Look at my Gifts.


i'm not really sure, i have the Current usa outer orbit lights and they have 2 150w 10k mh's and 2 130w dual actinics. So far no problem, my corals are opening up and, it's making the brown alge grow so i have to pick up some more snails or just order a clean up crew.


Ive been looking online , but it kinda worries me , cause you dont know if the fish were caught with cyanide , or if they will eat , or if they have parasites , I dunno kinda pesimistic of me , but id rather beable to see the fish i buy , , HYeah gas is Rough right now , 3.00 a gal here , it cost me 5 dollars to get to work in rancho cordova and i drive a honda , im happy i got rid of my 79 T bird that got like 8 miles to the gallon i practically gave iot away and bought a 95 honda civic , did you get your firefish from exotic , i cant find them , lees feed doesnt have them , im yet to check O street , i did check capital aquarium , I dont know why i didnt just stop at O street since they are so close together . I did my 20 percent change just now , so im gonna throw to clowns in tomorrow , i was hoping to get to firefish first , but i cant find them and im not sure how hardy they are. so ill just go with clowns and get the firefish next :)


How are your hammers? Mine didnt open fully until I placed them in the sand then bang! They are open and growing great.


Oceanist, I got my firefish in Elk Grove called Pet Club... thats the only place that i've seen with the purple firefish, and they had it there for a whole month. I'll keep checking there, to see if they get more and then I can put it on hold for you, if you'd like.
You should have stopped by Ost, it's just about 3 blocks from Capital. Yeah I need to do a 15% water change on tuesday. My chiller should be coming in today, so when that comes in i'll try to set it up before I go to work... Gas is the same price here as well. It take me $36.00 to fill up my acura. Damn 4 bangers, suppose to be gas savers... SHould sell it and get my motorcycle, but then how can I bring the fish home when I buy them.
wilson, so you just put the hammer on the sand? I should try that. What type lighting are you using? Do you have a pix of your hammer?
Hey you know if you spell out
ilson the guy with the brick wall come up for the (


I went to lees to get my 2 clowns today , but i asked about firefish , and he said we dont have any i could order them but they have doubled in price $38!!!!!!! i was like ill just keep checking around. they were out of peppermint shrimp to due to the hurricane i gues thats where most of them come from i was dissapointed but oh well . i have my plate full trying to keep the clowns healthy , they are my first salt water fish ever , so im excited , but yeah if you see anymore firefish that would be great. ill get some pix of the clown alittle later , after they calm a bit


Active Member
Hey Oceanist/jambiOn...
Are there any good fish stores out there? I grew up in Placerville and am now stationed in Missouri with the Air Force. My parents are still out there and if there are some nice fish stores out there, I can see if they have anything that the places out there don't have.


airforce i live right next to placerville , in el dorado hills .... They have lees feed in placerville it a pretty good place alot of great coral and anemone selections as well as inverts , some great prices to . they also put a kent aquatics in cameron park i havent been there yet but i plan to check it out


Active Member
Lees Feed now carries fish!?!?!? I used to go there all the time and hang out with the guys. Guess I have been away too long. I'll have to check them out. Thanks.


airforce, there are some LFS in Sacramento. Ost in downtown, Capital Aquarium in downtown and also Exotic Aquarium in South Sac. They have some pretty good selection of fish here. I like it, and if they don't have one they caan sure as well order it or try. You said your stationed in Mississippi? My uncle is out there as well, in Biloxi. I think thats how you spell it. Guess everyome there is cleaning up huh?


hahah sorry, here at work and looking at a small screen... well missouri is better than mississippi right now.


Cool you got the clowns. Are they small ones? So lee's was gonna charge you $38.00 rip off. Yeah, i'll keep checking over here and see if they are able to pick one up, then hold him for you.


yeah $38 he said they are getting rare and doubled in price , the guy at ***** said theyre getting some in on thursday , $15 , i am there , since i lost a clown , i dont know if i should add another clown , or just wait till thursday and add two firefish , what do you think ????
Yes the clowns are small , well the one that is left is kinda big


Wow, $400 A pair ?!! I Got my frogspawn and hammer for $23 Each


copy that airforce... i dont think anyone would pay 4 bills for coral.
Oceanist which ***** is it... i wouldnt mind getting another purple firefish for pea brain to hang out with... You should get 2 firefish, they are really awesome when they're not hiding. But like someone said, they get bolder over time. So hopefully peabrain grows some cahonies.