Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Aww, I love Gingi! She's a cutie.
How long do they live?
Thanks! She is a cutie...most of the time
From what I have read, the way you figure is about 1" of growth per year for the first 2-3 inches, and then about a 1/2 inch per year after that, so I would say going to by that, a Peacock growing to a full 7" could live for about 5-6 years in the home aquarium if you got one at 3-4".
Originally Posted by renogaw
how do you keep your tank clear of algae etc? doesn't the mantis eat all the snails/hermits?
It's not an easy job, as I am sure you can see in the pics
The algae grows extremely fast in a tank that has no CUC. We use a magnet cleaner and a scraper for the stuck on stuff the magnet cleaner can't get. Surprisingly, we haven't had an algae problem on the rocks that make up her homes (had a cyano outbreak on the live rock rubble that we had to scrub down). The glass on the other hand gets out of control, so we need to keep it in check and clean it every few days. We don't bother with the back of the tank, but need to tackle the sides a little more.
We tried using large Margarita snails, but she eventually tried plucking them off one by one, and did have a couple for meals, but I saved the rest and put them another tank. We also tried getting a ton of Astreas figuring she wouldn't get to all of them for a while and they could do the job for at least a little bit, but the next day, she had 90% of them buried in her den
So needless to say, it's all manual labor when it comes to keeping her tank clean
Aww, I love Gingi! She's a cutie.
How long do they live?
Thanks! She is a cutie...most of the time

Originally Posted by renogaw
how do you keep your tank clear of algae etc? doesn't the mantis eat all the snails/hermits?
It's not an easy job, as I am sure you can see in the pics

We tried using large Margarita snails, but she eventually tried plucking them off one by one, and did have a couple for meals, but I saved the rest and put them another tank. We also tried getting a ton of Astreas figuring she wouldn't get to all of them for a while and they could do the job for at least a little bit, but the next day, she had 90% of them buried in her den