List of fish/inverts that hobbiests should avoid



HEY!!! Lay off the octopi!!! There is nothing on this list I want, so don't add anything. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Banggai cardinalfish are very easy to keep if they are tank bred. Keep the suggestions coming though. This thread can be helpful to everyone.
I will definitely add the three you mentioned, Dave. They are great suggestions.
Just to make something even more clear, not all of the fish are "do not keep under any cirumstances", but the majority are. The ones that are not I wrote that under, and I gave the warning about them (panther grouper, dwarf zebra lion, harelquin shrimp, orbicularis batfish, linkia starfish). However, all five of those things have characteristics that need to be known about before purchasing.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Banggai cardinalfish are very easy to keep, as well as breed! Keep the suggestions coming though. This thread can be helpful to everyone.
I will definitely add the three you mentioned, Dave. They are great suggestions.
Just to make something even more clear, not all of the fish are "do not keep under any cirumstances", but the majority are. The ones that are not I wrote that under, and I gave the warning about them (panther grouper, dwarf zebra lion, harelquin shrimp, orbicularis batfish, linkia starfish). However, all five of those things have characteristics that need to be known about before purchasing.
This is a very cool thread crazz!!! good idea

p.s. I couldn't keep my Banggai alive


Active Member
IME most wild caught bangaii cardinals come in with internal parisites and don't even eat at the LFS. Probably at least 7 of 10 die at the LFS. In the wild they also are only found in a few places here and there and their numbers are decreasing. Avoid buying wild caught bangaiis. Good news is that they're easy to breed and many places sell captive bred offspring.


Active Member
yes lion_crazz,,i have a question.. i have a spiny you have any information on them... i sure would appreciate if there is any...i posted a thread on it,,but i only got a couple of responses...thanks and have a great night...


Active Member
I think you should add hippo tangs to the list. NOT adult hippos, but the tiny ones that fish stores get, I'm talking around 1" if that. I think it is horrible that they are even collected, because it is extremely difficult to get them to eat, and to keep them healthy. I do believe this is one of the reasons why adult hippos(at least for me) are hard to get, rarely available, and expensive when they are available.


Lion_craze get post. Can you list the butterfly fish that you think are good to own. I would like to have one when I get a bigger tank.


Active Member
Alright, I am adding a note about the banggai cardinal because you are both right. Though they are not impossible to keep, buyer should be aware that they can be quite finicky and do not ship well. That also reminded me to add a note about the neon goby, so, thanks! Both of those have been added, as well as the remora shark and pinecone fish.
Melly, I do not want too much debate on this list. I want this to be a pretty straight forward list. For that reason, I don't think baby hippos need to be on there, per say. I have worked at two reputable LFS in my time in this hobby. The one I worked at could not ever keep baby hippos alive. They would come in, and never eat. The second LFS I worked at had incredible success with baby hippo tangs, with most eating and growing very well. I think it all depends on which shipper you get the hippos from. There are some that collect and ship them great, and there are some that ship them terribly.
Katz, I will compile a butterfly list next listing all of the common species, and the ones that do well and the ones that should be avoided.
Gina, you asking me about the spiny oyster has actually prompted me to add that to the list. Thus, info on that guy is now above!
I would like to thank everyone for the comments/questions so far, keep them coming!


Active Member
thanks Lion, this thread should be saved,it might help guide some new people in the hobby to not buy things that wont survive well. I also didnt know that about the Bangai. you learn something new each day :joy:


Are there any other Angelfish that a newbie like me should steer clear of?
And thanks for the thread, great idea, you the man Lion


Active Member
Misfit, thanks a lot! That was my intentions with this list.
JBair, thanks! I added two more species of angelfish. I am going to look to see if there are any more that need to be on this list.

clown boy

Active Member
I think that they are alright as long as they are in a tank by themselves and the hobbyist has researched a lot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BBB
What about Mantis Shrimp?
Yep, mantis can be kept. They just need to be in a tank by themselves.