! even you didn't buy any at the movies...you still smell them!
Fat feet! dry cracked feet! ugly feet! muffin top feet (where the fat overflows the top of the shoe) sweaty feet! crusty feet! hairy feet! feet scraping on concrete! sock lint in toe nails!
Here's the deal...if your feet were never kissed by your boy/girlfriends on a regular basis...keep them in close toed shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Madison
Dirty feet! ~ I think they smell like popcorn! even you didn't buy any at the movies...you still smell them!
Fat feet! dry cracked feet! ugly feet! muffin top feet (where the fat overflows the top of the shoe) sweaty feet! crusty feet! hairy feet! feet scraping on concrete! sock lint in toe nails!
Here's the deal...if your feet were never kissed by your boy/girlfriends on a regular basis...keep them in close toed shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yuck FEET!! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I hate feeet!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
people who eat loudly need to be drawn and quartered.
and if u slurp your cereal, i will introduce your face to the bottom of my foot.
....i just
OK, I totally agree Mimzy. Even my kids from the age of 3 know that you chew with your mouth closed or you'll get that "look" from mom. Chewing with your mouth open is my biggest pet peeve of all.
Other than that, the standards of rude people and people who hire people to work customer service and they don't speak english.
My daughter's (9 years old) is yoda since he uses such poor grammar and of course her mom and dad who always say seen when it should've been saw. Of course, we never do it on purpose, not us, it just ain't true.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
My daughter's (9 years old) is yoda since he uses such poor grammar and of course her mom and dad who always say seen when it should've been saw. Of course, we never do it on purpose, not us, it just ain't true.

Yoda doesnt have bad grammar for those who speak Yodish...
A Yoda grammar school graduate, I am...


Active Member
Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH
I can sooo relate to this - but my Parents are always telling me what my kids should be eating and what time they should go to bed and wake up - I was the mean mommy when 3 days before Christmas break ended I made the kids do to bed at the normal bedtime and woke them up on a school schedule - they said kids should be able to sleep in on school break - But I noticed they werent at my house at 7am this morning attempting to get grumpy kids out of bed and off to school.
I just tell them all the time - Thank God you told me that - I am suprised I havent managed to Mame or Kill the kids yet without knowing all the stuff you do!! - normally that stops the soap box speaches about them - and turns it into a "I didnt raise you to be a smart a@#" speach

What makes it ten times worse is when the inlaws start this crap. I just wanna tell them look your lucky your kids are not in prison . I realize that having four kids in four years was ok back then. and since you had so many kids you really didn't have time to spend with them and teach them right from wrong . But we choose to have one and raise her insted of just letting her grow up. :mad: So If you wanna start talking about bad parenting. Let me just get my list out. :scared:


i've seen a few of you mention not replacing an empty toilet paper roll... well it bothers the crap out of me when they replace it and put it on the wrong way. It's supposed to go toward the toilet, over the top, not under the bottom. They put it so it loops underneath, and then you have to roll it around trying to find the beginning, which takes like 5 minutes. Then it turns out you've been spinning it the wrong way, because you assumed they put it on the right way... grrr!!!!


you know what really really really bothers me? When parents beat their kids. AND THEN, they're beating their kids in public, and everyone is just walking by watching this man beat the ---- out of his 6-year-old daughter because she asked him if she could have a piece of gum. Does anyone say "hey, dude, you need to lay off now!" NO! so instead this poor little girl is getting her face backhanded, and her ass kicked while everyone walks by staring, but not doing a damn thing...


There are some good ones out there!
I have huge pet peeves about Pit Bulls.
*People that are so close-minded, they believe everything the media says, but not what experts say.
*Peope that THINK they know everything about them, but they still think, that a blue dog is a different breed than a red dog. They think that red ones are better than black ones, even though it's JUST A COLOR!
*They refuse to read a book on the breed, but they continue to think they know it all.
*People that think that just because a dog has animal agressiveness, it means it has human aggressiveness too. NOT TRUE! My dogs HATE other animals, but they LOVE people!
*They are NOT all born bad. When will people stop blaming the dogs, and start looking at the owners!?
*People that breed a dog and THEN start asking stupid questions like, "how long will she be pregnant?" If you don't know something as little as this, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TAKING THE LIFE OF YOUR DOG AND IT'S PUPS INTO YOUR HANDS!??!
The Cockapoo, Labradoodle, etc dogs: THESE ARE NOT RARE!! You don't need to spend $1000 on these backyard bred dogs, when you can adopt the SAME THING, from your local shelter!!!
People that can't stay off their phones while driving. I wish I had a dollar for every time I almost got hit from a driver on a phone!
Old people that can't see over the dash, can't see period, don't have fast responses, and STILL are on the road! There should be a driving test every couple years after the age of 60 or something.
People that let their kids scream and cry in a store/library/restaraunt, etc. If you won't make them stop, LET ME!!!
I have a ton more, but I will stop.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
you know what really really really bothers me? When parents beat their kids. AND THEN, they're beating their kids in public, and everyone is just walking by watching this man beat the ---- out of his 6-year-old daughter because she asked him if she could have a piece of gum. Does anyone say "hey, dude, you need to lay off now!" NO! so instead this poor little girl is getting her face backhanded, and her ass kicked while everyone walks by staring, but not doing a damn thing...
So did you say something?
I saw this happen once and did say something - the women hitting the child was maybe 4ft 11 - I am 5ft 11 - so I politley told her that the difference in size from her to her child is about the same as the difference is size between her and I - and I would gladly smack her around to see if she enjoyed it - a cop was walking up to us at the same time and she told him what I said that I threatened her - he looked at me and said "go for it mame"
A child being reprimended in public is no one business but a child being beaten if it is not an inoccent smack on the bottom is unacceptable.


Active Member
Gamedawg said:
The Cockapoo, Labradoodle, etc dogs: THESE ARE NOT RARE!! You don't need to spend $1000 on these backyard bred dogs, when you can adopt the SAME THING, from your local shelter!!!QUOTE]
I totally agree with you on this. I’m not sure what's worse, the stupid names they give the mutts or the fact that eejits will pay $1000 for them.


i was the one being beaten...
When i was about 13, i saw a man beating his kid at a baseball field, and this woman went up to him and told him that if he didn't knock it out, she'd call the cops. So the guy turned around and hit her... every player on both sides of the baseball team, and every man in the stands rushed the guy and beat the crap out of him... it was pretty interesting to see!!!


Okay, in my post about the screaming kids, I see that it came out a little odd. I'm not talking let me beat them, but these are the people that don't even TELL them to be quiet, they just let them scream. Let me tell them, and I bet they'll shut up when some stranger tells them to shut up!
Interrupting...my stepdaughter does it BAD. We tell her to stop, but whenever we go see her grandfather, he caters to her interruptions. If we are talking, and she interrupts, he makes us stop what we're saying, so he can answer her. Even if we tell her to stop, he says, "oh, it's okay...what do you want hun?" I hate that SO BAD. We have even told him to stop, yet he still does it. She will try her hardest to get our attention, "Julie julie julie julie.....etc" until I stop and say "STOP INTERRUPTING!!!" And then she gets upset...man.