lion on the bottom of the tank


Active Member
He came from an LFS who had him about a month. He was a trade...
I don't know what you mean by the scales looking like that... Can you expand?
He is not doing very well at all. Any idea what is wrong with him? Is there anything I can do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Renee, all of her pictures of the lion seem to have it with it's head pointing downward. Don't know if this is a camera angle thing or the fish itself, but if it is the fish is this a normal pose for them?
inquiring minds need to know!!
If it looks like like he's perched, then yes, it would be normal. But a healthy lion wouldn't be perched all the time unless there was something wrong. Mine typically has his head up... in the begging position.
Yours looks likes he's super beat up.


Active Member
You can really see the scale damage in the first pic spanko posted. There's another in the other thread that really jumps out at ya. I'll make a copy of the pic and do a little photoshopping to point it out. If you can get him out of that tank, it would be great. If he's gilling hard, hypo would be nice while we figure this out.
Are both the eyes affected now?


Active Member
Yeah, bot his eyes appear to be sort of hazy like.
Oh and I have had him for a little over a week.
I see what you mean by that picture but there is no wound or anything there. the coloring is just a bit weird. I don't see any abrasions or anything there.
He is not gilling rapidly, just slowly but it seems sort of... jerky.
Also, I don't know what to put him in. I have my 55 gallon reef, but I don't think he would fit in there anyway. I can put him in my sump?? Other than that... I got nothin'....


Active Member
The arrow shows a nice normal stripe. The red lined section SHOULD look the same... but you notice it looks all chopping like a cheese grater... that's scale damage. Did he scales look like that at the store?

Did you see the LFS catch him?
Is the 55 where you have your other fish?
How big is your sump. I had my lion in a aquapod 24g for 3 months when I was putting him through hypo... he was a big fish for the tank. But I knew I could do it... I think you have to know what your limitations are and whether or not you have the time and inclination to watch the parameters on a tank that small. I also thought I knew him pretty well at that point and would be able to notice if he was getting stressed.


Active Member
My sump is a weird custom thing. It is about 36 or so gallons but it is really wide and it runs about 6 to 8 inches deep.
I don't know if they looked like that. Honestly, I didn't think it was damage. I thought it was like... a pattern or something.
I didn't see them get him. He was just in the bucket when I came and got him.


Active Member
I wonder if they beat the snot out of him.
The nose... it it red like that or just a little pink in real life?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I wonder if they beat the snot out of him.
The nose... it it red like that or just a little pink in real life?
Sorry but, the the snot out of him.......



i seen earlier in the thread that there is a foxface in the tank. and the lion was added a week ago. what are the chances they got together and maybe the lion got stung by the foxface. just throughing it out there.


i was refering to how the lion was acting with his breathing, and laying on the bottom of the tank as these and other symptoms apear to have come on very rapidly. it looks if his injuryies on his side are old i think. i could be 100% wrong about them. i should have been a little clearer when i spoke sorry about the confusion.


Active Member
I have no idea. I have never seen them get aggressive like that. And you would think that my foxface would have gotten stung himself.... by the lion?? I don't know... I don't think he would sting him but I could be wrong? I was under the impression that fish's toxins were only a problem when the fish was bitten/eaten... well only a problem to another fish anyway.
And yes cranberry... I think those damaged areas are old. He looks completely smooth and undamaged now, with the exception of what you are seeing with his pattern. But I don't see anything actually wrong with him. Just those spots you were seeing. and They are not open wounds or even like kinda fresh. Infact.... I see no wound, so?? I am stumped... I don't see anything that could be causing this.
It has all come on so suddenly.


Active Member
I doubt it's a sting. I've seen stings.They don't look like that.
Don't look past the clue of his scrapped up sides and eyes. That is related and I am 99% sure of that. Net/handling damage or a bacterial infection would be my number one suspect. I wouldn't, with the data at hand, wander off and try to look at more obscure and less probable causes.
Whatever other answers you are looking for, just remember to feed him well and watch him carefully. Good luck.


cranberry is the expert with these fish and i would follow any and all advice give to me as i have on several occations from her. with any wound/injury new or old infection is possable and could take time to show symptoms from.


Active Member
I am not even sure if I can get him to eat. If I can, I will.
Should the lights be on?? Is there something I can do for him?? He is just laying there... still. In that same spot. I don't know what to do with him... I don't want to disturb him but...
Any suggestions?


you could maybe stick him in a QT? by himself, then you can keep a better eye on him, see whether he is eating or not, and to jumpstart the process, try giving him a few live foods to make him abit more active, go to the LFS and buy like 5 lil cheap fish that he can happily munch on.
like some goldfish or something?
it'll go crazy for a little goldfish.
put about 10-20 in a bowl, dont have to look after them really, and then give the lion 1 a day or every 2 days, then when he looks better you could re introduce him into the tank?
worth a try?


Active Member
Yeah, the only issue is that I don't have a tank for him. I don't have a QT big enough or the money to set one up. I could out the fish in the 200 though, I am just not sure about the whole live thing.
If I give him live food, and then try to give him frozen again... will he eat it? Or is he only going to want to eat live little fish? I don't know if I want to get into that. I had my last little dwarf lion who wouldn't eat frozen so... That was very difficult.
He is swimming around today but his tail is really really tattered!! What does that mean?


Staff member
What are you feeding this fish? And how often? Is he still eating?
Also, please post the link to the other topic regarding this.
My thoughts are a bacterial infection. Unfortunately, there is no option for treating this fish in the display. You need a well cycled QT for treatment with Maracyn Two for SW fish.
The 2nd picture above looks like a rip from aggressive behavior. Have you noticed aggression from another fish?


Active Member
He came with that indentation in his tail. He was in a tank by himself at the LFS, and had been there for about a month.
I have not noticed any of my fish being aggressive toward him.
I have been feeding him silversides, and about everyday.
He is now bouncing around the tank. I have left the lights off so as not to stress him out.
What about this... What about a rubbermaid bin, with a small powerhead. I will just have to do water changes for the filter. I don't want him to die. I will have to put some crate over it so I can keep him from jumping out. What do you think?? It's cheap and something that I can do for him.
I just took a video of what he is doing. He tried to jump out of the tank but he hit his head on my strip light!! I don't know what to do for this poor guy. He is really upset! Please help.
What type of medicine does he need? I have M2 on hand, but not much. I'll need somemore. What about melafix or primafix for those fins??


Active Member
And he died.

He is not moving anymore and he is laying on his face. No mouth movement, no gill movement.
Thanks for the help anyway guys. I really appreciate it.
Another terrible question...
How do I dispose of such a large animal? Do you just throw them away or is there something else I should do? Is it okay to put him in the trash or could someone get hurt?
Also, can I still be stung while removing him? Something I should look out for, any place that I can touch to remove him?