lol's weight loss journal


Well seems as though I have missed a few posts......happy late birthday, and CONGRATS on your accomplishments so far


Alright - it's another day. I have lost another 3 pounds. I currently weigh 246 pounds.
I haven't been able to go to the gym as much as I usually do, but I'm making it up in my new job! I work as maintenance for a park close by. A lot of walking and picking up and pushing stuff around - so yeah, lots of exercise.
Stress, however, is really taking a toll on me lately. I've been working two part time jobs and going to school 18 hours. Tonight I just wrote a four page paper for English in only a couple of hours. Man am I tired, and I have school all day tomorrow and work all evening.
Well, thanks for listening everyone!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lol
My Caffeine Addiction:
Yes, like many Americans, I was also addicted to caffeine. I drank maybe a pot of coffee a day, and at least 4 to 5 soda pops on top of that.
Caffeine is not an evil monster, it's the sugar you were having. Sugar is the evil and caffeine can help you lose weight.


Active Member
At a heavy weight, running/jogging is going to damage your body. Did you know that lifting heavy weights burns more calories than cardio?
Once you've built some muscles they'll demand nutrition and you'll burn more calories just for being more 'fit'.
Avoid all the expensive weight loss

. The main ingredient in most of them is caffeine and you can get caffeine cheap.
Everybody has time to workout. If you think you don't have enough time to get in some short exercise program then you shouldn't be typing here.
my personal hint: chopped chicken

w/ brown rice..add hot sauce. <-- super weight loss meal.


Active Member
Oh.. and you should eat MORE often... stop that 2-3 times a day BS. Jump it up to 6-8 times a day.


"Everybody has time to workout. If you think you don't have enough time to get in some short exercise program then you shouldn't be typing here."
I've lost 24 pounds with the simple changes that I have made to my diet and exercise routine. I am not in any sort of weight loss program or exercise program. I don't feel like I need to do that. I'm losing weight at my own pace, and I will probably continue to lose weight. I am on my own personal exercise plan - one that fits my lifestyle and my schedule. I can't afford a program or a personal trainer like you. I have increased the intensity of my workouts - and I am seeing anywhere from 2 to 3 pounds lost per week.
So, tell me, why do you say I am wasting my time typing here, Speg? Aren't most Americans already stressed out, don't get enough sleep, working overtime, don't eat but twice a day and generally too tired to work out like me? Aren't I setting a good example and an inspiration for all of them? Just let me know if I am completely wrong.
I might be 246 pounds, but I am 6' tall and built large to begin with. Most of my stomach is now gone, my sides have decreased in size, I have lost weight in my face, and I have done it without caffeine, exercise programs, diet programs, fad diets etc.
I am trying to remember to eat breakfast most mornings, I will have something for dinner, and because of both of my part time jobs have no break schedule, I can't eat until after 10pm, which makes me go to bed even later, and I can't afford missing any sleep so I don't eat when I get home. So, please, tell me how I can fit 6 to 8 small meals in a day?


Active Member
I think you took my reading wrong if you think I meant you have to be on a program or have a personal trainer. I'm saying that you have enough time to do some sort of workout every single day. Everybody thinks that they're so busy they can't do things. I have a full time job (off today!), I am a college student full time (4.0gpa), a wife, hobbies that need attention, tasks that need to be done every day, etc; I still find time to fit in working out and get 7+ hours of sleep per night.
As for eating. Have you heard of 'whey' ? It's a quick absorbing form of protein. Every morning I make a protein shake for breakfast because I usually don't have time to make any sort of meal or eat cereal. I put raw (quick 1 minute oats) oatmeal into a bullet-blender with chocolate whey and water. That's breakfast-it's so good and very good for you.
As far as meals throughout the day: They make so many small snacks that can be carried around so that you can eat and do your job. Protein bars, shakes, beef jerky, nuts. No reason you can't eat. Most jobs have smoking breaks/lunch breaks, something I don't get with my job and yet I still find time to eat.
Everybody wants to jump in and tell you how to be successful when you have already been doing a good job. I'm just offering my personal advice and you can take it or leave it and keep being successful.


Today is a good day. My wife and I are fixing up the new house so we can start moving in this weekend. I weighed myself and I am down to 238 pounds. (down from 270.) I hit a plateau for the last three weeks and I couldn't quite get over the hump, but I started doing some construction work on the house and I lost six pounds in the last week. I know it's not water weight because I have been drinking water like a madman.
My goal weight at the end of the Summer is approximately 200 to 210 pounds. Summer for me ends at the beginning of September. I would really like to be 200 by September - and I think it's quite possible. I just have to keep at what I am doing and exercise and stay on my diet.
I have cut my portion sizes, I am staying away from coke/soda. I am exercising regularly - I am not taking any sort of diet

, I'm not seeing a personal trainer. I am not on any sort of diet plan that some supposed "doctor" has come up with. I am just doing it as a lifestyle change - and I gotta tell yah, it's working.


I'm down to 229 now. It's taking awhile to get down in my 220s. Only 29 pounds to go until I reach my goal weight and keep it off! woot!
School starts back August 23, and I'm taking an aerobics class and will probably work out three to 4 days a week on top of that. This Summer I have let things slip a little bit with the exercise, only because I am working two part time jobs and working outdoors for both of them. I got to let my body rest some time or another.
Back to school in a month and a half. I can't wait! yay!!!


I'm still hovering at 230 pounds. I haven't lost any weight in awhile, but I know the reason why - I stopped exercising. I have been working two jobs this Summer and it's hard to find the time to exercise. I'm sure some of you can understand. At least I'm still not drinking soda - and I have even got my wife on board... being motivated to lose some weight. So, that's great that I have a workout buddy now - when school starts back.
I'm going to be taking a couple of aerobics classes next semester! HAHA! Maybe that will give me plenty of exercise. Right now I'm trying to get rid of strep throat. UGH! I'm glad that I am keeping the weight off - keeping myself in check. My goal weight is 185 - and I am going to get there one day.
I've gotten more into weight lifing / body building lately. I think it would be nice to get some abs and build up my chest and everything. I've never done that in my life - and you know what? I think I will strive for it - it's on my bucket list!
Well, later all.


My weight keeps dipping down into the 220s, but I can't seem to get any lower then 227 pounds right now. I don't know what's wrong, to be honest. I am getting frustrated with being on this plateau. I am not exercising as hard as I probably should be. It's freakin' hot out side and I have been really busy lately. I guess those are the kind of excuses I would usually give. I have a few things in my life that are stressing me out lately, ... however, I hope they will all sort out soon. School is fixing to start! yay!


Time to update!
I bought most of a Gold's Gym equipment, a curling bar and some weights. I'm going to try to invest in a weight bench and bench bar. I'm forcing myself to wake up early enough in the mornings right now to go for a jog and then come in and lift weights before I go to work. So far so good. I have kind of changed up my diet some, eating a few different foods here and there... and definitely adding more leafy green veggies in my diet. I'll give it a couple of weeks before I see any actual results. I should be down to 220lbs or less by the time school starts. At least that is my goal.
Believe it or not - Once I get down to 220lbs, I'm no longer considered obese! Then I only have 35 more pounds to go to be considered Normal - but that depends on my body type - which is bulky anyway. I THINK that just by getting under 200, I will look good and feel good.
I'm getting more into bodybuilding lately. I'm not talking about getting completely ripped and going to competitions and all that. I just want to look like I have muscle on me. I want to become stronger then I already am. I already am pretty strong because of my occupations... however if I am stronger then I need to be, it will make my life a whole lot easier. You know?
My cardio is doing really well right now. Though, for the last three days, I have had cotton mouth! UGH! I am drinking as much water as I can stomach today and tomorrow - so hopefully in the next couple of days I will get rehydrated.
Well, anyone have any advice?


Active Member
I have some advice. You should get those new Digiorno pizzas that have breadsticks included. They're so friggin good.


Hah, Speg, you are so funny. Thanks for commenting on my weight loss journal. Even though you are trying to get me to eat stuff I shouldn't, I do appreciate you taking the time to comment on my topic every now and then.
All is going well right now. My wife and I woke up at 6AM this morning. She did her new morning routine and I did my weight lifting and went for a jog around the park. I really enjoy waking up early so that I can get a lot of stuff done before work. It makes me feel good knowing that I have really worked hard on my muscles and losing weight before I do anything else.
Still don't see any true weight loss, mostly water weight loss right now. I've still been drinking as much water as I can, but my mouth is still dry. I hope it's not some sort of disease or virus or something. Oh well... if it is I'll just have to deal with it and take care of it.
I'm trying to shock my body into losing weight right now, and I think I am doing a pretty decent job. I'm fixin' to go to the park again and take a long walk along the trails before I have to go to my other job this evening. Maybe doing cardio twice a day will melt the fat right off of me. :D


Good for you LOL.....You do know that muscle is supposed to weigh more than fat....maybe that's the reason for no loss of you measure inches????


Actually, I have noticed that I probably need to go down to a size 38 pants, but my weight has stayed the same. I guess you're right. I really want to do this right - and I am really happy gaining a lot of muscle, but when I look in the mirror, I still have a gut and sides that I really want to get rid of. I guess some ab work outs and more cardio will take it off.
I have kind of put my whole diet on hold until school starts back. I am cheating here and there, but I'm still walking and doing a lot of outside work. I haven't gained any weight at all - sooo.... I guess it's ok. Once school starts I'll be training myself for a lifestyle change, but I'll sneak a doughnut or a bag of chips here and there until school starts.
I'm really getting into bodybuilding more lately. I notice how much stronger I feel and how much stronger I am compaired to some of the weekenders that come in to work with me. I really want to get very strong and look muscular. That's my main goals. :D
By the way, I am toying around with the idea of joining the Navy in about a year and a half,... Right after I get out of college. Any suggestions or advice? And please, don't give me that "DON'T JOIN!" crap. I'm getting really serious about all of this. I think that it's worth it to retire from one job while I'm still in my 40s, plus I'll get my doctorate and when I get out of the service I'll be able to teach college. But, anyone have any other advice for me??? Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Good for you LOL.....You do know that muscle is supposed to weigh more than fat....maybe that's the reason for no loss of you measure inches????
This is 100% fact...and the weight difference is quite large. The reason it weighs more is because it's far more dense than fat...
Oh by the way...the rumor of turning fat into muscle is false and that's not how it works. Having muscle can actually burn fat off though..
and you're welcome for the free bumps to your thread. I just had some chunky chicken and sausage friggin good.


Even though I have been cheating on my diet plan here and there for the last two weeks, I have actually lost about two pounds... and I haven't really exercised all that much. I don't know what the deal is. Oh well... I'm not complaining. College is right around the corner again, it starts next Monday. My first class is an aerobics class! HAHA! So, I guess I'm going to be working out ... lifting weights, and then going to the course three times a week. The other two days of the week, I'll be going to the gym between classes. So - lots of exercise, lots of good, healthy food, and lots of company.
Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone who is trying to lose weight!