Look at my Gifts.


I saw a purple firefish at my lfs and man he's cool I wonder if he is still there. Does your firefish hide out all the time? I like them and want one really bad but I don't want a fish that I can never seen.


Jambion i tried to get your attention in another thread i started , kent aquatics in cameron park , has firefish for $8 also buckets of instant ocean for $10 ***** folsom is getting them thursday , i had some ordered through kent aquatics , the guy there is pretty cool , i got a chocolate star today and a turbo snail , a bunch of other stuff to , 20 bucks ,
Also looks like my other clown is getting pop eye what should i do , any ideas ??? i topped off with some RO 20 minutes ago at 9:00 i see that my salinty is acctually alittle high 1.026-1.027


WOW, $8.00 for firefish? is it the purple firfish or the regular red one? Thats not a bad price. You should get two of them. Never heard of Kent aquatics. Need to look that up. Yeah the local pet stores always sell the IO for really cheap, they are always on sale. Good way going for the turbo snail. I heard those guys are massive algae eaters! Becarefule with the chocolate chip star too. From what I read on the forum, they are kinda hard to take care of. But have fun with your new friends.
And let me look into the pop eye. Not really sure on how to treat that... I would take the fish back to that LPS. I dont really trust *****, whenever I go there, all thier fish look unhealty, and are in to small of tanks. Just crazy, and they charge an arm and a leg for some of thier livestock.
But i'll look right now for the pop eye online.
And for the salinity, just keep adding RO water. Do you have a refractometer or a hydrometer. If you don't have a refractometer, I would suggest investing in one of those... they are very accurate and cheap online.


I found this in the Disease Forum... Hope this helps!


By Thomas712
Popeye is also known as exophthalmoses or exophthalmia. It is more of a condition than a disease. It appears as an extruded eye where the eye socket is out further than normal, it can also be accompanied by cloudy eye if a pathogen is present. All this equals an eye trauma. It is not contagious. Even with these symptoms the fish can still appear to be healthy baring any pathogen that may be present. A pathogen is: a specific causative agent (as a bacterium or virus) of disease.
It is normally caused by environmental conditions like poor water quality, high DOC’s, high nitrates, improper catching like when using a net, fighting with other fish, or by having hit something hard in the tank like rocks, heaters, or any other stationary object. It can also be caused by bacteria, parasites, virus or a growth behind the eye.
In minor cases of Popeye the eye will usually return to normal without blindness. If more serious the eye may appear colorless, grey or have that clouded look, and could result in blindness in the eye. If both eyes are affected and are severe the eyes may burst or disappear in which case the fish may not be able to recover and may die.
Treatment: Overwhelmingly it appears that the first step to take is to do a large water change. At least 30%. This can be done in the main tank with fresh saltwater that has been vigorously airiated and mixed for at the very least a 24 hour period, using 2 or 3 day aged water would be better. Raw saltwater,freshly mixed and not aged and aerated is stressful to fish and highly irritating to sensitive gill tissues. Why the water change? This will help remove DOC’s and Nitrates and improve the condition of the overall system, providing a cleaner and healthier environment for the fish to recuperate in, quite possibly removing that condition which caused the Popeye in the first place. In most minor cases the injury will heal itself, however it also depends on what caused the condition in the first place.
The second step is using meds. Typical meds used for Popeye include: Melafix, Maracyn-Two, and Nitrofurazone. I have also seen where Kanamycin sulfate and Neomycin have been used, as well as Tetracycline and Chloramphenical. I won’t mention copper.
If meds are the answer then all the rules of the Q-tank apply, and for around 50 bucks your in business with a QT. If you don’t have one, do it now.
If using meds like antibiotics then you must QT the fish. Antibiotics are not always safe for inverts. Some can kill the zooxanthellae that live within the tissues of photosynthetic animals. Not a good thing to use on crabs, snails, corals or your sand bed.
Maracyn–Two or Nitrofurazone are the two meds of choice here.
Treatment: Using Maracyn-Two; Maracyn is Minocycline and comes in fresh and saltwater formulas. Both are the same medicine with one exception, the saltwater formula contains B vitamins that are hard to consume when the fish is exposed to the antibiotic, thus the addition of the B vitamin. A broad-spectrum antibiotic for internal or external gram negative bacterial infections. Effective treatment of fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy, bleeding or red streaks, secondary and internal infections. Effective even when fish won't eat.
Use the Maracyn-Two at the double dose each and every day for 7 to 10 days if the infection appears to be internal, 5 to 7 days for external. A small water change before each dose is recommended because the organics in the water can inactivate the antibiotics.
NITROFURAZONE is bactericidal for many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria causing disease in fresh water and marine fishes. This antibacterial is effective for control of Aeromonas, Vibrio and related species. Nitrofurazone is particularly useful for control of minor topical skin infections of marine fishes that have not become systemic (internal).
Using Nitrofurazone (Furacyn): Dose 30 to 40mg/gal in quarantine only. Dose on the first day only and leave the fish in the treated water 3 to 5 days. Feed lightly.


I need to head 2 the LFS next time I head up 2 Cal Expo seems like there are some good deals.


thank you jambi0n , i think im being super worried because of the other one , its probably just me , i mean ive never done salt water , and ive done everything right up to now , By the Book , and when something dies , it just kind of feels like a failed process , now im super finicky and dont want the other one to die in result by poor care from me , so now im stressing over everything , like how erratically he swim , or how he swims in one spot like hes fighting current all the time , or how he stays at the top of the tank for awhile. Its probably his normal behaviour, ***** tested my water for me and said everything is perfect except my alk is high , which was my thought , he also sid alk shouldnt hurt a fish , i dont know if it matters but my water is hard , and i dont know how to soften it , any ideas ??? sorry im asking you all of this. It must seem like im a pain in the ass.
Mr P , sac at least from the [places ive gone , has a very poor selection of fish and even inverts right now , i went to ***** , and they didnt have 1 false perc , i mean that a pretty popular fish , it seems like all they had was 3 stripe damsels, basically every where ive gone says that there shipments were awful this week , ***** said theyre selection is gonna be pretty beefed up next week , i like ***** , at least the ***** in folsom , there are some pretty knowledgable people working there , sometimes i goto ***** in orangvale , it seems like the only people who are working there are teens with stupified looks on there faces if you even ask them the simplest question of DO YOU CARRY SALT MIX?? (uhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me ask my next moronic manager) 10 minutes later , (uuuuuuh we are out of salt right now)
Jambi0n thank you for the concern


No problem Oceanist.
I would be concerned as well. When I came home last night from work, I was buggin out because I saw little bugs on the glass. So I jumped on the forum as quick as I can and asked what they were. Turns out they are good for you tank and means that the tank is stable and healthy. SO FAR, SO GOOD. Like a lot of people here say, this is going to be a patient hobby. This is my first time doing salt as well and still a freakin newbie. But with all the info that I get here, I feel like I can work at a LFS. Today I saw a little piece of skin on the firefish, I thought it would be ick, but it was really his skin. Someone said the firefish, even though they are hardy take about a week or two to fully adjust to the tank. So far peabrain is about 1 week this Sunday. I also have a Maroon Clown as well. I got him 2 days ago but he was in my girlfriends tank for a while. Named him Quagmire, from Family Guy. Right now, he is swimming near the return pipe going up and down. Also when I put him in the tank, all he was doing was swimming near the top and the middle near the powerheads. Then when a jet stream of water comes out he like hits himself on the tank. I think he like it or something... Freakin Maroon Clowns... CRAZY GUYS... but dont worry about your clown. Just do what the post says and hopefully it gets better.
And dont think that you failed, cuz if you do then your just going to want to QUIT, and you can't do that after all the money spent. Just think of it as trial and error.
Sorry to people who think that's crazy and if you all want to BASH ME, go on ahead. CUZ remember I'M STILL LEARNING!!!
Then maybe when I hit the LOTTO, i'll open up a LFS. With all the knowledge here... GIGIDY GIGIDY GIGIDY... AWWRIGHT!!!


that would be awesome to star a LFS , thanks jambi0n , yeah i woke up this morning , thinking i was gonna have bad news , so i went to my tank started looking for the clown didnt see him started looking between rocks on one side , then started to go get my net , then i see him dart trying to catch like four bubbles , then he went back to where the water flows at the top flipped around like three times and did it all over again , you should have saw the smile on my face i was sop freakin happy he was playing so i went to feed him and before i could even get the food out from my fingers he was pratically taking it from , it was awesome , simply awesome feeling
I like Maroon clowns and quagmire is an awesome name , clowns personality are amazing it like they are little kids when they get set in the tank , just like in nemo , i think im gonna name my little guy "anemosis"
im going to buy some more food for him so he or she can have a better diet , i was at kent Aquatics yesterday , the have this 500 gallon reef tank , it is CRAZY hes got all sorts of stuff in there, he had a purple firefish in there the most neon purple lining i have ever seen , i offered him $45 for it but he said nothing come out of that tank, (I did acctually go there for a cleaning crew) but started telling him ive been looking for firefish everywhere and cant find them , he felt bad and GAVE me a huge turbo snail thats shell was totally covered with coralline from that tank , its a pretty cool store , hes just starting out , so his holding tanks are kinda going through that dirty looking stage , but his show tanks are simply buetifull (spelling??) its family owned , i think im gonna ask him if he needs any part time help at closing hours , i wouldnt miond working an extra 3 hours at a LFS , he could use the help getting his tanks in check .
anyway talk to you later


It's good that your clown is ok. How is his eye? Is it better? "ANEMOSIS," is a cool name. I like that a lot. I may have to borrow that name for the next maroon clown that I get.
That Kent Aquatics sounds like a cool place. Just get in good with the people who work there, and they will probably hook you up most of the time you go there.
And if you start working there, your just gonna want to bring a lot of fish home with you. It's like a dream come true to a saltwater hobbiest.
I wouldnt mind working at a fish store. Just gotta get more knowledge on the plumbing and water flow, and all the other stuff.
Gotta get to work... HASTA...


yeah his eyes are fine i was just freaking out , i took a

, hes good hes using the whole tank now , and swimming alot smoother , i hope he realizes that whole tank isnt gonna always be his , or hers , i think they turn female after being alone for 2 months ,


I hope quagmire doesnt turn female...
otherwise i'm going to change the name to quagella or sumtin, then get another maroon clown and then name that one quagmire.
but it wont be the same!!!
On Tuesday, i'm gonna go to exotic and O st cuz that's when they get thier shipments in. And i'll probably pick up another fish, and a coral... Yesss!!! corals are so cool.
Do you plan on turning your tank into a reef. If so we can probably do some trading later on when our tanks get better and cooler


i plan on doing coral , i was gonna DIY my lighting , but the guy at kent said he would give me a really good price on a PC fixture , i have to wait untill i hook up my sump , because i have that chocolate chip starfish and they arent reef friendly , so im going to throw it in there , but yeah i plan on doing corals , yeah trading will be cool , im going to get , a 44 gallon from this guy i know he used it for freshwater , so i have to clean it real good, im gonna use it as a sump since its plexiglass and i can do some drilling for the pipes and stuff
By the way , how is that chiller working out for you ??


thats great... since kent is new they are going to give you deals, so you can be a repeat customer. just ask questions that you know the answer to and then if they give you the right answer then you got it made with the LFS. Get that sump ready then GO REEF!!!
The chiller is working out pretty well, I turn it off every now and then, so I wont waste too much electricity. But it dropped the temp from 85-78 in a day, but I heard that it's bad for the fish and it could stress them out. So I just set the temp to 81-82 degrees.
But worth the amount paid for it... and it's really quiet, but the pump for it the MAG 7 is annoying.... all you hear is hmmmmmmmmm!


how are things going jambi0n get any new corals or anything yet ?? i went to ***** to get some Large hermits but ended up just getting , marine cuisine , and tank background , i went with pitch black for the background , it looks good but it shows every single little bubbly in the water , oh anemosis is doing good as well , i play TOOL for him everynight before my timer turns the lights off


thats cool... rockin out with TOOL. I didnt get anything yet, going to go on tuesday when the LFS get thier shipments in. Hopefully my cleanup crew that I ordered here come in on tuesday. Thats what I put on the comments.
But I want to get another maroon clown to pair up with Quagmire. Or if I find another purple firefish, I can pair up peabrain. I just dont know what to get... and i'm suppose to be saving cuz I'm going to Hawaii next month...


Jambion how is the service at exotic aquarium and O street? I don't wanna go there and they just want to rush you and won't answer your questions ya know? i'm thinking about taking a drive to exotic this saturday. I'm gonna call them tomorrow.


right on , the ***** is orangvale has sea horses now , and also , theyre going to start getting into corals and reef again , folsom and orangvale are going to be the experiment stores .......
hawaii , ..... nice , smuggle home some LR and LS
Im going camping in frisco in october on the beach , your damn sure im gonna be looking for some stuff to go in the quarentine tank.
yeah anemosis seems to like to play to prison --- , i dont know what it is but when ever it comes on , hes all over the tank , probably the vibration, i dont think fish can hear can they ???


oh mr p , o street is cool they will answer your questions , i havent been to exotic , i plan on checking them out , pretty soon


Yeah O st is really cool. Most of the employess there are young, but they know thier stuff. My friend Tony works there on Saturday and I just ask him a lot of questions and tells me what products suck and what are really good. Just look around and then when you see something you like, just ask them about it.
Exotic is kinda the same. If you go there, look for a pretty old guy. I think his name is Willis or Willard. But he is pretty cool. The other young guys there, dont really know what they're talking about. One told my GF that if she puts a maroon clown in with the other one they would be fine. Once she put that little punk in, it was going after the small one like crazy, so I returned him and was flippin mad. The other think is, I have a white band maroon clown, and that fool gave her the white one, but it it has gold on it, so eventually it's going to turn to the goldband maroon.
I wish I can smuggle some fish from hawaii, but they might get tzapped when I go through the X-Ray machines.