didn't you ever hear that song about "don't date a woman better looking than you?" lol!
hey journeyman, about bad drivers, sometimes i just want a loudspeaker on my car so i can properly yell at them. these sort of things happen to me all of the time... one reason Ohio sucks!!!
scenario #1: You're trying to pull out of a parking lot/driveway right near an intersection with a light. The light turns red, and the cars stop at it, but that one asswipe pulls right in front of you so you can't pull out... WTF is that all about? Is it so difficult to just stop 15 feet back so i can get out of the f'in driveway???
scenario #2: you're trying to turn left/right out of a parking lot where there's a left and right turn lane. Someone pulls up in the opposite turn lane you're in, and they block your view of oncoming traffic... i was here first, why would you block me? They should sit far enough back so you can still see traffic!!!
scenario #3: when you're on the freeway, and someone is riding your ass (like with about 3 feet of space between the cars). Why would you want to risk my life and yours? i won't get started on this, because it pisses me off...
Basically there are three things in life that drive me crazy: IGNORANCE, RUDENESS, and IMPATIENCE. If you're in a hurry to get somewhere, don't blame the store clerk because they're not ringing fast enough, or don't blame me for doing the speed limit. Blame your own damn self for leaving late, and just deal with the fact that you're late!