Lighting advice


I just recently bought a standard 75 gal tank, stand and canopy. It was setup for freshwater with a light fixture with 1: 40w fluorescent bulb. I want to do a saltwater, fowlr setup. I was thinking of buying a compact fluorescent fixture that will fit the entire length of the tank and hold 2-3 bulbs. Is this a good idea? I do not want to go overboard on price or watts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MattinWA http:///forum/thread/382564/lighting-advice#post_3339614
I just recently bought a standard 75 gal tank, stand and canopy. It was setup for freshwater with a light fixture with 1: 40w fluorescent bulb. I want to do a saltwater, fowlr setup. I was thinking of buying a compact fluorescent fixture that will fit the entire length of the tank and hold 2-3 bulbs. Is this a good idea? I do not want to go overboard on price or watts.
If you are set on FOWLR, then lighting is not a big deal. You just need light to replicate the day and night cycle.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the light you have now will be enough for a fish only system. But still staying on the low end you could pick up like a 2 bulb T5 fixture for pretty cheap and have a wide range of different types of bulbs which has the ability to look a little nicer than just a single bulb system IMO.


Thanks for the advice. I definitely want different spectrums of light and want the tank and fish to look sharp. I want enough watts to keep rock alive.I take it I am able to buy a 48" fixture for cfl and t5? Which bulbs cost more?