Little Green Men


Active Member
We are one planet and happen to have intelligent life on it. There are 8 planets in our solar system. Since there are about 200 billion stars in the milky way, that means that there are 200 billion solar systems just in the milky way. Multiply that 200 billion by the eight planets in our solar system and you get 1.6 trillion planets. You then have to figure that scientists estimate that there are over 100 billion galaxies. That makes...well a heck of a lot of planets!
We are one planet out of more than we can possibly fathom. So surely there is other life out there. Thoughts?


Active Member
It's a great big universe and we're all really puny, we're just tiny little specs about the size of Mickey Rooney. Although we don't know how we got here, we're and important part here, it's a great universe and it's ours...
That really does put things in perspective...
I am one individual of one species, living in one nuclear family, in one neighborhood, in one county, in one city, in one state, in one country, in one continent, in one of eight worlds in one of 200 billion solar systems, in one of 100 billion galaxies, in one universe.
And yet still the universe revolves around me. Really puts things in perspective.

salty blues

Active Member
Given the vastness of space, if any aliens ever came to earth, the technology it would require to get here would put them so far ahead of us that we would seem quite primitive to them, and they would quickly set about enslaving all of us.


That is if we don't finish ruining Earth ourselves. I sure hope we are not the only intelligent life out there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaryG
That is if we don't finish ruining Earth ourselves. I sure hope we are not the only intelligent life out there.
Ruining earth is impossible. Only the sun is capable of doing that. Even if we wipe the life clean off of it (which we are more than capable of doing), the rock would still exist. Earth with no life on it at all would be closer to perfect than it is now.


Not to sound crazy, but I believe aliens HAVE already been here. My husbands next door neighbor at work had a father that was involved with area 51. He wrote the book called, "The day after Roswell". Supposedly that crash helped us with some of the current technology we have such as fiber optics, night vision, Kavlar vests (bulletproof not sure if I spelled it right) and other items. Pretty interesting stuff.


Active Member
Definitely is life out there. Not sure why everyone gets hung up on them enslaving us. I mean, if they're that sophisticated to travel those distances, the absolute worst I can see them doing is using us as some type of energy/fuel, at which point, we'll never see it coming. Having us do 'grunt work' seems so basic for something that advanced. they should just be able to do it at a flick of the wrist/push of a button. They only other thing would be capturing us for some type of novelty item (i.e. pet).


Active Member
Why is it that where there is a discussion of alien life, the assumption is always that the alien life must be intelligent? There are thousands, (maybe millions) of species of life on this planet and we are the only ones considered to be intelligent, under general understanding. Our relative intelligence simply comes from thousands of years of evolution, (if you believe that).
Therefore, whether the inevitable alien life is "intelligent" may depend on the age of the life-supporting planet. Alien life on a relatively new planet may still be single-celled beings, or on an older planet, it may be far more advanced than humans. Or the life may be anything in between...
BTW, this discussion is stupid... no offense.


Active Member
Well, I think that's what everyone means when they say "intelligent." From about the middle (like us), to things so far advanced we can't even grasp it. Anything in that category, we just say as intelligent. Simple cell organisms were already found on Mars, so now that's where the debate is, is there anything more advanced out there?
BTW, I'd say we're one of two intelligent creatures, us and dolphins. We all the social side of dolphins, but did you know dolphins are the only other known creature that "does the dirty" not solely just for breeding purposes, but for pleasure too?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
BTW, I'd say we're one of two intelligent creatures, us and dolphins. We all the social side of dolphins, but did you know dolphins are the only other known creature that "does the dirty" not solely just for breeding purposes, but for pleasure too?

Not true. For example, Google bonobo monkeys. Many of the higher apes do "it" for pleasure. Just sayin...


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Not true. For example, Google bonobo monkeys. Many of the higher apes do "it" for pleasure. Just sayin...
Stupid animal planet, should have known better...

Not sure when my next meal is, but stand corrected...


It's so obvious that there are aliens. Don't know why the government just won't confess it up already? What, are there supposed to be people running around scared?


Active Member
Crimzy, this discussion may be stupid, but isn't that the entire point of the aquarium forum?
I didn't know that it was proven that there was life on mars or not. Boy, that really increases the probability that there is other life out there now to an almost certainty. I talked to someone today that believed that aliens are responsible for stonehenge and a few other historic happenings.
Now, what do you think of that?