Marilyn Manson


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Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Doubt seriously religion is a measure of intellect. In fact, many follow some religious leaders blindly without question....step right up and drink the kool aid. Does not appear to be intelligent to me.
I thnks some religions will suck the intelligence right out of you.

This is Mansons whole point. I have seen christianity do this to a couple of friends of mine ...... seriously worshiped so much that he acctually started to think god and the devil were speaking to him in his head. Everything was the bible with this guy..... diagnosed with "religious schizophrenia" and "religious fanaticism"..... really messed his life up , he has been in and out of inpatient facilities. The guy was an awesome drummer , and one day stopped playing because "god told him to to" .... later believed the guy in murder by numbers is the anti christ.... because "god told him"


You know what I find truely funny? All of these people who hate manson, yet claim they know so much about him and his music!!!! If you all don't like him so much then why do you follow what he has done or google him or whatever you are doing to post these things about him? I also find it quite ammusing when people blame Icons for the way others behave. He is bad influence? On whom? Who are good influences? I would like to know what the people criticizing Marilyn Manson listen to. You can find something wrong with ANYONE if you are looking for it. It is all part of the show, as with any celebrity. He is pro-choice of religion or lack there-of. So what. Anyone a George Carlin fan? His comedy is funny, but offends me more than anything Manson could do on stage. George is another one that was fed religon as a child and rebelled against it. Sam Kinisen? We all love him. Yet another that is anti shoving religion down peopls throats. Why? Because it as done to him as well. Just so you all know, I am a christian and my ex-husband (just a few months ago) was in a death metal band. We never fought over him music and I am still going to a show of his next month. They write offensive material and their singer is a well paid graphic designer almost done with his degree in architecture. Does this make him a bad role model because of what he sings on stage?


Active Member
the guy is extrememly talented as a musician.
other than that, he just seems a little off. he makes more money doing his "act", but i think it would be cool if he just did his thing like a norma person.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You know what I find truely funny? All of these people who hate manson, yet claim they know so much about him and his music!!!! If you all don't like him so much then why do you follow what he has done or google him or whatever you are doing to post these things about him? I also find it quite ammusing when people blame Icons for the way others behave. He is bad influence? On whom? Who are good influences? I would like to know what the people criticizing Marilyn Manson listen to. You can find something wrong with ANYONE if you are looking for it. It is all part of the show, as with any celebrity. He is pro-choice of religion or lack there-of. So what. Anyone a George Carlin fan? His comedy is funny, but offends me more than anything Manson could do on stage. George is another one that was fed religon as a child and rebelled against it. Sam Kinisen? We all love him. Yet another that is anti shoving religion down peopls throats. Why? Because it as done to him as well. Just so you all know, I am a christian and my ex-husband (just a few months ago) was in a death metal band. We never fought over him music and I am still going to a show of his next month. They write offensive material and their singer is a well paid graphic designer almost done with his degree in architecture. Does this make him a bad role model because of what he sings on stage?
It's all about balance, opinion and truth. You usually have extreme opinions at either end of a specturm on a situation. The truth often can be found somewhere between the two viewpoints.
Sometimes you get a MORE objective view point from folks that are not as close to a situation. They are not influeenced one way or the other.
Sorry, Manson has some extreme views.
I've read enbough exerpts from the autobiography to know this guy is probably a couple sandwiches short of a picnic.
If folks like his music, shows and support the message he sends have at it. IMO...he is dangerous like most of those that have the influence over get kids/people to follow blindly and drink the kool aid.
He is a controversial figure. You can expect folks that do not support his message to chime in.
If you do not wish to get opposing to take his message and topic to a MM chat room. Doubt you'll find much objectivity there. This is a mainstram you are gonna get opinions form both sides of the specturm and all points in between.
Since you asked I listen to rock..all types...just not Manson...don't like his style or music. My favorite group is a kick butt rock n roll band from New Orleans called COwboy Mouth. They tour the entire country. They'll be out here at the Tempe Music Festival on the MAr 31.
You are can find something wrong with just about anyone...with Manson...hard to find something right....BIG difference. JMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You know what I find truely funny? All of these people who hate manson, yet claim they know so much about him and his music!!!! If you all don't like him so much then why do you follow what he has done or google him or whatever you are doing to post these things about him? I also find it quite ammusing when people blame Icons for the way others behave. He is bad influence? On whom? Who are good influences? I would like to know what the people criticizing Marilyn Manson listen to. You can find something wrong with ANYONE if you are looking for it. It is all part of the show, as with any celebrity. He is pro-choice of religion or lack there-of. So what. Anyone a George Carlin fan? His comedy is funny, but offends me more than anything Manson could do on stage. George is another one that was fed religon as a child and rebelled against it. Sam Kinisen? We all love him. Yet another that is anti shoving religion down peopls throats. Why? Because it as done to him as well. Just so you all know, I am a christian and my ex-husband (just a few months ago) was in a death metal band. We never fought over him music and I am still going to a show of his next month. They write offensive material and their singer is a well paid graphic designer almost done with his degree in architecture. Does this make him a bad role model because of what he sings on stage?
Very well put sepulation, also fint it funny that people who "hate" manson or his role will search google looking for things to post about him..... I can pull up a hundred anti Manson sites just to get some ones distorted "partial" view on him.
"Take your hatred out on me
Make your victim my head
You never ever believed in me
I am your tourniquet"
WScuba it sounds likeyou arent pro choice n religion .... what your saying is you would rather somebody be force fed a religion so they dont have different views or morals than you. Doesnt sound very christian like.
Their is much worse out their than Manson ..... take Slayer for example.
People just target Manson because of "Antichrist Superstar" because of its name , but didnt look into the music and realise that wasnt meant as anything but a role that was being played.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
People just target Manson because of "Antichrist Superstar" because of its name , but didnt look into the music and realise that wasnt meant as anything but a role that was being played.

you got it
what ever sells records.


Active Member
I thought you wanted to take religion out of this thread? :hilarious
The problem with Manson is that he, according to his fans, puts on a big "anti Christian act". Then people try to defend him saying he's not anti Christian.
Sorry, if it walks like a duck... The Bible, where we derive Christianity from, gives clear definitions on what the belief entails. It also says your deeds will reflect your beliefs.
I'm not one to force my beliefs on anyone. I WILL, however, adamantly differentiate false beliefs with true ones when it comes to my religion. MM, by the Biblical definition, is not a Christian...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I thought you wanted to take religion out of this thread? :hilarious
The problem with Manson is that he, according to his fans, puts on a big "anti Christian act". Then people try to defend him saying he's not anti Christian.
Sorry, if it walks like a duck... The Bible, where we derive Christianity from, gives clear definitions on what the belief entails. It also says your deeds will reflect your beliefs.
I'm not one to force my beliefs on anyone. I WILL, however, adamantly differentiate false beliefs with true ones when it comes to my religion. MM, by the Biblical definition, is not a Christian...
HE DOES NOT CLAIM TO BE A CHRISTIAN! Where are we dissagreeing?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I thought you wanted to take religion out of this thread? :hilarious
The problem with Manson is that he, according to his fans, puts on a big "anti Christian act". Then people try to defend him saying he's not anti Christian.
Sorry, if it walks like a duck... The Bible, where we derive Christianity from, gives clear definitions on what the belief entails. It also says your deeds will reflect your beliefs.
I'm not one to force my beliefs on anyone. I WILL, however, adamantly differentiate false beliefs with true ones when it comes to my religion. MM, by the Biblical definition, is not a Christian...
BINGO...this is what i am trying to get him to talk about in this thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
HE DOES NOT CLAIM TO BE A CHRISTIAN! Where are we dissagreeing?
You said he owned a Christian Church.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You said he owned a Christian Church.
I also said he is a great musician.


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Never said he was a christian .... only said he isnt against religion and that he owns a christian church. Not sure of any websites for the church
Journey ..... I dont think he is trying to "mirror" himself in the lords ways.... I would gather he has his own views on life.

you did say that



Originally Posted by Oceanists
Like I said I dont need to explain me religious beliefs.
Why are you so adimate to get people to explain ther beliefs you have a doubt in what you believe?
Be nice.. and let's leave the preaching (for lack of a better word) to other sites more able to deal with the topic.


i am just looking out for you

1 Timothy 1
Warning Against False Teachers of the Law
3As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work—which is by faith. 5The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk. 7They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
I also said he is a great musician.
This is an odd conversation... he owns a Christian church (odd concept to own a church) but himself promotes the opposite?
To try to get this post back to his music;
I remember back in college I saw his video remake of "Sweet Dreams are Made of These" where he was crawling around in a bucket like the villagers in Monty Python's "Holy Grail". Seriously creeped me out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
"Take your hatred out on me
Make your victim my head
You never ever believed in me
I am your tourniquet"
"This is the point of my vulnerability"... Tourniquet is a great freakin song...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
"This is the point of my vulnerability"... Tourniquet is a great freakin song...

The guitar in the begining caught me, I have loved it ever since , genious song


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This is an odd conversation... he owns a Christian church (odd concept to own a church) but himself promotes the opposite?
To try to get this post back to his music;
I remember back in college I saw his video remake of "Sweet Dreams are Made of These" where he was crawling around in a bucket like the villagers in Monty Python's "Holy Grail". Seriously creeped me out.

I was 13 when that video came out..... FREAKED ME OUT.
Had nightmares ...... but still became a hug manson fan .... lol talk about odd.



Originally Posted by dcoyle11
Be nice.. and let's leave the preaching (for lack of a better word) to other sites more able to deal with the topic.

hey journeyman can i e-mail you a question since its seems i may have offended?