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Softies are anything that does not have a hard skeleton as was stated. Some examples would be zoos, leathers, green star polyps, mushrooms, etc. These are often considered some of the easiest corals to care for and most of the time require the least amount of light.
LPS stands for large polyp stony corals. These corals have their own skeleton and have large fleshy polyps. They require a little more light than softies and some are a little harder to care for. Some LPS do not like a lot of flow. Examples would be brains, acans, candy canes, frogspawn, etc...
SPS are the hardest to care for. A lot of them require an intense amount of light and a very high rate of flow in the aquarium. They also require near perfect water chemistry. Examples would be montiporas and acroporas as well as some others.
Clams are actually not a coral but have similar needs to SPS corals. Anemones would also fall here.
as for water flow i have two koralia #1's at 400gph each
and im not sure about my HOB filter. not really counting that in my flow.
the thing is im not sure how much the rock with slow the flow down...
im so confussed on what i can keep and what i cant keep.
i want to start easy and work my way into the harder stuf. but low flow medium light..... im not sure i have that. i think but i may be wrong is that i have a high flow rate and pritty strong lights for this tank set up.