List of fish/inverts that hobbiests should avoid


Originally Posted by Monktress
What makes you the

Here we go again. There's always one.

He's passing on some of his considerable experience in the hobby throu trial and error. If you don't agree with what he has to say, thats cool just move on and do what you want. Don't post rude comments, no wait... just don't post. Ignore the thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Monktress
What makes you the

And thats his FIRST post? does it only go downhill from there? Ha ha lol :hilarious


Great advice from someone who actually knows something! I had terrible luck w/banggai cardinal, linka starfish. Bought them & didn't do my research ( impluse buy) They died & then I felt really bad after I found out they were hard to keep. They should ban the LFS from selling these types of fish! Also we should do more homework! Thanks for the good info & remember there is always one who will try to crash you! Should be archived!


Active Member
Thank you for the kind words A and A2, as well as JBAIR and MiaHeatLvr.
Thank you to everyone for reading and replying!


Originally Posted by Monktress
What makes you the

hey dude if you dont want the help its providing to guys who actually care, then stop posting and disappear from this threads!!!


Yepper! Lion Craz has been here a long time & offered plenty of advice to many people who needed it. Keep quite and don't post if you have a problem. Maybe someday you will be an authority and have as much experience


looking for a good star to keep in a fowlr at the moment but planning on going reef....already have a "bad" star---sand shifting...any thoughts?


Originally Posted by dc2mlbsm
hey dude if you dont want the help its providing to guys who actually care, then stop posting and disappear from this threads!!!
ok, come on, lets keep this thread civil please. Just ignore people like that.


Active Member
Wow, great thread. I would suggest possibly adding a disclaimer saying hobbyists should still research any purchase.
How about adding the difficult anemones to the list?


New Member
Another you might consider adding to the list is the purple and orange sea slug or Hypselodoris bullocki. As you probably know these are highly specific sponge predators and are probably not suitable for most tanks.
As referenced here in the "Reef-Safe Herbivores??" section.
There's probably a lot of other nudibranchs that aren't all that suitable for captivity either but the purple and oranges are something I see quite commonly in local fish stores.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Alright, I am adding a note about the banggai cardinal because you are both right. Though they are not impossible to keep, buyer should be aware that they can be quite finicky and do not ship well. That also reminded me to add a note about the neon goby, so, thanks! Both of those have been added, as well as the remora shark and pinecone fish.
Melly, I do not want too much debate on this list. I want this to be a pretty straight forward list. For that reason, I don't think baby hippos need to be on there, per say. I have worked at two reputable LFS in my time in this hobby. The one I worked at could not ever keep baby hippos alive. They would come in, and never eat. The second LFS I worked at had incredible success with baby hippo tangs, with most eating and growing very well. I think it all depends on which shipper you get the hippos from. There are some that collect and ship them great, and there are some that ship them terribly.
Katz, I will compile a butterfly list next listing all of the common species, and the ones that do well and the ones that should be avoided.
Gina, you asking me about the spiny oyster has actually prompted me to add that to the list. Thus, info on that guy is now above!
I would like to thank everyone for the comments/questions so far, keep them coming!
lion crazz....thankyou so much for the information...i am sad now , i wished i had have had more information on this guy...or i would have not bought him..knowing that in 6 monthes or less. i will loose him..that just breaks my heart.. have a good day....


Originally Posted by sepulatian
ok, come on, lets keep this thread civil please. Just ignore people like that.


New Member
I'm begining the reasurch for starting a new tank and i just wanted to say THANKS :cheer: your list is such a big help!!


It would be a HUGE help to me if someone posted what fish are good for a beginner. I look at the list and see everything I can't have but what about what I can have? That's what I'm interested in. I've been on here for a few hours and still I'm not sure about a lot of things. Even a few suggestions of what's easy to care for, what gets along well with each other, etc. If you were starting over what would your first few fish be?